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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider

Ldybug123 said:
Name: Dryn LeVane
Age: 15

Personality:kind, shy when meeting new people, trustworthy, protective when fighting



Which Kingdom you're from:Karthe


Your dragon's name and appearance (picture please) and how you received them/met them

(ignore the girl)

Name: Tatsuya

Biography/History: Dryn was injured after a battle in Karthe. He managed to make it into a cave before falling. Little did he know, that cave was inhabited by a dragon. The last thing he remembered before passing out was seeing Tatsuya walking towards him. When he woke up, he was completely healed. It was apparent that Tatsuya had healed him. Tatsuya remained laying by him the whole time he was unconsious. Ever since then, Dryn and Tatsuya have always been together


Can you include something like when Tatsuya healed him his hair turned that color? Blue hair is not exactly normal xD

I have been better now might begine reading soon....sorry if i have been a hold up or something
( first rp on this site... here's hoping i do this right! )

Name: Lynxa Tvarr [ lynx-ah vahr ]

Age: 22

Personality: While she may seem brash and rough around the edges, Lynxa is anything but anti-social. She thrives on being with others, but comes off as grumpy and hateful more often than not. She's cocky, though not necessarily confident, and will do anything in her power to get under everyone's skin and on their last nerve. She adores her dragon more than anything in the world, and you're more likely to get bitten by her than her dragon if you say something bad about either of them!

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual, preference for females

Which Kingdom you're from: Originally from Karthe but moved to Numar at a rather young age. Recently returned to Karthe.

Appearance: Rather short, but lean. Red hair that curls wildly around her face, grey eyes that burn bright red when Aedai uses his flame. Lived in Numar long enough to receive her red symbols.



Aedai is a rather strange dragon; whereas normally a dragon would match his rider's colors, Aedai is completely different from Lynxa's red. He's latched on to her personality, however! He walks on his back feet, but runs on all fours.


Lynxa met her dragon, Aedai [ eye-dye ] on her first trip from Karthe to Numar; he was being transported between two royal families who were trying to keep him secret from the kings. At that time he was tiny, locked in a cage his whole life with his wings chained together. Somehow, his cage fell off of the traveler's wagon he had been loaded on to, and forgotten in the desert heat. Lynxa, only about twelve at this point, stumbled upon the half-dead dragon and freed him, giving him precious water and food. She had no intention of keeping Aedai, but he followed her to her new home as a noble's servant in Numar. Of course they had to keep him hidden, which wasn't easy, and that ended up being the reason for her recent relocation back to Karthe.

Biography/History: Born to a very poor family in Karthe, Lynxa ended up being sold to a noble in the kingdom of Numar to pay off debts. She was given the marks of a slave in the red clay, but the noble's wife took pity on her and allowed her to pick her own symbols; symbols that, to her, looked like flames and daggers and had complex swirls and points. She lived and worked with the noble, breeding and raising and taking care of his prized horses, until her twenty-second birthday, when she stole the fastest stallion in the stables and fled back to Karthe, Aedai at her heels as the dragon had never learned to fly. Horse, girl, and dragon are now seeking out the dragon riders, lost and confused in the countryside outside of Karthe.

Weapons: Having just fled from the only place she could call home, she has virtually nothing. The only weapon she carries is a small sandstone dagger; obviously not very strong, but incredibly sharp.

( sorry it's not very pretty... i have no clue how coding on this site works! let me know if i need to change anything also <3 )
lyrebird said:
( first rp on this site... here's hoping i do this right! )
Name: Lynxa Tvarr [ lynx-ah vahr ]

Age: 22

Personality: While she may seem brash and rough around the edges, Lynxa is anything but anti-social. She thrives on being with others, but comes off as grumpy and hateful more often than not. She's cocky, though not necessarily confident, and will do anything in her power to get under everyone's skin and on their last nerve. She adores her dragon more than anything in the world, and you're more likely to get bitten by her than her dragon if you say something bad about either of them!

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual, preference for females

Which Kingdom you're from: Originally from Karthe but moved to Numar at a rather young age. Recently returned to Karthe.

Appearance: Rather short, but lean. Red hair that curls wildly around her face, grey eyes that burn bright red when Aedai uses his flame. Lived in Numar long enough to receive her red symbols.



Aedai is a rather strange dragon; whereas normally a dragon would match his rider's colors, Aedai is completely different from Lynxa's red. He's latched on to her personality, however! He walks on his back feet, but runs on all fours.


Lynxa met her dragon, Aedai [ eye-dye ] on her first trip from Karthe to Numar; he was being transported between two royal families who were trying to keep him secret from the kings. At that time he was tiny, locked in a cage his whole life with his wings chained together. Somehow, his cage fell off of the traveler's wagon he had been loaded on to, and forgotten in the desert heat. Lynxa, only about twelve at this point, stumbled upon the half-dead dragon and freed him, giving him precious water and food. She had no intention of keeping Aedai, but he followed her to her new home as a noble's servant in Numar. Of course they had to keep him hidden, which wasn't easy, and that ended up being the reason for her recent relocation back to Karthe.

Biography/History: Born to a very poor family in Karthe, Lynxa ended up being sold to a noble in the kingdom of Numar to pay off debts. She was given the marks of a slave in the red clay, but the noble's wife took pity on her and allowed her to pick her own symbols; symbols that, to her, looked like flames and daggers and had complex swirls and points. She lived and worked with the noble, breeding and raising and taking care of his prized horses, until her twenty-second birthday, when she stole the fastest stallion in the stables and fled back to Karthe, Aedai at her heels as the dragon had never learned to fly. Horse, girl, and dragon are now seeking out the dragon riders, lost and confused in the countryside outside of Karthe.

Weapons: Having just fled from the only place she could call home, she has virtually nothing. The only weapon she carries is a small sandstone dagger; obviously not very strong, but incredibly sharp.

( sorry it's not very pretty... i have no clue how coding on this site works! let me know if i need to change anything also <3 )

Its great. Accepted!
Leviersa said:


Moirai Vasant


Missy (among good friends and her dragon)

Rai (among the companions she works with)

Fate (among the people)


19 Winters


Everything about her seems dark, mean, and violent when she is completely the opposite.

She loves to play around, appearances are important to her, however, so she always remains refined and enigmatic. Her smiles are rare, and barely anyone pays attention when she travels to a small in-town INN for a good drink and food to keep her settled for the night, and of course, she's always smiling there. Her dragon, Zyla, always with her no matter what the circumstance so she tends to give way to a very childlike personality when alone. Because she loves to stare at the night sky, along with travel, she can never sit still in one place for too long. She doesn't find any comfort or security into doing so, unless it's for occupational purposes.

Moirai can tell the difference between how she should act in public and in private, distinguishing work life from personal affairs.




She claims to be Asexual simply to stay out of relationships all-in-all, simply because her life is way to complicated for one.

The Kingdom she is from:

, although she is Numarian and Kathenian by blood.


She can control both wind, water and earth, her eyes a blinding blue at night due to her unnatural gift to map the world when she stares at the night sky on a full moon. She collects data regarding the constellations in her own personal journal, yet, she never truly understands what it is that she's looking at half the time.

Just because she can manipulate both water and earth, doesn't mean it is limited to only warm temperatures. She's practiced enough to manipulate the temperature for water and wind only - there are some minor technical difficulties, she's still a highly skilled woman.




She has a small beauty mark beneath her left eye, resting just above her cheekbone.

Added Info:

She's just about 5'5'' and weighs 128.3lbs give or take, most can't believe it.

She's flexible, and wears cargo boots making her appear and inch taller.

Her brand to Zyla rests just above her mid section and travels all the way up to her shoulder. A large Z to represent Zyla's claim, as Moirai's claim on Zyla is a tooth she took from her that hangs around her neck on a thin chain, a necklace.

Dragon's Name: Zyla

Dragon's Appearance:



Biography of Moirai /History of Zyla:

When she was a girl, her Numarian Mother fell in love with a Kathenian Lord, and thus had Little Moirai Vylia Vasant. At first, her mother's small tribe disapproved because she was a Chieftain's daughter, however, push came to shove and they finally had an approval from both families.

Moirai, in Kathe, is sometimes addressed as Lady Moirai in her father's household and by a few others who knew him, others ignore her all in all because of her halfblood. None of it makes much of a difference, simply because she's still remarkably beautiful to most, so hauntingly so, that the lower caste tend to believe she's from the Underworld because of her dark complexion and hair.

Zyla and Moirai met when Moirai was traveling on her beloved Shire, Lilliput, on her coming of age ceremony. She was to travel from Numar to Kathe without any food besides half loaf of bread, some cheese, and water that was supposed to last her five days. Unfortunately, she was mugged the moment she stepped closer to the forest that separated her Numarian lifestyle and the Kathe Kingdom. Not only was her bag stolen, but so was her dear horse, whom she never saw again.

It was Moirai briefest luck that she wasn't kidnapped and sold into the slave trade, however, she always remembered the fear and unpreparedness she felt that very moment. She should've known, she should've asked questions, yet her confidence and arrogance got the best of her.

It was that ounce of luck on the night of the full moon that she was saved by Zyla who, nearly ate her, before she took pity upon her fragile soul. Moirai's gifted eyes, being the reason she was pitied and had mercy upon her rather than snapped by an ashen white dragon as a midnight snack, gave her a gift in return: sacrifice your freedom to become a Dragon's permanent rider 'till the end of your Seasons.

The brand hurt, but it was enough.

Ever since, Zyla and Moirai have been pal's ever since.



Arabian Scimitar Sword that's in her Appearance Picture.​
Moirai Vylia Vasant


Missy (Zyla calls her this)

Rai (comrades call her this)

Fate (townsfolk)


21 Winters


She's an enigmatic and careful woman, her smiles rare unless you actually go to a bar with her, sometimes better if you walk with her. She's as wise and mindful as her dragon, equally carefree. Moirai is very observant, since she doesn't talk much simply because she lacks at conversation sometimes, and she doesn't enjoy the attention tat finds its way towards her like a snake in the grassy, mid-summer, plains.

She tries to enjoy life to the fullest, mindful of who, where, and what she is doing and talking to simply because there are certain aspects to her life that she must be conscious of -- appearances are important.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: She claims to be asexual simply because she loves to feel free to anything and anyone whenever she wants, however, she doesn't mind a relationship, it just has to be worth it.

Weapon: Twin Arabian Scimitar Swords

Powers: She manipulates both water and air, enjoying it to the best of her ability as she practices both day and night. A woman worthy enough to be a soldier, yet willing to assist any and everyone (always ends up being the most privileged) in whatever they want. Her eyes are a blue, the brightest blue in the world, and glows on a full moon for a reason unknown.


She is just about 5'5'', with a small torso, and lean muscles. She weighs just about 139.3lbs, most of it muscle. A beauty mark rests on the left side of her cheek, high at the tip of her cheekbone, resting beneath her left eye. Her eye lashes dark and long, giving her almond, blue eyes a natural cat eye. On her back, a delicately designed scar in the shape of a 'Z' rests on her back. A promise between her and her dragon, Zyla, as she keeps two teeth - one as a necklace, and another apart of her corset; keeping it permanently clasped together unless she wants it off, to keep her promise with Zyla genuine.

She's incredibly calm and patient, although there are things she just doesn't tolerate, visible in her facial expressions.

Because of her mute behavior towards strangers, and guarded appearance, people mistake her as the enemy rather than a friendly face.


Zyla's Appearance


This is Zyla and Moirai when they first met.


Zyla as an Adult.

History of Zyla

Zyla is a rare breed in the abandoned, snowy capped mountains. She's never encountered her own keen before, and she was always alone. One day, she decided that it was okay to leave the safety of her abandoned nest, the golden walls within her cave lingering in the depths of her heart every passing day, it being the only comfort she had. Of course, there was no way Zyla was ever going to adjust appropriately to her surroundings, her own excitement leading her into a killing spree until she met Moirai.

Ever since she met Moirai, everything changed for the better, for the both of them.

Added information:

Zyla shrinks into a petite, wingless lizard in order to travel into packed places with Moirai. (It's an occasional thing, not used most of the time.)

Biography of Moirai

Moirai's a half blood, belonging to both the Numarian region, and the Karthenian region, however, life always kept her in Numar.

She was only fifteen winters when she realized the difficulties that fell upon her shoulders, for not everyone accepted the fact that she was a half-bred, and she had to undergo difficulties to prove herself worthy. Her mother was a Karthenian woman, always disapproving her daughter and her infatuated lover. She always sent stuff, that never made it to Numar, always invited Moirai to her home, to which she always claimed she didn't. She was only fifteen winters before she realized that her mother might actually change for the better, for her fifteenth was always important, especially to her ever loving father. It wasn't until Moirai challenged herself to travel by foot with little bread, cheese, and water, that she encountered Zyla. Zyla was on a killing spree, lurking in the woods bordering Numar and Karthe. Slithering to and fro, stalking thieves and eating them later, when she plucked Moirai off her feet and was ready to eat her mercilessly, that she gazed into the girls eyes in the darkness of the night. The full moon bleeding above her penniless soul in its ashen glory.

Neither of them know why the other was left to live, rather than to die and pay for whatever consequences they needed to, but they're both equally as grateful. Enjoying the gentleness that finally settled inside of Zyla's heart when she learned from Moirai's red lips what happens outside of the mountain tops, the caves, the forests, and the lifeless corpses that littered the dark corners of the trees.
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[ i rearranged the char. sheet cause it was was incredibly awkward, everything and more is one here ;) And I suck at Bbcoding junk. don't expect works of art]

Name: Gwenyth Dathine (Guh - when - ith) (Dah - thigh - n)

Age: I feel young, but I’m…rather ancient. 406 summers… at least I think so, I’m not exactly sure (Though people think I’m a little kid… Huzzah)

Personality: I’m a bit shy. I tend to stay to myself, I try to help and show kindness to everyone. I’m rather naive too… I’m a pro at strategy games though.. so I like to critically think outside the box. I prefer mercy over justice. Mercy is a blessing not many experience you know. Um… I don’t know what else to add… Egh, this is getting awkwardd… ummmm… Oh, yeah. I’m wayyyyy older than I look. But being a kid is fun so… I’m going to act like. Deal wit it.

Gender: Ima girl…. dummy. Use your eyeballs.

Sexuality: Well… umm… Puh… Pansexual? Ya, that’t the term.

Which Kingdom you're from: Karthian, technically, though I'm also from the mountains bordering The Underlands and the territory of the Numar. Basically Neutral and unexplored area. Dangerous stuff.

Appearance: (Only 4’ 6”) I’m short...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/HL159IKFGJaXXagOFbXW.jpg.1483c34b7a2180a92fb0f88e64db798b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/HL159IKFGJaXXagOFbXW.jpg.1483c34b7a2180a92fb0f88e64db798b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapons: None. Well, I suppose whatever’s around. I’m pretty weak though… so a stick? Rock maybe? Wait, no, here’s my slingshot. Almost forgot… And I have magic too. I don’t like using it though…

Biography/History: Well… there’s really not much to tell. My mom and dad were of a noble family, but I don’t remember them much. But anyways, a group of undead managed to overtake our secret manor deep in the forest, and ended the lives my family…. I was but a child, barely four years, and I hid in the dumbwaiter… After everything went quite.. I snuck out. I don’t remember much else… Except that a bunch of women dressed in these long flowing robes walked through the front door… they were strange looking. They took me to an underground tower. I was raised there.

Supposedly, I was part of some long-forgotten prophecy that was given to them by their goddess, Arrinius. Men were forbidden from their order. They made me a high priestess when I was eight, in charge of all of their worshipping and such. They blessed me with this weird magic… saying that I would always represent them. I didn’t believe in their ways though. And then they made me fall asleep. The weird thing is that it seemed like I slept forever. I don’t know how long I was asleep, but when I awoke only skeletons littered the tower I once called home. Surely there is a god guiding me… or cursing me. I manage to escape that place… It wasn’t easy, but after I grabbed a worn coin purse and some tomes, and stuffed them in a satchel. I slipped through a window and climbed down the stonework. I was home-free. Well, free anyway.

After awhile, I managed to find a road and find a decent place to camp. I never realized how much time had passed since I’d fallen asleep till I met the caravan, a little over four hundred years... I joined them for awhile, and they taught me the basics of the world I had been withheld from. Our caravan was robbed and my adoptive family taken into slavery… but they had trapped me in a chest for my protection. The bandits took it, thinking it heavy with gold. However, instead of unlocking it and splitting the loot, thy brought it to a large cavern and left it. Little did I know I was a peace offering to a dragon.

When the dragon broke open the chest finding me, he laughed. Laughter… from a dragon. I thought he was going to eat me. But he could talk too…. and asked that I stay. I was weary, of him though. After a few days, however, I decided to stick around. Isher was incredibly lonely and incredibly warm in general, considering he breathe fire. (Actaully he says that he uses complicated magic. I think he’s lying) So I kept him company. He loves the sound of my voice, and the stories of old that I tell. I’m actually older than him, but he is far wiser than I. He says he can tell that the magic I was cursed with was ancient, and that it is wearing off due to the fact I left the place where I was blessed with it. He also says that he can smell me growing older. Weirdo.

Gwyneth’s - Other:

  • Technically a noble
  • Likes cheese
  • Hates meat
  • Die hard vegetarian
  • Acts like a child - Deal with it
  • Never been to any of the major cities
  • Fear of men

Your dragon's name and appearance and how you received met them: (Read Dragon's Bio, it’s in there ;D)

Ishar (Eeeee - shhh - arr.) [like a pirate]

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ishrar.jpg.622b7ff3854db5480a948919defaa842.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91702" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/ishrar.jpg.622b7ff3854db5480a948919defaa842.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Dragon’s Age: 346 summers (Incredibly Naive as well… and he is slightly large than a Clydesdale horse)

Dragon’s Bio: Ishar was raised with a gaggle of other dragons, however, when a sickness struck, many of the other hatchlings died. He was carried off by his mother dragon and raised she raised him on the coastline, far to the south. When he reached adolescent, large enough to fly, he took off and flew north, far happier in the warmer weather. He found himself a nice lair in the mountains and has preyed on bandits since. He has gathered quite a gold hoard since then…. and accepts any peace offering made… And likes to imprison people for ransom… that’s how he learned how to speak and other humanly things. When he acquired Gwenyth, he released a bandit in return, she made him happy that he was no longer alone and had someone to share things with. And he.. or Gwenyth, has stayed with the other ever since.

Breathes/Magic: Extremely hot fire

Dragon’s - Other:

  • He can sense magic
  • He tend to speak in third person
  • He loves shiny things
  • He likes humans that come in those weird cans.
  • He likes to be a hero
  • He doesn’t understand insults… or sarcasm
  • Only ever met two other dragons
  • Various bits of gold and jewels decorate his belly - pretty much makeshift armor
  • He had snake like skin that is incredibly soft, but incredibly tough
  • Vulnerable to arrows and spears, but not daggers and swords as much



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SolisNighsun said:
[ i rearranged the char. sheet cause it was was incredibly awkward, everything and more is one here ;) And I suck at Bbcoding junk. don't expect works of art]
Name: Gwenyth Dathine (Guh - when - ith) (Dah - thigh - n)

Age: I feel young, but I’m…rather ancient. 406 summers… at least I think so, I’m not exactly sure (Though people think I’m a little kid… Huzzah)

Personality: I’m a bit shy. I tend to stay to myself, I try to help and show kindness to everyone. I’m rather naive too… I’m a pro at strategy games though.. so I like to critically think outside the box. I prefer mercy over justice. Mercy is a blessing not many experience you know. Um… I don’t know what else to add… Egh, this is getting awkwardd… ummmm… Oh, yeah. I’m wayyyyy older than I look. But being a kid is fun so… I’m going to act like. Deal wit it.

Gender: Ima girl…. dummy. Use your eyeballs.

Sexuality: Well… umm… Puh… Pansexual? Ya, that’t the term.

Which Kingdom you're from: Karthian, technically, though I'm also from the mountains bordering The Underlands and the territory of the Numar. Basically Neutral and unexplored area. Dangerous stuff.

Appearance: (Only 4’ 6”) I’m short...

View attachment 204889

Weapons: None. Well, I suppose whatever’s around. I’m pretty weak though… so a stick? Rock maybe? Wait, no, here’s my slingshot. Almost forgot… And I have magic too. I don’t like using it though…

Biography/History: Well… there’s really not much to tell. My mom and dad were of a noble family, but I don’t remember them much. But anyways, a group of undead managed to overtake our secret manor deep in the forest, and ended the lives my family…. I was but a child, barely four years, and I hid in the dumbwaiter… After everything went quite.. I snuck out. I don’t remember much else… Except that a bunch of women dressed in these long flowing robes walked through the front door… they were strange looking. They took me to an underground tower. I was raised there.

Supposedly, I was part of some long-forgotten prophecy that was given to them by their goddess, Arrinius. Men were forbidden from their order. They made me a high priestess when I was eight, in charge of all of their worshipping and such. They blessed me with this weird magic… saying that I would always represent them. I didn’t believe in their ways though. And then they made me fall asleep. The weird thing is that it seemed like I slept forever. I don’t know how long I was asleep, but when I awoke only skeletons littered the tower I once called home. Surely there is a god guiding me… or cursing me. I manage to escape that place… It wasn’t easy, but after I grabbed a worn coin purse and some tomes, and stuffed them in a satchel. I slipped through a window and climbed down the stonework. I was home-free. Well, free anyway.

After awhile, I managed to find a road and find a decent place to camp. I never realized how much time had passed since I’d fallen asleep till I met the caravan, a little over four hundred years... I joined them for awhile, and they taught me the basics of the world I had been withheld from. Our caravan was robbed and my adoptive family taken into slavery… but they had trapped me in a chest for my protection. The bandits took it, thinking it heavy with gold. However, instead of unlocking it and splitting the loot, thy brought it to a large cavern and left it. Little did I know I was a peace offering to a dragon.

When the dragon broke open the chest finding me, he laughed. Laughter… from a dragon. I thought he was going to eat me. But he could talk too…. and asked that I stay. I was weary, of him though. After a few days, however, I decided to stick around. Isher was incredibly lonely and incredibly warm in general, considering he breathe fire. (Actaully he says that he uses complicated magic. I think he’s lying) So I kept him company. He loves the sound of my voice, and the stories of old that I tell. I’m actually older than him, but he is far wiser than I. He says he can tell that the magic I was cursed with was ancient, and that it is wearing off due to the fact I left the place where I was blessed with it. He also says that he can smell me growing older. Weirdo.

Gwyneth’s - Other:

  • Technically a noble
  • Likes cheese
  • Hates meat
  • Die hard vegetarian
  • Acts like a child - Deal with it
  • Never been to any of the major cities
  • Fear of men

Your dragon's name and appearance and how you received met them: (Read Dragon's Bio, it’s in there ;D)

Ishar (Eeeee - shhh - arr.) [like a pirate]

View attachment 204890

Dragon’s Age: 346 summers (Incredibly Naive as well… and he is slightly large than a Clydesdale horse)

Dragon’s Bio: Ishar was raised with a gaggle of other dragons, however, when a sickness struck, many of the other hatchlings died. He was carried off by his mother dragon and raised she raised him on the coastline, far to the south. When he reached adolescent, large enough to fly, he took off and flew north, far happier in the warmer weather. He found himself a nice lair in the mountains and has preyed on bandits since. He has gathered quite a gold hoard since then…. and accepts any peace offering made… And likes to imprison people for ransom… that’s how he learned how to speak and other humanly things. When he acquired Gwenyth, he released a bandit in return, she made him happy that he was no longer alone and had someone to share things with. And he.. or Gwenyth, has stayed with the other ever since.

Breathes/Magic: Extremely hot fire

Dragon’s - Other:

  • He can sense magic
  • He tend to speak in third person
  • He loves shiny things
  • He likes humans that come in those weird cans.
  • He likes to be a hero
  • He doesn’t understand insults… or sarcasm
  • Only ever met two other dragons
  • Various bits of gold and jewels decorate his belly - pretty much makeshift armor
  • He had snake like skin that is incredibly soft, but incredibly touch
  • Vulnerable to arrows and spears, but not daggers and swords as much
Accepted! but remember to Rp in third person
Human Character

Name: Yakone Dulak

Age: 23 Winters

Personality: Reckless, Honorable, often has a sexual nature (prefers women that wear revealing clothing)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual (straight)



Biography/History: Yakone was the strongest in his family (including extended family). He lived a normal life as a farmer with his family until he was about fifteen. He was captured by a group of bandits for pit fighting. He was given multiple tattoos to show he was apart of the raiders. (tattoos under the armor). One day he was wandering the camp and find an underground tunnel. Yakone entered it and found a majestic, golden dragon tied in the tunnel. He freed it, the Dragon carried a lot for honor so he served Yakone. The raiders found out and they're still looking for him and the dragon.

Weapons: War Axe, Wooden Shield
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Dragon Character

Name: Gilder

Age: 401 Winters

Personality: Honorable, occasionally rude, sarcastic

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual



Biography: Gilder lived in a cave by himself away from the world. He lived peacefully and had no need or food or water. He was later found by a group of raiders. The fight was a struggle but eventually, Gilder lost. Gilder was kept in an underground tunnel for years. He overheard the raiders say they were going to sell the beast. This made him angry. One day, Gilder heard someone coming down. It was a human. He freed the dragon and Gilder serves him and him only.
William & Strad

  • Name:

    William Brigid (Will)







    Which Kingdom you're from:



    Though William is a healer, his personality suggests otherwise. Instead of a calm, cool demeanor, he's energetic, bubbly, and quick to the point. He's optimistic and cheerful, never one to get down. The young man is very nerve-driven and jittery, not a guy you would want pulling a sword from your back or sealing your wound. However, even with his nerves, he's always trying to be nice to his patients. If you're not a patient though, make sure to bring a few earplugs - he'll talk your ear off, and then some.


    While on the outside, William's power seems to be healing, that's actually not quite the case. Instead, his power comes from knowledge and a bit of plant manipulation magic. To heal someone, he'll simply gather the plants he needs, feed them to his patient, and amplify their magic properties in order to cleanse the body, stitch wounds, or even regrow teeth! Besides healing, William can manipulate small parts of plants like vines or the branches of a tree, though at the expense of most of his stamina.



    Here's a realistic picture, finally!

    Also, since SexyMcGee got onto me about it earlier, here's a fantasy version, brought by Leviersa.

    Will was born William Johnson Brigid, second child of three children born to two apothecaries in traveling merchant group. Every season, the group would complete a circuit, giving William an experience not many other children would get. At the age of six, his parents started him on the long road of herbalism. Granted, a humble herbalist was all he would have been if he had not met Strad. After his first encounter with the dragon (elaborated in the other section), William's small pool of magic was tapped into, and a whole new reserve of energy and knowledge accompanied him even after he left Strad. His new ideas, planted by Strad, brought his family a new type of fortune, through magic healing combined with plants. Every month, when his family passed by Strad's forest, he would secretly stop by for a night to try and learn even more. By the age of eighteen, he'd earned enough respect from his elders to set out on his own. However, instead of setting out as a merchant, he settled down around a certain forest in Diarta... inhabited by a certain dragon. For six years, he studied herbs and magic under the tutelage of Strad. Recently, both Will and Strad have decided to answer Ashanti and D'Mago's call, setting off as a dragon and a rider to protect their homeland.

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