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Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider

Guy said:
Name: Rickets
Age: 23

Personality: He is not good at socialising with others. Can be a bit extreme or easily distracted, however, this belies a quiet cunning and ability to read others. When something gets his attention, he dedicates all his energy into it, for better or for worse.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Which Kingdom you're from: Karthe

Appearance: A young man with an unkempt appearance. Shaggy light brown hair and a facial fluff that can't really be called a beard. He wears the clothes of a pauper and walks with bowed legs. He stands at just below average height.

Your dragon's name and appearance: Horatio, but dubbed Boon be Rickets. Boon is a large black dragon who has been searching fruitlessly and desperately for his chosen rider. Unable to do so has made him somewhat of a mockery amongst other dragons. He is proud and fierce but also gentle and understanding of others. He is able to breath fire but his flaming breath lacks the intensity of other dragons. Instead, he is able to use different variations in his audio output to generate various affects in others. This is somewhat unusual, however, and so he prefers to just use his teeth and claws to deal with his problems.

Biography/History: Rickets is as unwanted as you can get. Seemingly abandoned by his parents to the Karthe kingdom, he has grown up in the slums with no family, friends or favours. An outcast even amongst the peasants, Rickets has grown up alone. His only saving grace has been his unique ability to seemingly forge any weapon he can think of from thin air. Using this ability, Rickets became a prominent hunter in the wildlands beyond the wall. This has enabled him to eat well and also make a bit of money selling his kills to others. Unfortunately, his early days of scavenging for food and usually coming up empty meant he lacked many of the important nutrients and growing child needs. This led to him developing the condition known as "bowlegged" which is a symptoms of the disease rickets, a name others would begin to refer to him as in luo of any real name which he was never given.

Weapons: Whatever he can conjur up. Since claiming a dragon for his own, he has become reliant on his so called "dragon lance", a weapon with great length and piercing ability.

(I'll post but have more to add)

Aqil Saab

Age: 28

Personality: A man of very few words, Aqil is rarely seen smiling or even talking. In the rare moments he does speak, his words are either well thought out, or spat in hasty anger. Though he seems to care very little for those around him, it is not unknown for Aqil to bond very strongly with a few, select individuals. Those, he shall respect and protect as he would respect and protect his own family. The others... Are simply 'other's.

As oxymoronic as it seems, Aqil is the mouth of his dragon, proving to be a rather efficient means of passing along its will, its word and its wit. As much can be said about Aqil's personality as he has to say about the world in general; very little. One thing he does show, however, is a shocking intelligence that is often overlooked by the gaudy or the ignorant. Perhaps it shall serve its own use, in time? Perhaps not?

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Kingdom: Numar




Dark skinned, rarely smiling and with a distant, green gaze, Aqil is an all-round handsome man. The region around his eyes and nose often have flakes of skin drying and flaking off from sunburn, though he seems to have no freckles to account for this. More often than not, he is seen wearing loose fitting, light clothing. The only unnatural feature that is seen on the man would be a single line of red mud drawn vertically beneath his left eye. When dry, it makes the tell-tale red marks seen on many Numar people. For civilised folk, the most notable trait that Aqil carries would be, in fact, what he does not carry; footwear.

Biography/History: Nothing of note happened in Aqil's life before he met Samat. Indeed, even Aqil's own parents seemed to barely notice him. Growing up in relative wealth, the library was never far from Aqil's reach, and he was often found there, reading. It is with this solitary life that he taught himself many a thing, even going so far as to create his own, odd weapons and training with them, and even learning how to construct tools out of items that others would have discarded. Though he was forbidden to leave his town, our Numarian in question did so frequently, and soon knew the desert and its sands better than he knew his own father and mother. In fact, Aqil often visited places he was forbidden to go, simply because his stoic yet incredible curiosity bade him to do so. As a result, he saw less and less of his family the older and older he got...

By the time it was due for Aqil to leave his family and become a man, he had already 'left'. There were no tear-y goodbyes, no "I will miss you"s or drawn out hugs, only stoic faces and terse nods to the child they had never really known.



Samat, the Sand Dweller. Bearing no wings, Samat makes up for his flightlessness with incredible climbing capabilities and a speed that no horse may ever hope to match. Indeed, this dragon could be said to fly across the dunes, often diving through them as a dolphin might dip through waves. As for riding; though its carapace is comprised mostly of rough, jagged spines, a small section on the base of its neck has a large enough spine for one to sit or stand upon without losing the soles of their feet.

The mighty beast is completely void of voice, and instead relies on the great understanding Aqil has for him to pass his message across. The only roar this dragon will ever make is the one emitted when it chooses to release a glob of a corrosive flame oil. Secreted by glands in its throat, the beast does not carry the conventional flame-throwing capabilities of a typical dragon, but instead an oil that is extremely volatile, and terribly corrosive. In air, it burns slowly, with a blazing heat, and eats through metal, flesh and a great many other things with a steady but slow pace. Though it can be spat, dribbled or even licked onto surfaces, Samat only ever produces enough in a day for two proper globules.

Meeting of Dragon and Rider: Removed from the confines of his home, his town, his people, Aqil roamed the desert for many a year. It was on his third year of roaming that he stumbled upon a large ruin, housing what seemed to be a very angry, very BIG lizard. Unknown to Aqil, he had stumbled upon an embarrassingly stuck dragon. It took many a day and night to calm the scrabbling creature, but eventually the Numarian grew close enough to feed it, water it and discover how, exactly, it had got caught. As fate would have it, Samat (as he is now named by Aqil) had lodged himself into a rather tight spot, and had slid down further into it by struggling. Matters were only made worse by his struggling. By the time Aqil had stumbled upon the mute dragon, he had struggled himself into a tighter spot than before. A simple fix, Aqil travelled back and forth across the desert for many days and nights simply to gain the correct materials to free the dragon. By the time he had the correct materials to break open Samat's sandy, rubbly prison, the two had formed a way to communicate via simple movements from the dragon and a mixture of words and movements of the man. They have been inseparable ever since, yet not entirely by Aqil's choice; the dragon seemed to enjoy having a voice to speak for him...Finally.

A good few years later, the duo had heard of a collection of dragon riders. Having nothing better to do, and hungry for the opportunity to learn more, they traversed the lands to find the location. Little did they know there would be so many others...

Weapons: A simple dagger, a pouch of an odd mixture of dust and chilli, and an iron ball, bound to a long, sturdy chain. Though it is not truly a weapon, he also carries a simple wooden staff.

Powers: His pensive gaze sees much, yet the night had concealed many a thing from him for too many a year. Aqil is now able to circumvent even this, calling forth a warm, fire-like orb of light. He seems perfectly capable of increasing its brightness, yet usually chooses not to, for his own, unfathomable reasons. Additionally, though it is no true power, Aqil is incredibly attuned to his dragon's actions, able to derive much from what others would never see. Such is the way in which they communicate.
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Mephistophelian said:

Aqil Saab

Age: 28

Personality: A man of very few words, Aqil is rarely seen smiling or even talking. In the rare moments he does speak, his words are either well thought out, or spat in hasty anger. Though he seems to care very little for those around him, it is not unknown for Aqil to bond very strongly with a few, select individuals. Those, he shall respect and protect as he would respect and protect his own family. The others... Are simply 'other's.

As oxymoronic as it seems, Aqil is the mouth of his dragon, proving to be a rather efficient means of passing along its will, its word and its wit. As much can be said about Aqil's personality as he has to say about the world in general; very little. One thing he does show, however, is a shocking intelligence that is often overlooked by the gaudy or the ignorant. Perhaps it shall serve its own use, in time? Perhaps not?

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Kingdom: Numar




Dark skinned, rarely smiling and with a distant, green gaze, Aqil is an all-round handsome man. The region around his eyes and nose often have flakes of skin drying and flaking off from sunburn, though he seems to have no freckles to account for this. More often than not, he is seen wearing loose fitting, light clothing. The only unnatural feature that is seen on the man would be a single line of red mud drawn vertically beneath his left eye. When dry, it makes the tell-tale red marks seen on many Numar people. For civilised folk, the most notable trait that Aqil carries would be, in fact, what he does not carry; footwear.

Biography/History: Nothing of note happened in Aqil's life before he met Samat. Indeed, even Aqil's own parents seemed to barely notice him. Growing up in relative wealth, the library was never far from Aqil's reach, and he was often found there, reading. It is with this solitary life that he taught himself many a thing, even going so far as to create his own, odd weapons and training with them, and even learning how to construct tools out of items that others would have discarded. Though he was forbidden to leave his town, our Numarian in question did so frequently, and soon knew the desert and its sands better than he knew his own father and mother. In fact, Aqil often visited places he was forbidden to go, simply because his stoic yet incredible curiosity bade him to do so. As a result, he saw less and less of his family the older and older he got...

By the time it was due for Aqil to leave his family and become a man, he had already 'left'. There were no tear-y goodbyes, no "I will miss you"s or drawn out hugs, only stoic faces and terse nods to the child they had never really known.



Samat, the Sand Dweller. Bearing no wings, Samat makes up for his flightlessness with incredible climbing capabilities and a speed that no horse may ever hope to match. Indeed, this dragon could be said to fly across the dunes, often diving through them as a dolphin might dip through waves. As for riding; though its carapace is comprised mostly of rough, jagged spines, a small section on the base of its neck has a large enough spine for one to sit or stand upon without losing the soles of their feet.

The mighty beast is completely void of voice, and instead relies on the great understanding Aqil has for him to pass his message across. The only roar this dragon will ever make is the one emitted when it chooses to release a glob of a corrosive flame oil. Secreted by glands in its throat, the beast does not carry the conventional flame-throwing capabilities of a typical dragon, but instead an oil that is extremely volatile, and terribly corrosive. In air, it burns slowly, with a blazing heat, and eats through metal, flesh and a great many other things with a steady but slow pace. Though it can be spat, dribbled or even licked onto surfaces, Samat only ever produces enough in a day for two proper globules.

Meeting of Dragon and Rider: Removed from the confines of his home, his town, his people, Aqil roamed the desert for many a year. It was on his third year of roaming that he stumbled upon a large ruin, housing what seemed to be a very angry, very BIG lizard. Unknown to Aqil, he had stumbled upon an embarrassingly stuck dragon. It took many a day and night to calm the scrabbling creature, but eventually the Numarian grew close enough to feed it, water it and discover how, exactly, it had got caught. As fate would have it, Samat (as he is now named by Aqil) had lodged himself into a rather tight spot, and had slid down further into it by struggling. Matters were only made worse by his struggling. By the time Aqil had stumbled upon the mute dragon, he had struggled himself into a tighter spot than before. A simple fix, Aqil travelled back and forth across the desert for many days and nights simply to gain the correct materials to free the dragon. By the time he had the correct materials to break open Samat's sandy, rubbly prison, the two had formed a way to communicate via simple movements from the dragon and a mixture of words and movements of the man. They have been inseparable ever since, yet not entirely by Aqil's choice; the dragon seemed to enjoy having a voice to speak for him...Finally.

A good few years later, the duo had heard of a collection of dragon riders. Having nothing better to do, and hungry for the opportunity to learn more, they traversed the lands to find the location. Little did they know there would be so many others...

Weapons: A simple dagger, a pouch of an odd mixture of dust and chilli, and an iron ball, bound to a long, sturdy chain. Though it is not truly a weapon, he also carries a simple wooden staff.

Powers: His pensive gaze sees much, yet the night had concealed many a thing from him for too many a year. Aqil is now able to circumvent even this, calling forth a warm, fire-like orb of light. He seems perfectly capable of increasing its brightness, yet usually chooses not to, for his own, unfathomable reasons. Additionally, though it is no true power, Aqil is incredibly attuned to his dragon's actions, able to derive much from what others would never see. Such is the way in which they communicate.
Name: Allison Petrova

Age: 27

Personality: Cold, strong, brave, fiery, easily angered, commanding, blunt, lacks empathy, protective.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Which Kingdom you're from: Karthe



Allison was off hunting a troll one day, she was hired to do so, it was snowing up in the mountains and Allison had just lockated the troll, she was aiming her bow at it until a giant white dragon emerged from the snow, not literally of course, she had just blended in so well Allison didn't notice her. In one chilly Amara ate the troll, then spotting Allison, introductions were made and that's how they met.

Biography/History: Allison grew up with her three brothers, all three older then her. And her dad, her mother died giving birth to Allison, and Allison assumes her fathe r blamed her for that, because he could hardly stand being with her or talking or looking at her. Allison and her brothers were always close. When Allison was 10, her eldest brother died of illness, the next year, her second eldest brother died of the same illness. When Allison was 20, her last brother went off and joined the army, and Allison became a mercanrys, people paid her to take care of creatures and people, and life was good until she recently heard that her brother was lost in war, not dead but missing, leaving Allison more cold then ever.

Weapons: a wood hand crafted bow, very strong and sturdy.
Name: Drachen-Gerisson [Translates to Dragon-Cunning]

Age: 1200+

Personality: Patient, Clever, Offense.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Which Kingdom you're from: Numar


Biography/History: Drachen crawled out of a cave in the Underland swamps, he grew up inside the cave, he was taught everything inside the cave, this caused his eyes to adapt to the darkness fairly quickly. His species of dragon were Nocturnal, But Drachen was special, He could see perfectly fine, normal and dark, His brothers and sister became jealous of his ability to leave at his own leisure. They tried multiple times to exit the cave at day, but it damaged their eyes badly. They went completely blind. Drachen's family terrorize Numarian travelers and scavengers in the Deserts at night, They were quickly deemed infamous for causing hundreds of deaths among Numarians. They set a reward on them, calling multiple bounty hunters to the Underlands, They were fully aware that they were nocturnal animals and brought torches. Said family being blind, they could not protect themselves and were wiped out immediately. During this, Drachen was out enjoying the day. He came back to his cave only to find his family to be slain. This triggered Drachen's rage. He became more violent and terrifying over the years of slaying hundreds of Numarians by his self, no matter how strong they were he was victorious. The news of Drachen quickly spread among Froya, causing many travelers to be cautious of Travelling to karthe and numar.

Weapons: Drachen's scales are made of fibers that are able to bend the light around them rendering him invisible. The only way to see him while he is doing this is his motion blur. Being a natural predator, his talons are extra sharp, along with his teeth. His talons are also hooked, allowing him to be an exceptional digger. Drachen breaths out a black corrosive liquid that eats through ALMOST anything. Exceptions being anything that's enchanted. His species of dragon has very few arcane abilities. But the one that he has allows he to set runes that inflict negative effects on any who trigger it. [blindess, Nausea, Fury. They are at random and are only temporary.]

This Dragon is living. Not Undead, don't let the picture fool you, And he was never tamed, so there is no rider, though some bounty hunters have attempted, but failed and died. @Coal
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DarknessSpirit said:
Name: Allison Petrova
Age: 27

Personality: Cold, strong, brave, fiery, easily angered, commanding, blunt, lacks empathy, protective.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Which Kingdom you're from: Karthe



Allison was off hunting a troll one day, she was hired to do so, it was snowing up in the mountains and Allison had just lockated the troll, she was aiming her bow at it until a giant white dragon emerged from the snow, not literally of course, she had just blended in so well Allison didn't notice her. In one chilly Amara ate the troll, then spotting Allison, introductions were made and that's how they met.

Biography/History: Allison grew up with her three brothers, all three older then her. And her dad, her mother died giving birth to Allison, and Allison assumes her fathe r blamed her for that, because he could hardly stand being with her or talking or looking at her. Allison and her brothers were always close. When Allison was 10, her eldest brother died of illness, the next year, her second eldest brother died of the same illness. When Allison was 20, her last brother went off and joined the army, and Allison became a mercanrys, people paid her to take care of creatures and people, and life was good until she recently heard that her brother was lost in war, not dead but missing, leaving Allison more cold then ever.

Weapons: a wood hand crafted bow, very strong and sturdy.
[QUOTE="Adonis Williams]Yeah, this is strom's replacement.

so strom is going to just fly off and then this dragon will then come?
Coal said:
so strom is going to just fly off and then this dragon will then come?
Yeah, Strom will be gone as long as Arthun supplies him with baked apples and he'll leave them all alone. I mean, he might pop up every now and then because I still want to RP as him sometimes. But only for a short while, that's fine, right?
[QUOTE="Adonis Williams]Yeah, Strom will be gone as long as Arthun supplies him with baked apples and he'll leave them all alone. I mean, he might pop up every now and then because I still want to RP as him sometimes. But only for a short while, that's fine, right?

Ok, but no more dragons, especially ones who will injure and maim over apples e.e
Coal said:
Ok, but no more dragons, especially ones who will injure and maim over apples e.e
Uhm. That was self-defense. Since like, Yonsisac attacked me when I tried to come for the apples and all. I tried to come back for them, but like. Yonsisac was going to fight me again and all. So yeah.
[QUOTE="Adonis Williams]Uhm. That was self-defense. Since like, Yonsisac attacked me when I tried to come for the apples and all. I tried to come back for them, but like. Yonsisac was going to fight me again and all. So yeah.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm ok
Coal said:
Ok, but no more dragons, especially ones who will injure and maim over apples e.e

Does this mean no more dragon characters in general or no more dragon characters for that particular roleplayer? ^^'
littlemischief said:
Does this mean no more dragon characters in general or no more dragon characters for that particular roleplayer? ^^'
Just me. I can only have two. Which I'm assuming is the same for you. No more than two.
[QUOTE="Adonis Williams]Just me. I can only have two. Which I'm assuming is the same for you. No more than two.

Thank you!




Appr. 1000 years old




Nyx is rather motherly, albeit sad. The dragon has learned many lessons the hard way, especially when it comes to riders. She is extremely protective and tries her best to see the good in the two-legged people, but it is a struggle. She tends to keep to herself, preferring not to speak unless she feels comfortable with those around her. She has a weakness for children and horses, along with special stones and handmade items with intricate carvings. She enjoys sunbathing, as her white scales and reptilian blood make it rather hard to maintain a stable body temperature, though her inner fire can keep her warm when needed. The she-dragon considers herself rather wise, clever, and kind, though those closest to her would argue she's more of a witty smart-ass.




Breathes some of the hottest flames (Hence their blue hue)


Surprisingly Agile

Heat Sensory


Nyx has had two riders in the span of her life. One, the first one, was a Numarian horse trainer. He was a rather optimistic man who had a rather unnatural connection with the horses. A connection that was almost as strong as the one he and Nyx shared. Nyx was a rather young dragon then, as young as her rider was naive. He felt he could change the world, convince the evil-doers to change. The dragon believed in him, allowing him to lead her into missions in which he would try to do what he felt was his destiny. Many of these missions didn't end as planned, but one in particular ended worse than the young dragon could have ever anticipated. Her rider was killed during a mission in the Underlands, one that she, foolishly, agreed to let him go into on horseback. She has never forgiven herself for it.

As for the second rider, he was a peasant from Karthe who wanted to be more than a peasant. The man was ruthless and cunning and manipulated the still young, mourning Nyx into doing his bidding. Her heart still raw with the memory of her first rider, Nyx tried to see the best in the man from Karthe, but eventually, he was executed for trying to escape to a higher circle with the use of his dragon. The only reason Nyx wasn't killed along with him is a secret in which those who knew are dead and the one who isn't won't tell.

Nyx has refused to take on another rider since, avoiding creating any genuine connections and trust between the other species. She would like to believe that she is done with them forever, but deep down, the she-dragon knows she would bow her regal head to a rider she felt was true.

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littlemischief said:




Appr. 1000 years old




Nyx is rather motherly, albeit sad. The dragon has learned many lessons the hard way, especially when it comes to riders. She is extremely protective and tries her best to see the good in the two-legged people, but it is a struggle. She tends to keep to herself, preferring not to speak unless she feels comfortable with those around her. She has a weakness for children and horses, along with special stones and handmade items with intricate carvings. She enjoys sunbathing, as her white scales and reptilian blood make it rather hard to maintain a stable body temperature, though her inner fire can keep her warm when needed. The she-dragon considers herself rather wise, clever, and kind, though those closest to her would argue she's more of a witty smart-ass.




Breathes some of the hottest flames (Hence their blue hue)


Surprisingly Agile

Heat Sensory


Nyx has had two riders in the span of her life. One, the first one, was a Numarian horse trainer. He was a rather optimistic man who had a rather unnatural connection with the horses. A connection that was almost as strong as the one he and Nyx shared. Nyx was a rather young dragon then, as young as her rider was naive. He felt he could change the world, convince the evil-doers to change. The dragon believed in him, allowing him to lead her into missions in which he would try to do what he felt was his destiny. Many of these missions didn't end as planned, but one in particular ended worse than the young dragon could have ever anticipated. Her rider was killed during a mission in the Underlands, one that she, foolishly, agreed to let him go into on horseback. She has never forgiven herself for it.

As for the second rider, he was a peasant from Karthe who wanted to be more than a peasant. The man was ruthless and cunning and manipulated the still young, mourning Nyx into doing his bidding. Her heart still raw with the memory of her first rider, Nyx tried to see the best in the man from Karthe, but eventually, he was executed for trying to escape to a higher circle with the use of his dragon. The only reason Nyx wasn't killed along with him is a secret those who knew the reason are dead and the one who isn't won't tell.

Nyx has refused to take on another rider since, avoiding creating any genuine connections and trust between the other species. She would like to believe that she is done with them forever, but deep down, the she-dragon knows she would bow her regal head to a rider she felt was true.

WIP: (Its the middle of the night here. Give me a chance to sleep!)Name: Kochma Somn

'Nightmare of the Dark'

Age: 25

Personality: Silent, yet deadly, Kochma has a hard time speaking with any one of any gender. Though he can speak normal, Kochma rather speak in tongue of old, using the Royal 'We'. Unlike his hot-headed dragon, Kochma is cool under pressure and doesn't allow his feeling to get the better of him. Kochma has a special connection to those who can see past his shell and find that his is a kind man who wishes no judgement to be based on his looks or anyone else for the matter.


Sexuality: Gay...

Which Kingdom you're from: Numar

Appearance: (I would like a realistic picture, you can use anime)

Your dragon's name and appearance (picture please) and how you received them/met them


Name: Dru Reece

Age: 20

Personality: Curious about everything and very open minded. Dru likes to explore the world and meet new people while listening to their stories

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Which Kingdom you're from: Numar



Your dragon's name: Idhir


How you received them/met them:Dru went for a walk in the woods and found a strange cave that seemed to almost radiate power. Dru walked into the cave and tripped on some loose stones falling deep into the cave and into a little pit. He broke his legs and a few ribs and was sure he was going to die when movement from inside the cave caused him panic as a dragon stuck its head from deeper inside the cave. Dru thought the dragon was going to eat him but instead the dragon used her tail to gently scooped him up and bring him into her den, where she began to nurse him back to health. As the weeks passed they got to know each other She introduced herself as Idhir and told him a little bit about herself and her past. She told him that she had learned a little bit about first aid from her last human rider. Dru took a hint and stopped asking about her last rider. They spent many hours talking but after a few weeks Dru was well enough to leave and decided to take his leave. As Idhir was about to lift him out the pit and let him go Dru asked her to become his dragon and for him to become her rider. She told him to give her the night to think about it so Dru left and came back the next afternoon where he met Idhir outside the cave and she accepted. From there Dru and Idhir began exploring.

Biography/History: (will be explained further in the rp)

Weapons Dru has a katana strapped on his back, a hunting knife at his side and a pair of brass knuckles he can keep at his side when not in use.

Powers: Idhir can communicate with others telepathically. She mainly talks to Dru that way but has been known to talk to others. She can also breathe out lightning or fire.
Drumonkey said:
Name: Dru Reece
Age: 20

Personality: Curious about everything and very open minded. Dru likes to explore the world and meet new people while listening to their stories

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Which Kingdom you're from: Numar



Your dragon's name: Idhir


How you received them/met them:Dru went for a walk in the woods and found a strange cave that seemed to almost radiate power. Dru walked into the cave and tripped on some loose stones falling deep into the cave and into a little pit. He broke his legs and a few ribs and was sure he was going to die when movement from inside the cave caused him panic as a dragon stuck its head from deeper inside the cave. Dru thought the dragon was going to eat him but instead the dragon used her tail to gently scooped him up and bring him into her den, where she began to nurse him back to health. As the weeks passed they got to know each other She introduced herself as Idhir and told him a little bit about herself and her past. She told him that she had learned a little bit about first aid from her last human rider. Dru took a hint and stopped asking about her last rider. They spent many hours talking but after a few weeks Dru was well enough to leave and decided to take his leave. As Idhir was about to lift him out the pit and let him go Dru asked her to become his dragon and for him to become her rider. She told him to give her the night to think about it so Dru left and came back the next afternoon where he met Idhir outside the cave and she accepted. From there Dru and Idhir began exploring.

Biography/History: (will be explained further in the rp)

Weapons Dru has a katana strapped on his back, a hunting knife at his side and a pair of brass knuckles he can keep at his side when not in use.

Powers: Idhir can communicate with others telepathically. She mainly talks to Dru that way but has been known to talk to others. She can also breathe out lightning or fire.

Accepted~ You may begin roleplaying, although its quiet because of finals next week xD
Name: Dryn LeVane

Age: 15

Personality:kind, shy when meeting new people, trustworthy, protective when fighting



Which Kingdom you're from:Karthe


Your dragon's name and appearance (picture please) and how you received them/met them

(ignore the girl)

Name: Tatsuya

Biography/History: Dryn was injured after a battle in Karthe. He managed to make it into a cave before falling. Little did he know, that cave was inhabited by a dragon. The last thing he remembered before passing out was seeing Tatsuya walking towards him. When he woke up, he was completely healed. It was apparent that Tatsuya had healed him. Tatsuya remained laying by him the whole time he was unconsious. However, when Tatsuya healed him, it made his hair become blue. He has learned to live with that. Ever since then, Dryn and Tatsuya have always been together.


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