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Fantasy A Demon's Broken Promise | Accepting! | REMAKE |





~*Arcelia Raiya Helios-Draca*~

When you allow hate to take over, you become the saddest person in the world.

Arcelia watched from a distance before going back underground and followed the small groups of spider demons heading towards the battlefield. Nilia and Nolan floated next to their mistress as she carefully walked around the ground before she started crawling on the walls. As she crawled, Azel watched the other spider demons get the bodies of the deceased and dragged them under. It didn't seem to really bother the three stronger demons. He blinked once before creeping around to the other side of the field before poking his head out. The female demon seemed to notice the bodies moving but didn't do anything. He was confused but he was happy that she wasn't doing anything.

However, one of the male demons noticed the spider demons taking the bodies and launched fireballs towards them. Some of the spider demons quickly scattered away before some other spiders came out of the ground and dragged them under. Azel watched as he remained hidden before coming out behind a small pile of bodies and started dragging one of the bodies to the hole. Meanwhile, Arcelia blinked once as she felt something wrong with the spiders she was with. The young spider female continued walking along the walls as she got closer and closer to the field. Once she was close enough, she poked her from the ground as Nilia and Nolan peeked out as well. "He's hurting them!" Nolan hissed as his legs flailed around. Nilia flapped her wings quickly before puffing his cheeks, "Get away from them~ They're just trying to eat!" Nilia hissed evilly.

Arcelia blinked once before shifted her eyes towards the two souls in front of her. Her large abdomen wiggling a bit before sighing, "I am not surprised he is acting like that, they are his comrades." She said softly before looking around slowly, seeing nothing but the souls of the departed and the three stronger demons.Nilia and Nolan looked around before they started flailing again, "Then you can get your own food, there is one departed right there~" Nolan said pointing a few feet ahead of him. Arcelia looked over before staring towards the body. She opened her mouth as a web shot out towards the body and she started pulling it closer towards the hole.
Lysera slowly turns her head towards the sound of shuffling earth and Yaro would magically appear, having broken free from the pocket dimension she had stored him in earlier. "Stronger than I thought..." she thinks to herself as she watches him walk towards Lanister and retrieve something. He explained a plan to her, stating that their targets were only supplies kept for their 'war efforts'. Lysera stares down at the remote detonator and would crush it in her hand. “Even if you didn’t aim to do so, my people and those outside would have been effected by your actions.” she addresses both Yaro and Lanister, her eyes shifting between the both of them. Then, her eyes fell upon Lanister as she heard Yaro’s continued explanation. “And you thought that threatening my supplies, you’d force me to meet with you?” Lysera would look skeptically towards Lanister after the words passed her lips. ”You’re a bigger fool than I thought Lanister.” Her attention turns to Yaro as he continued to speak. ”I don’t want them to accept us…I want them to know that we will not sit idly by as they slaughter demons…” she corrects the demon mage, no one really understood what it was she was trying to accomplish it seems. ”You really think that humans who hate us will ever see anything more than corrupted chaotic creatures?” she would grin widely and chuckle slightly at the senseless thought. “Peace with the human cities are unattainable as long as their religion deems us wretched creatures.” An eyebrow would arch as Yaro once again tried to get her to sit down and talk, the spiel about the humans and their potential interested her but she would never trust her life to a human. ”The humans in this city…have proven they are kind-hearted and devoid of ill-intentions to their clan leaders and the demons they live with. I will not see a human living in my district.” She didn’t care to work with humans, nor did she wish to use them to fight and as such Lanister’s argument was a waste of his breath. They are finite creatures and as the ages go by they will eventually learn.

”It is obvious that you will not let this go…” she said with an annoyed expression on her face, mainly referring to Yaro and Avaddon as they try to make her see the side of peace. ”We can discuss this further at a later time…” she said and looked over towards the sound of annoying soft speaking of sorts. Step by step she would walk across the field, watching as spiders would pop from the ground and drag bodies under. One made the mistake of reaching from the earth towards a body near her and the demoness would slam the concrete lid down onto the spider’s legs just as it tries to retreat. It would cry out and skitter back to its home. ”Go back to your holes, scavengers! No sense to wait until we are gone before feasting…are you that desperate?!” she would call out to the remaining giant spiders that were preying on the dead. She saw how Lanister was burning their numbers with his rage before and honestly they were just a giant version of a common household pest out here in the long-abandoned zone. Again, a soft yet annoying noise filled her ears; it was like a whisper but it sounded like nails on a chalkboard to her. She finally got to the spot where it was coming from, just in time to see a body getting dragged towards a hole. Her foot was placed on the body, stopping its advances and she bends over to see what was pulling it towards the hole. Two glowing orbs and a woman were inside the hole. “So…these are the little annoying voices I kept hearing..” she said with a low demonic growl in her voice. The two tiny souls interested her…why were they not passed on, who was this woman, and why did those two souls seem so tasty. Lysera silently shakes her head of the swirling questions as she lifts the piece of concrete the woman was under, awaiting a response.

@Andraus @Cheshire Grin

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