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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Currently Not Accepting}

Your characters have been accepted, but please roleplay as new members who have been recently picked up from the streets.
Adopted Name: Raphael Smith

Street Name: Priest

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Raphael is tall, roughly six and a half feet, with straight short brown hair and deep dark brown eyes. He always wears casual suits and other proper attire. He always looks clean and tidy, in an almost business man kind of way. He has a deep scar running across the area where his heart is.

Personality: Cynical, honest, intelligent, perceptive, eloquent, proper, conservative, violent, caring

Background Story: Raphael's mother was a nun and his father was a priest, the only oddity about the situation was how he was conceived. His mother was raped by his father on numerous occasions before he was born. He was raised by his single mother, who of course was no longer a nun, to be a good church going boy. For many years he asked about his father but was constantly side stepped by clever wording from his mom. His mother, being the devout that she was, raised Raphael in hopes of him becoming a priest one day. He had little objections to his teachings, Sunday Mass, and other religious activities, but only because he loved making his mother happy. As more time went on he witnessed many corrupt and vile things as an altar boy, coming to the conclusion that this path may not be the best for him. In secret Raphael took fighting lessons for many years from ex-marines that would come into the church on occasion for confession. He kept many of his mother's teachings and principles in his heart but grew to hate the church. At the age of sixteen he finally got the answer of who his father was and the story of how Raphael got to be born, and set out immediately to find him. Oddly enough his dad lived only twenty minutes away. When he knocked on the man's door he expected for there to be some silence, maybe a bit of hostility because of what had happened to his mom. But when the door opened he saw how similar he looked to his dad, almost like looking in a mirror. Immediately the years of struggle and pain and hidden anger revealed itself. Raphael discovered that he wasn't exactly a pacifist, since pacifists don't usually impale a priest in the chest with a decorative cross. After narrowly escaping the law through inexplicable means, he resorted to stealing from his church for an entire year. He obtained enough money to keep his mom relatively comfortable for the rest of her life, and give him enough to start a new one.

Extra Information: He has principles and morals he will not break for anyone's sake.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.163131af4026794d6fd4833245cc7384.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.png.163131af4026794d6fd4833245cc7384.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Adopted Name:

Sahalia Jensen

Street Name:







Sahalia is a cute little thing. She's pretty small for her age as she only stands at 5'4 but she has a curvy and slightly muscular build. Her clear skin is a light brown and unblemished except for a small beauty mark on her cheekbone. Sahalia's hair is incredibly thick and dirty blond in color though she'd always considered dying it. She has doll-like dark brown eyes, plump lips and a generally attractive face and body.


Sahalia is incredibly manipulative. She's a liar, a cheat and and only motivated by her own survival. She's not to used to relying on people and even though she may play around and act close with someone, she'll rarely let them in or trust them. She's only loyal to herself and to a less extent, The Blood.


Like many people who join gangs, Sahalia's life wasn't the best. In fact, it was absolute shit. She lived in a destitute neighborhood with an unfaithful mother and paranoid, alcoholic father. Obviously, those two don't go well together. One night, when he was high and drunk out of his mind, her father became convinced her mother was cheating on him with his brother and promptly bashed her head in with a meat tenderizer. Little Sahalia was sitting in the same room as them and some of her mother's blood and bits of brain splashed on her clothes. Not long after, he was sentenced to life in prison.

Sahalia was left with her eight old brothers, ranging from two years older than her to twelve. Over the course of the next year, her brothers started getting picked off one by one. One was also sentence to life in prsion, one overdosed, one was shot at the corner, one married a girl from the nice side of town, moved away and pretended he didn't know them. Soon enough, it was just Sahalia.

She had become affiliated with the gang from following them around, begging food. After a while, they had accepted her in.



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Can do ! Where is everyone else ?

Also, everyone feel free to PM or anything to discuss a relationship between Sahalia and your character.

At the moment every character is in The Grotto, apart from Paint (who seems to want to betray The Blood), Priest who will infultrate The Blood for Paint and Slim who joined The Wolves. @Of the Red
Adopted Name: Amren Castillo

Street Name: Wraith

Gender: Female

Age: 17


Personality: Amren is a very secretive person and very possesive over her personalspace. She comes off as coldhearted and mean, and in truth she actually is. But throughout time she has warmed up to The Blood. She can fool around but due to her lack of feelings, she never gets close to someone. She never lies, but rather dodges the truth. Amren is a person you can trust and she stays loyal The Blood, who have become her family now. She will do anything for them, but because of the cold aura she has around her; members of The Blood can think otherwise. She can be stubborn at times and sarcasm is a language she is fluent in, but most of the time she is dead serious.

Backstory: Amren was a product of rape, making her single mother loathe her in the years that she grew up. They lived in a bad enviorment, making shots and screams a familiar sound for her. Her mother could never look at her and the minute she came home she would lock herself in her room and inject all sorts of drugs into her system. Growing up with no love, this became a common thing Amren for too - not being able to love. At school, no one talked to her. They didn't even bother to bully the poor clothes she wore or the fact that no one ever picked her up. Everyone was afraid of her, when she was actually no threat at all. But later she became one. Her mother overdosed when she was 13 and she was put into fostercare. At her second forsterhome she managed to steal some cash and ran away from the system, only to be met by drugs and gangs. Seeing as she was a girl, they wanted to take advantage of her - so she had to keep running. Until she found The Blood, where she was considered a soldier instead of a pawn.

Extra Information: She has never really trusted Stallion, thinking that it's odd for a rich wealthy boy to have ended up were he is right now - but she followes her orders. She is more devoted to Artemis though and if there is a split decision, it's hers side she would take.
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Adopted Name: Erik Vargr

Street Name: Fenrir

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: Dark brown, wavy hair. Ice blue piercing eyes, with a touch of grey. Tall, about 6'2", and lean. Unlike some, he doesn't have bulky muscles, but strong ones nonetheless. His skin is on the pale side, and he is rarely seen without his trademark aviator sunglasses.

Personality: Erik is very intelligent, cold, and calculating. He's sarcastic and arrogant and suspiscious of everyone he ever meets, even those he hasn't. He's loyal, but to a point. Erik won't take a bullet for anyone, and might even use a 'friend' to catch it instead of him.

Background Story: Erik's been a great student throughout school, he was a star citizen, and seemed like the all-around perfect child. In reality, he was a lying, manipulative snake that has no true loyalties and only looks out for himself. He lived a double life, secretly helping gangs for protection, whilst urging gang wars for his own benefit. He's now settled down with The Blood.

Extra Information: Vargr is ancient Nordic, and Fenrir is in Norse mythology.

Emilia Halford

Street Name:









Hal is an introvert with a clean record and little first-hand experience, but that is not to say she's naive or unknowledgeable. Rather, she tends to be somewhat of a smartass and a shrewd negotiator. Her expertise lies in gathering valuable information and selling it for the highest price she can get, and she's more than willing to put herself at risk in the process, though she'd sooner run or talk than fight anyone.

Background Story:

A recent drop-out, Hal first started plying her trade in high school, selling the football team's game plans to other schools as well as random bits of information to desperate gossipers. Still living with her parents in the nice part of town, she quickly grew bored of her sedimentary lifestyle and began offering her services to dealers, thieves, and other criminals. The Blood have long been Hal's most frequent customer base, which has slightly tarnished her reputation in the eyes of their rivals. She holds no true loyalties, however, and will often negotiate with others as well.

Extra Information:

Hal is a freelance information broker who works closely with the Blood while not being an official member.
Well I am currently not accepting characters at the moment, nor is The Blood in the roleplay since they are relocating and have 'trust issues'. But, if we do accept again, I will be sure to consider your application.

If you are interested in being a member of the 'enemy side' and rival gang instead, I have a tab in the realistic or modern interest checks for an application to be part of The Wolves.


@Valor Green
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Character Form

Adopted Name: Rhys Potter

Street Name: Cadet

Gender: Male

Age: (Thirteen to Eighteen) Fourteen

Appearance: It's clear Rhys is related to Artemis. He shares her grey eyes and dark hair, along with his pale skin.


Personality: Cadet is very eager to prove himself, especially to Stallion. He's always determined, and will try not to show any kind of fear or weakness. Although he's an innocent kid ((for the most part...)), he tries to make himself seem to be more than just a kid. He wishes to be like Artemis and Stallion, and attempts at imprinting on them, mostly Stallion.

Background Story: A couple years after Artemis, or Meredith, was born, Rhys was accidentally concieved. Their mother hid any trace of the child, and eventually tossed him out into foster care. He was raised like a rat, but felt like he could make more out of himself. When he was eleven, his sister Meredith ran away for good, and even with two step daughters, their father felt a hole where his blood and flesh was. He tracked down Rhys and brought him back into his true home, telling him all about his sister. Rhys' curiosity to find Meredith has only grown, figuring out she joined a gang from their father, who had kept an eye on Meredith.

Extra Information: Rhys loves Stallion. He dislikes anyone who tries hook up with Artemis because he feels they would take her away from him again, but ignores the possibilities between Stallion and Artemis since he idolizes Stallion.

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