A Bloody Rose


Senior Member
The sun is high in the sky, it's about mid afternoon. A young girl is lying alone in a field. Her long purple hair is strewn around her. Her blood red eyes are mostly closed, as if dreaming. Her legs and middle are fitted with old, stained bandages, but the stains seem to get a bit darker by the minute. Scars and lacerations are visible on her arms. Her school uniform is tattered and bloody. Her breathing is slow and heavy. She holds a single, red rose on her hand.

Sora walked with his bookbag in his hands. The last day of school, perfect. Sora began totake the short cut to get home. He was a thin strong built kid, he could carry his dad! Sora looked at the horizon as he took the short cut. He saw a girl laying on he ground and he gasped. He ran over to her and noticed her dirted bandages and scars. She was unconcious so Sora picked her up and began to run home.
Kazumi felt herself being lifted off of the ground, but was unable to react. She was drifting in and out of consciousness.
Sora opened his apartment door and laid her on the couch. He grabbed some bandages and took off her current ones. There were cuts and scars under neath. He took a wet cloth and began cleansing the wounds.
Kazumi flinched at the coldness of the towel, but she was still unable to move. It took almost all her strength to just open her eyes so she could look up at the boy. "..." She glanced around confused, unsure of where she was. The last thing she remembered was collapsing in the field.
After Sora cleaned the wounds, he tightly wrapped clean bandages over them. He began taking off her uniform to change her clothes, so she wouldn't have to look so filthy. When he saw the school logo on her shirt. "Ouran Academy?" (not like Ouran Highschool Host Club.) he said shocked. Sora went there too, and he had never seen a girl like her. He took off her tattered uniform and tossed it into the trash. He put on his soccer uniform for the girl. Sora smiled at his accomplishment, making someone look prettier! (He's a clean freak.)

http://api.ning.com/files/W3tcJc9lPX8x4ELobvKunrZojLcaW462GDg5a21u-92pghKk-RHJaucZIIQMVyblG6Ig5wNksZ-5C42iZHzNjAw7IkC858uU/1179700807_PurpleHair.jpg (This is how you should look.)
(cute!) Kazumi looked up at the boy and smiled. "Tha...Thank...y...you..." She managed to get out. Her legs and stomach were begining to feel better by the minute.
Sora smiled and nodded, "It's no problem." He stared at her hourglass shape and sighed, "What happen?" he said curiously. "I've never seen you before, and would like to know more about you." He traced a venn diagram on the table and wrote Sora and _____ Common: Both go to OA. Uncommon: She is pretty. Sora smiled and pointed at the blank line. "Your name here."
Kazumi blushed and took the marker and proceeded to write her name. Underneath that she wrote, 'wears bandages'. "I'm surprised we go to the same school... I've never seen you before either.." She confided.
He shrugged and said, "I'm 17 and you look way younger. So I assume you're a junior?" Sora wrote, 'has glasses'
"Well...." She said trailing off. "I may look 15.... But I'm not." She said as she wrote down 'Immortal'. She glanced up at Sora hesitantly, afraid of his reaction.
Sora nodded and said, "That's what dad said he was." then, he realized he was thinking out-loud. "I'm sorry, I have a mental habit of thinking a loud." Sora smiled and said, "Immortal or not I really don't care, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."
Kazumi blushed. No one had ever told her she was pretty before. "Th-thanks..." She stuttered. "Your not bad looking yourself.." She said softly.
Sora smiled and patted her head. "Thanks." He stood up and sighed. "In imortallity how old are you? Because you'll need to be old enough to drink what I have in the fridge."
Kazumi considered for a moment. "I'm not really sure... Lets just say I was once queen of Egypt." She said with a wink.
"Owah. That's old." he said laughing. He threw her a bottle of Sake and said, "Mind pouring it for me?" I should make some rice cakes.
Kazumi blushed. "Hey at least I don't LOOK that old..." She said with a laugh. She looked at the bottle in her hand, wondering what it tasted like, as she had only ever had wine, and that was back in the renaissance.
Sora cooked the rice cakes while looking at Kazumi, "It's a Sake. Never had one?" he asked curiously. "They're kind of bitter tasting, it's strong too."
"So nothing like wine.." She concluded out loud. She smiled to herself as she poured the sake into two glasses. Then she proceeded to write 'can cook' underneath both.
Lisa stood beside the rose that was dripping with dew. Her blue hair wrestled with wind as the morning sun came to say hello. The rose felt very delicate in her hand when lisa smelt the sent of her on it. Red eyes peered through the trees and a smile gre wide. "Where did she go? We need her back." Lisa didnt like demands, and he knew that. The metal of Lisa's dagger felt tingly as it radiated heat that surged up her thigh and into her heart.

"Time to go." Was her voice said.
Sora smiled as he cooked the rice cakes and said, "Do you like it?" He putthe fresh cakes on the table.

[MENTION=2952]Saki Infinity[/MENTION]
Kazumi tasted it and wrinkled her nose a bit. "It's kinda bitter, but I think I like it..." She said smiling at Sora as she took a ricecake.
Sora nodded and said, "It tastes good with rice cakes." He bit into a crunchy rice cake and accidently took Kazumi's glass and drank from it.
Kazumi just smiled and sipped from Sora's glass instead. She smiled again as the sake swirled in her glass as she concentrated on it. Then she remembered Sora was still there, and the sake stopped swirling. She glanced over at him, hoping he wouldnt freak out if he noticed.
He put the glass down and realized he drank out of Kazumi's cup. "Oh I'm sorry..." he said blushing.

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