A Bloody Rose

She laughed and showed that she was already drinking his. "I don't mind." She said with a smile, then proceeded to write elementalist under her name. "So is there anything special you can do?" She asked him curiously.
"Nothing really, just do house chores." he frowned and said, "I'm just an average human"
She wrote Mortal underneath Sora's name. "Really.... What's it like?" She asked quizzically.
"I guess you can say it's not the best." he took a bite out of the rice cake and said, "It's getting dark, do you have a place you live in...?"
Kazumi shook her head. "Considering I'm not sure where I am..." She said thoughtfully. "No, probably not." She finished with a small laugh.
"I only have one bed, but I can sleep on the couch." he said smiling. Sora patted the couch and said, "You're in New York."
"I couldn't...." She said hesitantly. "It's your home after all..." She said trailing off.
"I don't mind, I sleep on the couch all the time anywyas." he said with a shrug. "Just sleep on my bed, it's better for your back." Sora said smiling. [MENTION=2952]Saki Infinity[/MENTION]
"Okay, if you say so..." She said trailing off. She wasn't happy about kicking him out of his own bed, but she would still comply.
"There's a bathroom over there, and the balconey over there." he said with a smile.
Sora smiled and patted her on the head, "Will you be attending school tomorrow?"
"If you don't mind me walking with you, sure." She said with a smile. She was begining to really trust Sora, he was a nice guy.
"Actually that means you'll be walking with the whole junior soccer club." he said laughing.
"Well.." She said turning a bit red. "If you guys don't mind... Yes I'd like to go to school..." She said trailing off.
He winked and stood up, "I think it's best we go to sleep now. We don't want to be late tomorrow!" he walked out of the room into the bedroom to change his clothes. He changed into a nice soccer jersey that said, ' 18 SORA RIN 'on the back. "This was my old soccer jersey in middle school." he said.
"And it still fits?" She asked with a giggle. "I mean all my clothes from the past few centuries still fit but still, don't mortals grow every year?" She aske curiously.
Sora's cheeks flushed red and he said, "I haven't grown any taller... five eleven is enough right?"
"I'm only 5'4" so that's plenty tall." She said with a smile. "Sorry if I offended you, I don't normally associate with anyone but my family, so I'm not really sure how mortals work.." She said, a bit embarrassed.
"It's fine." he said putting his hand out, "Would you like me to take you to the bedroom?"
He walked her to the bedroom, it was clean and kept nice. "I'm sorry, I'm not the average boy..."
Kazumi laughed. "That's okay, I just wish I could make mine like this." She said smiling at him.
Sora laughed and said, " Since mey parents...left I've kept my house clean." He swpied something off the dresser and said, " well I guess we should slee pnow. I'll wake you in the morning." He walked to the couch and sat down, looking at the object.
Kazumi sat there stunned by the swiftness he left in. "Goodnight then.." She said after him, then she sat down, deep in thought. Eventually curiosity got the best of her and she snuck out into the hallway and took a peek at Sora to try and see what he took.

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