A Bloody Rose

(no skelly. Just show a picture of your character, particually anime because all the other ones are anime then start. we're at the start of school lol.)

(Saki, time skip in a bit?)

Sora sat in class thinkng about Kazumi and soccer. Today they were against a tough opponent. Sora hoped Kazumi would be there to watcg.

Taking her seat Kazumi took out a notebook and pencil from the bag Sora had so kindly given her. Her mind was on Sora most of the day. She was beginning to really like him.
Sora filled his notes and ran to the next class with a buddy of his. They talked quiet a lot, when it was time to part, he waved and walked to Geography.
Kazumi heard the bell ring for the next class a sighed. "I hate this.." She said softly to herself. Being in all advanced classes, Kazumi was one of the lucky few who got to stay in the same class all day. She groaned as she turned to a new page in her notebook. "School is so boring.." She said with a frown.
View attachment 6432Holly

View attachment 6433Aspin

Holly heard the bell and was just walking into the room, she watched every one pack up and she groaned afraid of what the teachers scoulding would be, she was foreign and has a slight English accents that people some times made fun of. Today was also her first day.

Zack walked down the street, skipping school was normal for him, his wipe a few drips off sweat from his forehead it was hot, and he had a red Canadian jacket draped around him. he sighed, there was nothing to do here during school time.
Sora was called to the Student Council room and he sighed. He was the president and everyone reffered to him as 'prez' there. They disscussed that they had a new student at the school. And, they had the usual student Zack, late. He shook his head and sighed. Zack was always late, and Sora always had to do something about it. He walked down the hall to greet the new student.
Kazumi heard Sora get called over the school intercom and couldn't help but wonder what it was about. "Ms. Infinity, please pay attention." It was her teacher calling her out. "S-sorry." She managed as she turned her attention back to the chalk board. She couldn't help but wonder what Sora was up to. "I wonder what you're doing..." She said softly as she copied the notes on the board and applied them to her homework.
Sora walked over to the new girl's class and saw no one there. "Perhaps they are in the courtyard?" he wondered straighting up his tie. He thought it could wait and took an entry pass to exit the building. Sora dashed in his uniform to look for Zack, once he found Zack, he shouted, "ZACK!"
"You have school today, put on your uniform." Sora frowned at Zack's agitated tone and said, "This is the millionth time I have had to run all the way to get you. Try not to be late, or I'll be coming to your house every morning to wake you up."
Zack Laughed, then rolled his eyes slightly "Alright." he said, "You can try." he grinned and went for his house to get his uniform, he opened the door and walked up the stairs to his room, his house was cold and it was dark inside.
Sora followed Zack to his home and wrote his home adress onto a small notebook page. "I'll make sure you mwake up exactly at 6:30 AM every morning."
Sora laughed and followed him down the street. "Y'know, I had to miss gym because of you." he walked ahead towards the school and motioned Zack to come with.
Zack smirked "Well, I missed a day of bliss because of you." He sneered and smiled, he hesitated and then asked "Why do we even waste our time at school?" He asked wiping some sweat off of his forehead, wearing such thick uniforms was an idiot idea to him.

Join Me Rp You Guys :D
(Sorry, I'm in too many RPs right now.)

Sora rolled his eyes and said, "I'm the captain of the soccer team and president of the student council. How can I not go to our school." He entered the school and sighed, they would be in the middle of lunch right now. "Come with me to the student council."
"Nope this is the STUDENT council. We have to discuss the matter of you being late all the time." He opened the dorr to the student council and took his seat at the first table.
Kazumi sighed as she entered the lunch room. Why had she even bothered to come? It's not like she usually ate in here anyway, she prefered eating under the cherry trees near the school entrance. She found herself looking at the faces of everyone. She gave herself a small laugh. "He's not here." She said to herself. Only slightly disappointed she got her lunch and went outside to her usual place and began eating; alone.

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