A Bloody Rose

*spelling fails: mey=my swpied=swiped slee=sleep pnow= now)

Sora looked at the object, which was a picture frame with three people happy in it and sighed. "I shouldn't have said I hate you that night." he murmered lost in thoughts. His eyes were shadowed by his dark thoughts. "I hope caring for this girl will repay my sins..." he murmered. Visions of a woman jumping off a cliff flashed in his head. "You know mom..." he said with a couple tears streaming down his cheek, "I didn't really mean it." Another vision appeared with a man hitting a boy. Then running off out of a room and walking into a busy road, while it was a green light. A car hit the man then the vision blurred. "Dad, you should have stayed, like you told me, people come back. They always do..." He didn't cry but he sniffled a bit here and there. He set the frame on the couch and looked at the floor. "Kazumi, shouldn't you be in bed?"
"I was worried.." She said softly taking a seat next to him. "Your parents aren't out of town; are they?" She asked with a gentle tone, placing her hand on his shoulder.
Sora shook his head and said, "They're dead. Forever, they won't come back. Ever since I was 9..." It was eight years ago when his mother and father supposedly passed away. He had never told anyone, execpt Kazumi.
Kazumi wrapped her arms aroun Sora and pulled him close. "You poor thing... That must be hard at such a young age.." She said softly.
Sora looked at her and murmered, "Don't pity me. I am Sora Rikko, I can stand up to anything." He crossed his legs and said, "And you Kazumi should go to sleep, look at the time!" It was drawing close to midnight.
"Sophmores have a big exam tomorrow, you possibly can't remember everything that has happened." Helaughed and let her grasp go. Je laid on the couch and said, "Go and sleep."
"Believe me I do... I've learned this stuff hundreds of times.." She said groaning. "The only thing I forgot about was the exam itself." She said putting her head in her hands.
Kazumi glance over at Sora at found he had fallen asleep. She smiled and watched him for a moment, then got up and went to bed. (time skip?)

Sora woke up and cooked two eggs. He yawned and walked into his room and grbbing his school uniform. He placed a spare of his uniform on the dresser, beside the bed. He picked up his backpack and put it on the couch. He tightened his tie and went to put the eggs on a plate.
Kazumi awoke to find a school uniform on the dresser. She smiled and changed out of the soccer uniform. Just then the scent of eggs wafted into the room. "Mmm..." She said to herself as she left the room and went into the kitchen. "Smells good Sora." She said with a laugh.
"Thanks, you have a plate over there." he said cheerfully eating his eggs. Sora looked at the time and heard a knock at his door. "Soccer Team." he heard. He dashed over and four guys walked in. "Hey, I'm not ready yet." he said with a smile. Two guys checked out Kazumi and said, "Why are you wearing a boy uniform?"
Kazumi glanced at Sora momentarilly. "Mines ripped beyond repair." She said simpley turning to the boys. "Hope you don't mind."
Sora smiled at the guys and said, "Don't worry about her, she'll be walking with us to school." The boys shook their head slike they really didn't care, it's not like they had a choice.
Kazumi curled in on herself a little bit as she ate her eggs. She couldn't help but feel a little unwanted. She glanced over at Sora to see if he'd noticed.
Sora looked over at Kazumi and smiled, "Right, I haven't introduced you guys. That's Koko right there, that's John, that's Rico and Marty." He looked at Kazumi again with a little concern, "You okay Kazumi?"
Kazumi shrugged. "Yea don't worry about it." She said looking at the four boys warily. She couldn't help but feel a little intimidated.
Sora grabbed his bag and handed Kazumi an extra one. "Here." he smiled and said, "Time to head to school!" all the boys cheered and then the herd rushed out the door. "See what I mean?" he said to Kazumi following them out.
Kazumi smiled and walked with Sora out of the door. "So how closed to school are we?" She asked him curiously.
"Everyone walks, the bus costs money and these guys don't have a job." he took Kazumi's hand and walked out the door. There was oo's and ahhs. Sora grinned and said, "We aren't ating idiots." he held her hand tighter and walked with them down to the school.
"Well that makes sense I guess.." She said thoughtfully. "And yea.. Sora's just my friend." Kazumi said turning a bit red. She walked close to Sora holding his hand.
"We're here." said Sora smiling. He let go of her hand and said, "I have soccer club afterwards, and student council. Mind meeting me at the soccer field at 6:30?" Sora walked away with his friends and laughed along.

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