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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Johanna had been walking behind James for quite a while, and after this long amount of time, she was getting kind of tired of how he was carrying whoever that was. She sighed outwardly, then rushed forward, touching James's shoulder carefully, then without another word she took the girl from him and hauled her unconscious body over her shoulder with little effort, "That is a really bad way to carry unconscious people bro. You could damage their spine."

Robert moved his head to the side when Sarah hit him in the face and groaned, sure, he had suffered things that were far worse than a single punch but it still hurt. "Filthy mudblood" He muttered under his breath as he returned to his straight posture and sighed. "They're gone... But I fear that they might be..." He faked a sob before continuing. "I saw it, the death eaters killed them. Michael tried to save them but it was too late" He said sadly. Making them believe their friends were them would reduce the chances of them going out to find them. "You should..." He faked another sob and then sniffed. "You should go to the infirmary, do you know where the others are?"
James looked surprised as Johanna came up seemingly out of no where. He rolled his eyes. "Best I could do. I don't think I could have made it as far with her over my shoulder like that. I just wanted to get out of there and get her to safety. I mean, Death Eaters were attacking after all." James said, matching Johanna's stride. "How'd you get out here so fast by the way?"

Sarah was frozen in shock, eyes wide. She started shaking her head, her body trembling. "You're lying. They're not dead..." Tears appeared in her eyes as a sob forced itself from her throat. "You're lying!" She sank to her knees, tears spilling from her eyes and rolling across her cheeks. Her body trembled as she covered her face with her hands, broken sobs escaping her mouth. Her friends meant everything to her, they were her world. To know they were gone... And she had run away. She should have stayed, but ran away. What kind of Hufflepuff was she? Some friend she is.
Rosemary pats her back "You could've waited with that news until we were back" she says and looks at Sarah "Let's get you back to the school, there you should drink some water or pumpkin juice and yeah it might be a good idea to get you checked up.
Small visons of a house flew through her mind, she saw Dorian and Victoria, and even Thaddeus. Jade wimpered aloud. Then she could see no more. All was black. Jade couldn't feel like she could wake up yet she wanted to. Where were her friends? Did they make it? Did anybody die?
"Mud bloods like you don't deserve to be friends with them, well, maybe just the giant" He thought as he carefully rubbed her back, desperately trying not to show his disgust. "I'm sorry, I wish they were alive... I really do! You have no idea of how much I.." He cleared his throat before continuing. "I loved her. She was everything I had. Now let's go, we have to get you to the infirmary"
Jade woke up gasping and screaming "Get off me" not knowing who was holding her she instantly kicked and failed everywhere, getting out of the girls grasp and landing on the ground, she backed up a little before getting up and looking and the two faces. She saw James and then the new girl she had seen before but never found out her name. She quickly and sharply looked around. "What- where, are they okay? Are they dead what happened?!" Her voice rising in panic as she looked around quickly, asking either one of them. She couldn't rember a thing, all she remembered was the death eaters jumping out, attacking Robert, they were after the purebloods, James jumped in.... But that was all.
"Whoa! Calm down. We got you away. The others...some were taken, I'm not sure who. I couldn't see many faces." James looked around, hoping they were in a safe place to talk, then looked back to Jade. "One of my house mates ran back toward the castle for help. I...I'm sorry. I didn't get her name," James said. It was at that moment he wished he had gotten more familiar with both his house mates and other classmates in the school. He pushed the thought aside. "We need to get back to the castle. The teachers are probably on their way judging by what's in the sky," he said, motioning upward.
By the time the fight was over, Avery was back to the castle, only slightly wounded by a few spells. As much as he didn't want to risk it, he slowly made his way over to the infirmary, hoping that the nurse could get him in and out in a second so he could make his way out to the manor. But, being the way he was, luck wasn't usually on his side, so what he was hoping to be a 5 minute session with the nurse turned out to be an argument about how long his 'treatment' would last (which he really didn't need, all he needed was a few spells to fix him up), but she was being persistent and he just couldn't win, which is how he ended up laying on a nurse's bed, angry and in pain.
Remembering how they were after the purebloods, Jade felt a sicking feeling in her stomach. Jade looked up at the sky and seeing the dark mark made her enraged, they took the purebloods, Victoria and Dorian. What happened to Robert? He was attacked but then he just suddenly dissapeared. What about Rosemary? Or Sarah? Guilt filled in. If only she had been there. She could have saved them. "I'm gong to kill them all." She hissed angrily under her breath. What about Thaddeus? She picked up a rock angrily and threw it. "Damnit!" She yelled but not to loudly.
Robert suddenly heard someone curse, not too far from them and decided to investigate knowing it was probably another student from the group. He didn't have to walk too far, for he found the three students just one minute after he began searching for them. "Uh... guys? I have some bad news..." He said sadly, looking down so they couldn't see his smile. "They're dead. Michael tried to save them but he- we were too late. I'm sorry"
Dorian stirred, almost silently. A small groan escaping his lips as he blinks awake, a heavy throbbing pulsating in his head, weighing down his limbs. And an uneasy prickling sensation crawling under his skin, his eyes straining, even under the dim light. For a brief moment he struggles to remember where he is, his eyes blining but unseeing around the room, desperate for a clue to what happened . Struggling to remember even the slightest detail. After several moments of confusion, he manages to recall brief oments of the events, the fighting, pain and darkness. Even the low murmuring of voices, but words that cannot be made out. As he glances around the room, he shakily pat's himself down for his wand, throwing his head back in distress as he realises he's been stripped of it, although his cloudy eyes now make out the other figures in the room. His heart pracitically skipping a beat as he see's them, his feet nudging them gently to try wake them, trying not to move too much for the growing pain in his body. "Guys...wake up" He croaks out, his voice seeming too loud for the hollow of a room.
James stood there for a moment and let her be angry. It was a natural reaction. In fact, he was starting to feel a bit angry himself now that the adrenaline from the fight was wearing off. "I'm so-" he began to say, but was interrupted by Robert coming into view. The news he said about the others being dead shocked him. He had been in the fight and had heard no killing curses used. "I know it's not the only way for someone to be killed, but I didn't hear any of them using the killing curse. How can you be so sure that the others are dead? I know at least one of them was taken off," James said, giving Robert a curious look.
Out of stupidity and anger Jade could only turn her anger on one person. She stalked over to him and punched him square in the face, knocking him to the ground. "WHERE WERE YOU! HUH?!" She yelled in anger at him.
It didn't take much to wake up Victoria, as she squeezed her eyes and closed her fists she became aware of the horrible pain she was currently experiencing. She didn't want to open her eyes, she wanted to keep them shut and go to sleep until the pain went away but hearing Dorian's voice really concerned her. She slowly opened her eyes and slowly sat up and coughed a few times. She gently touched her forehead with one hand while the other searched for her wand, only to see that it had been stolen. "Dorian?" She asked weakly, finally focusing her attention on the other person in the room. "I knew this was a bad idea" She muttered sadly. "How long have you been awake?"
Damen & Night Wing

Night Wing flew around the common room for a bit, trying to annoy Damen enough to get some attention. She waited a moment before shifting back into her human form, wearing a black shirt and dark purple pajama's "Come one Damen, why are you always studying at night?" she asked, sitting beside him and leaning her head on his shoulder while he read. "Because I have the time to and it's always better to learn more" said Damen, chuckling a bit and getting up. Night Wing pretended to pout and eventually got up to go get something to eat. "Good night" he said and walked up to the boys part of the common room.

@Anyone in Ravenclaw
Robert was surprised, to say the least, when the girl punched him in the face and he fell on the ground. It didn't hurt much, it was barely a sting, but he was supposed to fake a bit of weakness in front of them. After all, the fake Robert was not supposed to be the strongest, bravest person in the world. "I was being attacked! Are you forgetting I'm a pureblood? They were after me too and I barely got away." He replied with a bit of anger in her voice. Then he looked down and sniffed. "It was so horrible..." He muttered weakly, his eyes becoming wet as he mentally praised himself for being such a good actor. "The death eater who took them came back, laughing at me and telling me they were dead. I didn't believe him so he left and then he returned with..." He paused for a while and sobbed a few times before continuing. "I don't know if they used the killing curse. All I know is that they were decapitated, trust me, I know"
James was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses. If they were after purebloods, why would they take them just to kill them? It didn't make any sense. James opened his mouth to say something about it not adding up but decided against it. Instead he turned to Jade. "Come on...We need to get back to the castle. It looks like you took a nasty hit and you should get it looked at. I know this is hard...There's nothing we can do for them right now," James said, looking back toward the forest. "If anyone is still alive, the staff of the school will find them and bring them back."
Dorian grumbles, pulling a half shrug and trying to lift himself from the spot to see to his friends "I think like 30 seconds or 30 minutes" He answers, wincing as the pain in his head continues to grow worse and worse. He frowns at Victoria as he picks up the sad tone to her voice "Nah, it was a brilliant idea, up until asshole family reunions decided to ruin a good night" He speaks gently, trying to remove the blame from her shoulders, nobody could blame her for what happened. None of them knew what would happen, and it was nobodies fault.
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"What? I have a lot of upper body body strength." Joey said rather casually. As James continued to question her, she stumbled as she tried to come up with an excuse as to how she just randomly appeared, "I uhhhh... I Apparated. Shhhh, don't tell anyone." When whoever, Jade or something began to squeal and flail. This girl ended up smacking Johanna in the face after her flailing. She howled and grabbed her face as Jade tumbled onto the ground.

As James and her proceeded to converse she made mild pained noises. "Jeeeeeesus girl, you throw a mean elbow!" Then some guy named Robert showed up and started to sob and wail. He claimed that the kidnapped three were-

".... You massive liar." She said into her hands, then she looked up and let her hands fall to her sides, staring fiercely at him.

@EmilyPower @KalenNighteyes @DarknessSpirit
Jade didn't believe Robert one bit. It wouldn't make sense. "I'll see you around Robert." Her face was straight, but pain in her eyes, and anger, her voice blank, and hoarse. Although she could just be exaggerateing. But now she didn't trust him. Jades face was broken, her heart felt shattered. It wasn't fair. Feeling like she could only trust James, Jade just nodded and made no move to comfort Robert. She walked right past him, her face straight yet full of pain. Jade hated showing herself crying in front of others. Jade couldn't make sense of anything. Confused and angered, she made her way to Hogwarts. She also believed Johanna and trusted her instantly. She wanted to kill him. Voldemort. Death eaters. Robert. Micheal. She was fueled by rage.
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(First time being Voldemort, I know it's probably bad. Sorry)

Robert nodded sadly and sighed. "I wish it could be like that, I really do" He replied sadly as he got up. He turned to the mud blood who had dared to insult him and hid his face in his hands and began sobbing as loudly as possible. "You weren't there!" He shouted. "Do you really think I would lie? The love of my life just fucking died and you dare to call me a liar? How would you know anyways?" He replied before quickly storming off. As far as he was concerned, his job there was done. He'd informed the other students about the deaths of the purebloods and knew who was badly injured and who wasn't. He began walking the other way and a smile slowly formed in his face as he walked deeper into the forest before disapparating back to the manor. He slightly opened the door where the students were bing held and pulled up his sleeve to reveal his dark mark. Without giving it much thought, he called the Dark Lord so he could personally take care of the students then returned to the castle. Now appearing in front of the infirmary, waiting for everyone else to arrive.

Lord Voldemort was pleased, maybe even a bit surprised, to see that the mission had been a complete success. Mostly because he'd put a mere teenager in charge of completely trained adult death eaters. It hadn't been an easy mission after all, it took them a long time to put down the anti-apparition wards in the first place and the fact that the three students just happened to be in the forbidden forest was just a lucky coincidence for them. Not that he was complaining. He opened the door and stood before the three teenagers with a serious expression. "Ah, It's so good to see that you're finally awake. Most of you are" He commented, looking at the giant with a slight disgust. "Such talent shouldn't be wasted with mud bloods and blood traitors, my friends, you come from some of the greatest families our world has ever seen and you have so much potential... Why waste it?" He said as he walked in circles around the two teenagers. "I will give you one offer, join me. Join your families, your friends, and have all the power you could ever wish for. Wouldn't you like that?" He asked.
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She was done, finally, she was done. But, it seemed that whatever Avery said, the nurse always won. So now he was expected to go straight to bed and get some rest which definitely wasn't happening. Leaving the infirmary, Avery saw the one guy he wanted to see right now, Robert. "Hey Robert, what's going on with everything?" Ave asked, leaning against a wall for support. He knew he shouldn't stay there long, Avery didn't know how long it'd be before the survivors made it back, and it definitely wouldn't look good for him to be seen with Robert. "I mean, I left after the battle, is the Dark Lord here yet?" Hopefully he was and Robert would know, because seeing Voldemort would make the mission so much better.
James walked with Jade back toward the castle. "I don't think the others are dead. It just doesn't make sense. I'm sure they'll be found, where ever they are." James looked at the ground briefly and then back to Jade. He put a hand on his right shoulder and rubbed it a bit. Must have taken a hit when I was helping this girl up, he thought. He turned to Johanna, suddenly remembering how she said she had apparated there. That also didn't add up because there would have been the telltale sound of apparation. James shook his head lightly and returned his gaze forward to the castle. How Johanna got to them so quick didn't matter at that point.

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