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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Madden Oswald

Ravenclaw | Sixteen | Half-Blood

Madden at first didn't exactly knew what she was doing. She didn't want to go to the forest, and chickened out last second and went back. Berating herself for her lack of bravery, she trudged along a muddy pathway out of the dark, and creepy forest. Sighing, he keeper walking, frowning slightly pondering on the question of blood purity and the superiority. She could have betted that no pureblood knows the reason they hate muggles and muggle born so much. A bit lost in her thoughts, she nearly didn't hear and see the sparks fly up in the air.

'Maybe a false alarm.....? Probably not.....' She didn't know whether she should go or not. And in the end chooses to rush in the direction of the sparks. Nearly triping here and there, she saw the, as she called in her head, 'Outcasts'.

"Is everything all right? Whats going on?!"
Thaddues went into action when they were attacked using a mixture of spells like expelliamus and stoupify, and his own physical build. He rushed one grabbing one before he demetirialise and gave him a strong headbut, his giant heritage was too strong to deny and fight like others. At the same time he kept close to Victoria using his build as a shield as best as he could especially when the call of retreat was made. He walked backwards firing at who ever was behind them.
James took down another death eater before backing off into the woods near the rest of the group. Attacking students so close to Hogwarts was a stupid idea, but then again so was venturing out into the Dark Forest. A spell flew at James as he turned and ran, but his shield charm deflected it. James shouted to the direction of all the other students. "What the hell is going on and whose bright idea was it to come out here?!" James moved in a bit closer so he was sure the others would see him. He hoped he'd at least be recognized as a fellow student.
Being basically very good at DADA she disarmed a death eater, then stunned another. Jade elbowed one behind her, as she turned back around, she only saw a bright light before being knocked unconcious.

(Gtg school)
Sarah wanted to protest when Victoria took off, but knew it was useless. She also suddenly realised why, coming to the same conclusion her friend had. Cursing at her stupidity, she turned her attention to James, who approached them, locked in his own battle. She immediately recognised him, they had a couple of classes together last year. "What are you doing here!?" She fired a spell at the Death Eater attacking him, knocking him out. Hearing something hit the ground, she turned around only to see Jade unconscious on the ground. Her eyes widened in surprise and shock as a Death Eater stood over her, ready to kill her. Her mind went blank as her muggle instincts took over and she threw herself at the Death Eater, knocking him to the ground with her. "Filthy mudblood!" He spat at her as he kicked her stomach, getting to his feet. Sarah coughed, holding her stomach in pain. This was bad. She had to get to the castle!
Due to the strenght and impact of the curse the masked death eater sent her way, Victoria was immediately knocked down with a large amount of blood coming out of her various cuts. She was able to cast a weak stunner against her attacker. She looked around the forest and spotted her brother pointing a wand at her with a big smile and she scoffed. "Why am I not surprised?" She asked weakly as she stood up and pointed her wand at his forehead. Before she had the opportunity to curse her brother, he quickly stunned her and dissaparated to The manor.
Before James could respond, he shot a spell at the Death Eater Sarah had jumped at, knocking it back. He ran to her side and pulled her to her feet. "Run! I'll help her!" he said, motioning to Jade. "Get help!" He positioned himself between the onslaught of death eaters and Jade.
Rosemary had followed Micheal and she sighs "So, I'd say that was a success, not surprised my sister here went to help them" she says taking her sister's wand and putting it away along with her own. "What do you think will happen to them?" she asks looking at her friend.
Michael flinched out of surprise when Rosemary appeared right next to him while he waited for someone to take his unconcious sister to a room. "It's not over yet" he replied as he checked his armas for more injuries. "The giant and the pureblood are still there and no other death eater has returned." As soon as he finished speaking, a death eater arrived with the unconcious body of the other pureblood in the group. Michael sighed and rubbed his temples. "Just the giant left. Robert can take cate of him. Now, you need to control your sister understand? "
"I tried already, but she's just so stubborn and since my parents are here I thought I should ask then for advise" Rose says and she sighs "I only hope she won't get killed, she's just a second year student after all", glancing at her sister she frowns, she never liked injuring Angelique, but she didn't have a choice.
Sarah gratefully accepted James' help, jumping to her feet. "Thanks!" Then she turned around and ran, quickly throwing up a shield as some Death Eater immediately threw curses at her to try and stop her. She prayed that James would be safe, and that Victoria, Thaddeus and Dorian would escape. She prayed she made it in time back to school, to warn the teachers. But most of all she prayed they wouldn't need to bury any of her friends.
"Well you either control her or she'll be in the Dark Lord's mercy and you don't really want that do you?" Michael asked with a raised eyebrow. "Make her learn who's in control. That's what I did with my youngest sister and now she's the perfect pureblood girl everyone wants to have. If she ever comes close to us during another mission I will take care of her, understand?"
Thaddues cursed when Victoria fell, he tried to get to her but he was struck by several spell knocking him like a ton of bricks. He wentold to attack with his fist but a burst of flames from a wand struck his face finally bringing him down. He howled in pain as his face felt like it was burning when finally a death eater cast a spell that knocked him out.
When the giant finally fell, Robert didn't waste time in firmly grabbing his arm and dissaparated to the manor where the other death eaters were waiting for him. The death eaters who had been fighting the targeted students all began escaping until the last one pointed his wand to the sky and made a giant dark mark appear in the sky before leaving. The other death eaters, noticing the dark mark all left the forest. Back in the manor, Robert had taken Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus to one of the guest rooms and taken their wands. After locking the door, he headed to where Michael was and slapped him on the back. "Well, that was a complete success!" He declared happily.

(I say we wait for @Prouvaire to bring the students to Voldemort)
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James deflected a spell back at another approaching death eater, which took the spell right in the chest. Seeing a brief opportunity to try and get Jade out of here, he turned and hoisted her up, putting her arm around his neck and began making the trek back toward the school. As he did so, he cast another shield charm over himself and Jade, just to ensure they'd be protected, however briefly. Please let us make it back safe...
"Then I guess you're going to give me advise about how to do that, right?" Rose asks, she didn't want her sister getting killed "Well can't you control Victoria the way you did with your other sister?". Angelique starts waking up slightly rubbing her head "Where am I?" she asks and sees her sister "Why the hell did you attack those students?" she asks, Rose sighs "Listen, either you work along or you're getting killed, got it?" she asks and she puts Angelique down "Now stay with me and don't try anything stupid" she orders as her sister huga her arm scared.
"Because I didn't grow up with Victoria you idiot" Michael replied, starting to get sick of her questions. "She lived with my blood traitor mother. Do you really think she would be the way she is if my father had raised her?" He asked, noticing her sister had woken up and crossing his arms. "You either lock her in a room or you take her back to Hogwarts, she's not supposed to be here" He say sternly. His serious attitude left when Robert returned with the good news. "It sure was! Can't believe we're missing the faces of all of those first years when they see the mark. It's going to be one hell of a ceremony for them, isn't it?"
Rosemary nods and leaves with her sister, leaving her outside the castle before returning "So what now?" she asks trying to figure out what they should do now that they completed the mission.

Angelique looks at the dark mark, she could spread some panic, she runs inside and joins up with her friends "What happened to you?" one of them asks and Angelique says "Got attacked by something while trying to save some students from death eater, haven't you noticed the dark mark in the sky?", people quickly starts whispering among each other upon hearing there were death eaters.
"victoria" Jade mummers still unconcious. Terrifying visons swept through her mind, Jade was able to open her eyes slightly, she could see she was somehow moving, but quickly went back to being unconcious. Her vision fading black once more.
Her quiet stargazing was interrupted by sounds of fighting in the forest below. She didn't know what to do or say, even if she could say something. Slowly she spread her russet feathered wings and dipped down into the trees. To overlook the battle, she sat in a tree. What she saw made her gasp audibly. Students were being grabbed by Death Eaters! She blinked several times, watching all the students disappear one by one. She hadn't arrived in time to help them! But... one of them managed to get away. One of the girls. She was being dragged off by... James? The kid that had bothered her earlier. She looked back and forth between the Mark and James, then hissed angrily and swooped downwards, to the forest floor behind him, returning to human form carefully out of sight before approaching him.

@KalenNighteyes @DarknessSpirit
Robert smiled wickedly and took off his mask. "Now we return to the castle and see how shocked everyone is. Michael, you stay here and see if they wake up. We'll make up a story to make you seem innocent" He said, answering Rosemary's question and then quickly returning to the forest. Sarah, who was still running towards the castle caught his eye and he ran towards her. Grabbing her shoulders and forcing her to stop, he gave her a kind, fake smile. "Hey! It's me, are you alright? Is anyone else hurt?" He asked trying to sound concerned.

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Sarah screamed as her shoulder was grabbed, thinking it was a Death Eater. She instinctively turned around and punched, hitting the person who grabbed her in the face. That's when she realised it was Robert. She gasped in shock, hand flying to her mouth. "Robert! I'm so sorry, I thought you were a Death Eater!" She felt terrible, but there were more pressing matters. "The Death Eaters, they're after Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus! We have to warn the teachers before something terrible happens!" She looked down at the ground, frowning. "When I left the others were okay, but Jade was knocked out..." She felt awful for running away, abandoning her friends. She was starting to feel a little light-headed from blood loss - she could still feel blood trickling down her arm - but her friends were more important. She could deal with it.
James moved along as quick as he could but cautiously so as not to trip and fall. Jade was already hurt and he didn't want to cause her further harm. After he felt they might be safe, James stopped for a moment. He looked off into the distance, just barely able to make out the lights from the castle. He glanced down at Jade. "We'll be there soon, don't worry," he said to her even though he knew she was still unconscious. He adjusted his grip around her waist and began to move toward the castle once more.

@explosiveKitten @DarknessSpirit
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Rosemary appears a behind a few trees "Have you seen my sister Sarah? I mean, I saw her injured" she says and looks at the sky fake, but it seems real, gasping "Oh no" she mumbles "We have to tell the teachers", she walks over and looks around "Any idea where they are now?" she asks.

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