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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

"Well what else would ya expect, us ravenclaws have a reputation to keep." Roderick joked at Dorians comment, while looking toward Sara and smiled with a renewed expression of proud joy at the feat she had made mention of, seemingly equipping him with a return remark. " True... True we won last year and the first time in years. But imagine the feat miss Sara," Roderick began getting himself in postion that was slightly raised and dramatic, doing his best and often used impression of a storyteller. "The sixth year Roderick Fisher-McDonald, captain of his house ravenclaw he was..... Accomplishing the great feat of back to back cups and bringing about the reign of Ravenclaw." He laughed and settled himself down and picked up his charms book behind him, putting it away in his robes pocket after using his wand to decrease its size, putting along side his defense against the dark arts book. " Now that would be something, wouldn't it? But i suppose if we were to lose this year, it's only fitting Hufflepuff takes it... It's been awhile after all and I wouldn't mind it. But until then may the best win." He continued looking toward everyone.

"The forest huh? Well I suppose it's as good as any. Maybe we will see a werewolf or something good." Roderick added and rose to a stand from his seat, doing so a little slowly and mindful of the others who may be watching them, acting as casually and non important as possible.
Victoria took a deep breath and mentally got ready to answer the question. She'd been asked the same question her entire life and she was starting to get sick of it, to say the least. She wasn't mad at Sarah though, she knew the girl meant well. "I'm not a big fan of watching my friends getting hurt and I'm terrified of heights, that's why I don't play." She replied and began walking a bit faster. She uncomfortably cleared her throat when Roderick mentioned werewolves and watched Dorian to see what his reply would be. She'd known about his 'condition' for a while now but she had no idea if anyone else knew about it.

Michael rolled his eyes as they began walking inside the forest and looked around to make sure they weren't being followed by any dangerous creatures. "Like I said before, who cares? We'll make up some story if they find us but what's the worse that could happen? Detention?"
"Oh my god, fuck thank you Thaddeus, you are a savior!" She said as she lit a cigarette and handed him the pack back. Relaxed instantly. "Well let's go, the ceremony is long but not extremely long." She said as she walked along side them. She laughed at his werewolf comment. "Or maybe we can all ride some unicorns." Her long blue hair getting in her face.
As James was watching the other students leave the Great Hall, he felt something rub up against his leg. As he looked down he gave Tyrus a smile and patted his lap, signaling for him to climb up. The charcoal colored bengal jumped up and nuzzled James's chin. He seemed to have an affinity for knowing when James was going to do something out of the ordinary. "Don't worry Ty. I'll be fine. You stay here in the castle where it's safe," James said in a whisper. The cat gave him a light meow and nuzzled his chin once more before jumping down and running off to catch mice. With that, James turned his attention back to the other students and waited for his opportunity to make an exit of his own.
"That makes sense" Dorian speaks softly to Victoria "Heights are freaky, although I'm more scared of the lake like that is some creepy water" He shudders at the thought, glancing to Roderick as he makes a comments, Dorian's ears turning slightly pink. Which thankfully is hard to notice in the dark although before he can stop himself he begins speaking "Actually it's 12 days until you'd be seeing any werewolves" He sighs, at his words, quickly adding on "I mean...yeah? No it's 12 days, I remember learning this last year in Defence Against the Dark Arts" He chuckles nervously glancing to Victoria. After dealing with lycanthropy for most of his life, you'd assume he'd of gotten used to people talking about the subject, but Dorian still struggles with handling it, never sure how much to say on the subject and always trying not to get defensive whenever somebody tried to be particularly nasty about it.
This was normal for Avery. He was too fearless to be scared and too smart to do anything stupid. Maybe he should have been a Gryffindor? He almost burst out laughing at the thought. Anyways, he had a message to deliver, a very important message to a very important Death Eater. Well, he wasn't that important, but the boy had done what he'd been so close to accomplishing, and that was getting into Voldemort's inner circle. He would have been there too, if he would have just listened to directions without complaint.

Oh well, he made his way along the grassy path, his owl flying ahead and leading him to his target. It wasn't long before he was greeted with the sight of Michael, he was part of a conversation but Avery didn't care. Ave caught up with the boy, a serious expression on his face. "I need to talk to you." He said, his eyes slightly pleading. This was unusual for a Slytherin, but conversation with another person, on will, was unusual too.

Roderick took notice of Victoria's reaction to his comment about seeing a werewolf while in the forest, he was a bit shocked by it. He hadn't known of any past encounters with her or that Dorian had a 'condition' relating to werewolves. So for him it was a little shocking to see her response to his comment, being unaware of Dorians condition and having not seen one before, it was mere curiosity and encountering something he has been told about but never had seen before was a interesting to him. "Aye perhaps detention, but for me it would mean getting a letter or visit from my mum." Roderick shook his head at the thought of her finding out. "A right temper she has, fiery and has no problem setting her kin straight one way or another. But we haven't been caught yet so all is well."

"Unicorns... I could only imagine the sight of that and what It may bring."
He laughed in return and looked over toward Dorian. "Twelve days huh? Too bad. But still something good must be in the forest that provide quite the adventure for us to have."

Johanna was busily scribbling on a piece of parchment paper outside of the Great Hall. Circles and Xs. Arrows.

This year Gryffindor would win the Quidditch Cup. They would. As the new Quidditch captain, she would make damn sure. She was already planning things, thinking about try-outs, formations. Ravenclaw had won last year. RAVENCLAW! The most passive aggressive house in the school had beaten Gryffindor! Honestly it made no sense! "Ravenclaw... Last minute... I got the Snitch... but THEY WON. What in the ever loving fuck happened that Ravenclaw had so many points more then us that even catching the Snitch didn't make us win! I got the Snitch! I GOT THE SNITCH!!"

Joey sat on the steps leading up the Grand Staircase, busily scribbling on the parchment, chewing on her tongue as she mumbled moves and plays out loud, about ready to eat the feather off her quill.

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Michael was surprised, to say the least when another Death Eater from the school joined them in their trip to the forbidden forest. He'd never really spoken to Avery, except if it was completely necessary but he knew enough about him to know that he could be trusted and he didn't have to raise his guard so much around him. He pointed to a secluded area and walked there, checking if his fellow Death Eater was following him. When he was sure no one could hear them, he crossed his arms and waited for him to speak. "Well? What is it?"

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Avery followed after the other boy, making sure not to get lost. He was panting a bit, because although he wasn't running, he wasn't walking either. His owl, Rocket, had already perched in a tree, keeping his eyes open for any unwanted visitors. His owl was probably his most trusted companion, being one of the things that he could trust with his life. Once they reached a more secluded area, Michael turned to him, asking him to speak, in which Avery complied. "You know our most recent task, the one that made it into the news paper today, well we have a little problem."

The boy thought back to earlier events and his expression when he found out the news. "I don't know what really happened, but a few Death Eaters were discovered and my dad was taken into custody by muggle police. The only reason I know this before you is because I was there when it happened." Ave was sure that anyone in Voldemort's inner circle was immediately notified with any new information, the perks of being so close to the great man himself.
Michael took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. "Does the Dark Lord know?" He asked, a bit glad that the blame probably wouldn't be his since he wasn't leading the mission but he didn't want his father to suffer the Dark Lord's wrath if something really bad were to happen to the captured Death Eaters. "Doesn't matter, we're going to have to get to them before the Aurors do. Do you have any ideas?"
Satisfied that all who were leaving the Great Hall had done so, James got to his feet and casually walked out and looked around the entrance hall. The front doors of the school were open to his left and to his right were the main stairs. He noticed the girl sitting on them, scribbling away on some parchment. He chuckled lightly and wondered if that's what he looked like when he poured over his own writing: Sitting in random places and scribbling across parchment like there was no tomorrow. And that's when he became conflicted with what to do. He wanted to follow the other students out to the Dark Forest, but wanted to see if the girl on the stairs was okay. Despite his own desires to be alone, he had a soft heart and cared about others. Much to his dismay, he settled for talking to the girl on the stairs, and walked over to her.

"Uh, hi. Couldn't help but notice you seem to be furiously working on that piece of parchment and it sounds like you're talking about Quidditch. Are you okay?" James asked, shifting uncomfortably.

"Well-" Avery was going to answer his question but Michael cut him off, asking another. He nodded his head, but looked around, growing wary of his surroundings. "Maybe we shouldn't talk about this here. I mean, we're standing in the middle of the forest." Avery trusted his owl to alert him of any problems, and he did let his guard down when around a trusted Death Eater like Michael, but the world was unpredictable and being in a more controlled area seemed more secure to him. "How about tomorrow? I know you're here with your friends, so I won't make you leave now, but let's meet up somewhere to talk." Ave suggested.
Jade casually walked along side the group in silence. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a figure. But blew it off as a beast. "Ugh it's cold." She complained.
Johanna grumbled angrily some more and continued to scribble angrily until some random guy approached her. Which admittedly made her jump and cover up the parchment with her forearms. "Wha- What! Nothing! I'm fine!" She looked up at this guy and narrowed her eyes, "Yes... I was talking about Quidditch... Before... Not anymore, obviously.... You didn't see my parchment did you?" She narrowed her eyes further, then blinked then open wide and rubbed her eyes, looking tired.

Robert was calmly searching the forest for his 'friends', knowing they were supposed to be there thanks to a pathetic third year who'd apparently watched the large group leave and heard them say they were heading to the forest. It wasn't like he was happy to meet the idiots who were fooled by his 'nice and caring' fake personality but he wanted to make sure they stayed at the forest, orders from the Dark Lord. While he was in his animal form, he couldn't be noticed by anyone which was an incredible advantage. As he flew around the forest, he spotted two fellow death eaters speaking and quickly landed right next to them. After quickly changing back to his human form, he smiled at the death eaters and placed his hands inside of his pockets.

"Well this is convenient" He said with a smug smile. "I've got news from the Dark Lord himself, Death Eaters are waiting in the forest to attack the other group. Don't ask why, he wants to begin taking over the school but this attack is supposed to be some kind of warning. Anyways, the Dark Lord wants us- well, me but I doubt I'll be able to take three students to the manor on my own. He thinks they could be brought into the cause and benefit us. The two purebloods, Dorian and Victoria and the giant Thaddeus. He says he doesn't care if you kill the others or not. Any questions?"
A crack In a branch brought Jade to attention. She pulled out her wand just for safe keeping. She turned to Victoria. "Any of you guys hear that? Or am I just being paranoid?" She asked looking around. Being a muggle, she always had to be cautious these days.

Michael wasn't surprised when he saw the eagle transform into Robert, he was actually glad to see one of his best friends had joined the fun. Well, best friend when he wasn't acting around the mud bloods and blood traitors to gain their trust but he was still a friend and trusted by the Dark Lord. "Oh so now we're supposed to help you do your job?" He asked sarcastically. "I do have a question. I understand why he wants Dorian and Victoria since they're purebloods and come from some of the best families" He smiled proudly before continuing. "But why the giant? He's a half - blood after all." He asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

Victoria decided to copy Jade and took out her own wand, pointing it towards the place where they heard the noise. She pressed a finger firmly against her lips and took a few steps towards the noise, only to find a small squirrel walking around a tree. She sighed and lowered her wand. "It's nothing, we're just being paranoid." She replied calmly.

(I want to wait until more people are online to start the fight, I don't know who can and cant post)
James hesitated, noting he had startled the girl. He shook his head. "No, I didn't. I didn't mean to scare you. And if it's about Quidditch, you don't need to worry. I'm not on my house's team and I really don't have a reason to care who has the house cup," James said, giving the girl a small smile. "You just looked pretty stressed and I wanted to know if I could offer any help." He held out his hand to her. "I'm James."

Robert didn't even have to ask, Avery was completely loyal to the Dark Lord, meaning if he needs to assist in a battle, he'd do it. With a nod, Ave confirmed his spot in the fight. "Of course, but like Michael said, why do we need the half-blooded giant?" Of course Victoria and Donovan would be needed, they were both vital pieces and could be great for a fight, Avery's actually surprised they've not already been attempted to be recruited. Whatever, this fight would be important, but another name was on his mind, Rosemary. He remembered seeing her here with them, and although her Death Eater status wasn't known, he was wondering if she would give up her cover to help.

"What about the other one," Avery snapped his fingers and looked up, pondering the thought, "Rosemary, right? I don't think anyone else knows she's a Death Eater, will she help?"
(Okay sounds good)

Jade sighed. "Fuck I'm paranoid. With all the muggle attacks and the death of my parents, iv got to be on edge." She said sighed. She sounded weary and almost sad.
"No one is blowing their covers tonight, you have your masks right? Just avoid being seen and don't get wounded during the fight, if you decide to fight of course. The idea is to grab the students and take them to the manor as soon as the fight begins." He replied with a serious tone, putting his arms behind his back. "Thaddeus is half giant, right? Well, the Dark Lord wants to make our alliance as strong as it was during the second war and he could convince the Giants for us. As for the other death eater, she better help if you wants the Dark Lord to aknowledge her existence. Anyways, it's been fun but I have to return to my girlfriend. Stay close" He said with a smug grin and transformed to an eagle again. After landing behind a tree close to the group, he transformed back into a human and made his presence known. "Well, I must say I'm rather offended that my own girlfriend decided to betray me in such a horrible way. Not brining me to the forest, is this how you're breaking up with me?" He said sarcastically and hugged the pure blood girl, trying not to chuckle.
"Scared? You didn't scare me. I don't get scared, okay? I didn't want you to see my parchment, okay?" She grumbled, crossing her arms and folding up the parchment. Preceding that, she slipped it into the breast pocket of her shirt. "...James, huh? ...Johanna. My friends call me Joey. If I had friends." She blinks at him, looking at his hand, then took his hand and proceeded to pull herself up. "I guess I should say my teammates call me Joey." She looked at James and blinked some more, then awkwardly scratched her head. "...look, as much as I would LOVE to stand here and make awkward conversation with you, I just want to go outside and feel the wind through my fea- hair. I mean, wind through my hair.... Yeah. Bye." She quickly rushed out into the Courtyard outside. She sighed, leaning against the door. She took in a breath of the cold night air, then a small smile crept to her lips as she exhaled, feeling the familiar crunching of bones as they changed.

Soon she was an owl, soaring through the night sky, shrieking that signature, ungodly Barn Owl shriek. And carefully, she headed towards the Forbidden Forest, intending to stargaze at the top of the huge pines.

(Hopefully just barging in like this is cool. hehe)
At the mention of jades that she heard something and wondered if anyone else had as well. Roderick moved slid his hand down his inner robe and toward the holster on his leg, the tips of his fingers tracing the wand and nearly gripping the alder wands hilt before hearing Victoria respond to Jade. He then relaxed his hand but didn't move it away from the wand, he used what muggles in the old west times called a quick draw style to his form of dueling when outside of duel club. He found it a useful practice in case he ever found himself in a situation where his wand was still sheathed in his holster. So keeping his hand near just in case was preferable for a subtle and swift drawing of his wand and fluidly moving into his fencer esque stance in a flowing and uninterrupted motion. " Aye the times are not always grand. Horrible news and events lately are putting everyone on edge, but I am sorry about your parents and your loss." Roderick spoke to Jade with well intentions and sincerity in his tone and attempt.

As Victoria's boyfriend appeared, Roderick eyes him curiously wondering of how he arrived without more noise and notice, but ultimately shrugged and shook off the thought looking at the forest with circling gaze and motion of his head.
James retracted his hand and nodded, watching as Johanna disappeared out into the courtyard. From now on I should really just listen to myself and walk away from a social interaction instead of talking myself into one. With a sigh, James headed out the door and down the path toward the Dark Forest. Maybe he could still find and catch up to those other people he was going to follow in the first place.

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