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  1. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What are the most popular rp themes/plots?

    oppps i forgot about Ninendo Reddit...... best place to roleplay!
  2. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What are the most popular rp themes/plots? or GO? gaia online?
  3. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What are the most popular rp themes/plots?

    as for rpnation? also
  4. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What are the most popular rp themes/plots?

    Just download the Apps on the apps store.
  5. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What are the most popular rp themes/plots?

    The big larger then life roleplaying is Walkin Japanese roleplaying. However that's not accepted here. You know, bars, restaurants, and everyday roleplaying like VR Chat. Those are all big on asian sites under QQ, Wechat, or TenCent? Wechat has over 5k active users just in a forum called Maid...
  6. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What are some common RP traits that you don't understand the appeal of?

    Good points! Now more and more people are starting to use AI pictures for character sheets.
  7. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What are some common RP traits that you don't understand the appeal of?

    Whats? AOL roleplay? You had to pay money to have AOL. wtf?
  8. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What's the scariest part about finding roleplay partners?

    That happens here..... sometimes people are not interested in what you want to roleplay: more-so in 1x1.....
  9. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What's the scariest part about finding roleplay partners?

    thats the way most roleplayers are on this site. so I am not the only one who notices and called it out? :coolshades::coolshades:
  10. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What's the scariest part about finding roleplay partners?

    well most experienced roleplayers only care about themselves often leading to unwanted drama in ooc forums over little thing. also, maybe, if this counts: being ghosted......
  11. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint What Do You Look For in an RP?

    I just read roleplaying on rpnation. this site is filled with to many well experienced roleplayers who do not play with new people unless you suck up to them and tell them how great they are on their high horse. I don't roleplay here with these kinds of people. I roleplay on another site. on...
  12. Megatron2024

    Advice/Help How do you deal with people who take over the roleplay.

    Yes thats Pokemon roleplaying for you. thats why i don't do pokemon: because every one of them is like that and has been like that since people started roleplaying. I doubt it will ever change. 30 years: from now: i bet it will still be the same and people will STILL BE DOING IT. its god...
  13. Megatron2024

    Viewpoint Thoughts on fast rp replies?

    Depends on what was being said and I need to know the context? or how can I answer you? ooc is 'out of character' but can sometimes become a chat room for the players..... sometimes: kindof: whatever, but yes, alot of the time.
  14. Megatron2024

    Experiences Human vs AI

    Yes, however it depends on what you are roleplaying. crime roleplaying does really really well on all AI. other roleplaying does good on some AI and stinks on others. not all AI is the same.
  15. Megatron2024


    Its not you. its the people on here. if you don't kiss their butts and say how cool they are by having so much experience: they won't play with you. you will have better luck on gaia or reddit. however those sites have alot of noobies that are middle lit or lower.... good luck.
  16. Megatron2024

    Idea walkin attempt 2, for New people....

    no not bullying. im though. im thick skinned.
  17. Megatron2024

    Idea walkin attempt 2, for New people....

    lol! kindof! If you want to read some really hardcore rude comments that are said to be roleplaying.............. Quest Roleplaying is so bad.... lol
  18. Megatron2024

    Idea walkin attempt 2, for New people....

    Ok. I understand that. thats all good stuff. but some of the people on here talk like Trump because they are well experienced. there is a bad side too. Who does this? why? 'I was in a battle with a troll. It was a great battle. It was a great troll. I rolled a 5 on the final attack. It was a...
  19. Megatron2024

    Idea walkin attempt 2, for New people....

    This would give new users experience interacting with a place, and learning how to do roleplaying without a character. Playing with advanced characters would come later. In other sites: Not Rpnation, for some reason? real experienced roleplayerd bend over backwards to do this to spread the joy...