Viewpoint Thoughts on fast rp replies?


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I wanted to see what any opinions are there on this. As I've had a problem recently regarding this. Apparently, if you reply quickly to an ooc comment and not the rp. You aren't busy or replying to another rp. Is that person who replied quickly as ooc and not rp in the wrong?

What are your thoughts?
It takes different amounts of effort to reply to an OOC comment than to the rp. So I think it's perfectly reasonable to respond to the former and not the latter.
To add to what LeapOfFool LeapOfFool said, OOC and IC can have different degrees of urgency (talking to someone OOC can require such things as both people being present while IC posts can wait for the other person to return, or an OOC question may be required etc...), writing methods may ask for more care and planning on an IC post than one would put into OOC and furthermore many players just outright roleplay on different detail and length expectations (I would go as far as to say most) that make OOC and IC responses pretty much incomparable.

And this is all without mentioning that other people don't own your time. Just because someone can post doesn't immediately translate to them having an obligation to, especially on faster & shorter reply roleplays where that could go on perpetually.
OOC is normally just random chatter, or some plotting, or just random drivel. It naturally progresses faster and further than IC. It's honestly a bad sign if your ooc is slower or at the same pace as your IC. Though I would say it matters to what degree your ooc activity is towards the IC, say you post in it for hours a day for days in a row, but the IC once every week or two, there may be a problem that could make someone upset.
Yeahhh I think it's perfectly reasonable to just... not be in the mood to RP every time you respond to someone? Even if you DO have time to write out a post. It's not a job.
Heck, I am in an RP with someone I KNOW is in another RP. I do NOT own their time. They will reply when they get a chance. I have a 70 work week. Same kinda goes for me. My little bit of free time also includes those little things ... like eating.

And it is often those OOC comments we DO need to have answered quicker - like clarifying something going on in the RP, or if it is okay to take the plot in a particular direction. If the OOC was non RP related, maybe they need to stop bugging you so you CAN work on a response? (I have had to drop a not so subtle hint that I needed to focus on one thing or the other ...)
It's definitely not wrong or even uncommon to reply more quickly OOC than IC.

When I'm writing in-character, I am often hoping to draft, re-draft, frequently check the character sheet and even previous posts to ask myself if what I'm writing is consistent with the character I've established. I'm checking the characters that I'm interacting with to see how I might even tie some things in that play off of their backstory to give their writer extra ammunition to play with. If someone is in multiple threads, that's more time dedicated.

If someone's doing all this to produce the highest quality possible, that can take a lot of time. And even if someone doesn't do all of this every time, people have lives outside of writing here, writer's block, etc. OOC chit-chat just inherently requires less focus and effort.

If I may be blunt, the very notion that someone responding quickly to an OOC thread means they're "not busy" or "not replying to other RP's" is a logical fallacy.

OOC is largely non-creative commentary and conversation. The RP itself directly involves, nay, relies on the creative process. They engage different areas of the brain and one of them (I'll give you three guesses as to which) is driven by a multitude of factors including a fluctuating level of motivation which is affected by various irl life variables, mental/emotional health and energy levels, excitement and enthusiasm for the subject matter, whether or not there's even anything for them to respond to from previous content shared, and more.

In addition, it's been said by others here but I'll reiterate and reinforce it, nobody has an obligation to budget their time or energy for the sake of a roleplay. It's not a life priority. It's a hobby.

If someone seems to be or straight up is demanding that posting be every day, or are otherwise always on your ass about when your next post is going up, walk away. They're not worth the headache, and are showing you zero respect as a roleplay partner. You don't need the aggravation. Nor do you need the drama. Walk away, and find partners who respect your time and your availability.


- GojiBean
If they talk in OOC they are at least letting you know they are still interested.
As someone who loves to speak and be very active in OOC chats, I don't think it's a bad thing. I'm always a fan of engaging outside of RP with those I am writing with, whether it's idle chatter, plotting, or silly HCs being thrown out. It personally helps build and keep my interest in the RP I am involved in and I find that important (it also helps boost my own creativity within said RP). Sometimes you just wanna chat with your RP partner and/or group and not go through your whole writing process to create a post. That is okay and should be respected! It's understandable if they get bothered if it's been weeks or so and you're only being active in OOC and not IC, but if it's a few days, then I don't think it's that bad, especially if you're open about things. Communication is important after all and helps keep RPs rolling from my experiences
It takes much longer to compose an in character post than reply in an OOC thread, which is largely low stakes. Having chatty members is a positive of anything.

Now if they are only posting to OOC and not replying to the IC then that's an activity problem that needs to be addressed.
I wanted to see what any opinions are there on this. As I've had a problem recently regarding this. Apparently, if you reply quickly to an ooc comment and not the rp. You aren't busy or replying to another rp. Is that person who replied quickly as ooc and not rp in the wrong?

What are your thoughts?
I used to run into this tension in the past but really I just ignore it as insecurity on someone's end
I honestly don't really mind at all and have come to realize that keeping relaxed but diligent on my end has worked best
i personally don’t make a problem out of ooc replies when im waiting on an ic reply, because sometimes the other person is busy and i can understand because i take AGES to reply ic.. well, it depends what people consider ages. some days i take 40 minutes and consider that ages for myself (not other people) but sometimes i end up not replying for days because of personal issues like depression or no motivation to do anything but sleep OR im just busy. sometimes i want to do things other than rping, like my other hobbies like drawing or gaming or something like that. so usually i wont pay much mind, but if they aren’t going to reply ic for a long period of time i like a warning beforehand so i know not to bug somebody and accidentally anger them.
I wanted to see what any opinions are there on this. As I've had a problem recently regarding this. Apparently, if you reply quickly to an ooc comment and not the rp. You aren't busy or replying to another rp. Is that person who replied quickly as ooc and not rp in the wrong?

What are your thoughts?
Depends on what was being said and I need to know the context? or how can I answer you?

ooc is 'out of character' but can sometimes become a chat room for the players.....
sometimes: kindof: whatever, but yes, alot of the time.
Depends on what was being said and I need to know the context? or how can I answer you?

ooc is 'out of character' but can sometimes become a chat room for the players.....
sometimes: kindof: whatever, but yes, alot of the time.
This is an old thread. I'm surprised it's still getting attention.

However, this happened last December.

From what I remember. I was in another rp, when I was replying to that person as fast as I could in ooc (out of character chatting.) That person got mad that I was answering them quickly in ooc, but not RP wise. Even though I did tell them I was replying to that other RP at the moment.

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