Would you roleplay in any of these if not then why?

  • I would. But I’m too stocked up right now

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • It’s boring

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Not interested

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Too demanding

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Too long

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not enough info

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • Too pushy

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Other (if you could please tell me why it would be helpful)

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters


Honor. That's what I'm after. Fame. That's my goal
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
I been having issues getting interest for my roleplays like any and all of my roleplays. I’ve maybe only gotten a hand full of people showing interest in nearly every interest check I made combined. And 75% of them die within a week or so.

So I wanna know to help me find out why I’m not getting any interest in anything I post.

Below I will post some of my interest checks. That have been failing. And a poll that will not show who voted with various of reasons of why it’s failing so I can better my post

This one didnt even get anough interest to lift off and its a group interest check
Your older searches were dedicated to fandoms and it's hard to find partners for the fandoms that are not large or mainstream. The fandoms you listed are rather well known but still have limited fan base, which limits pool of people who could roleplay them.
The group rp includes anthro characters, and it's not everyone's cup of tea. Again, while not unpopular, the interest might still be limited.
There were also some spelling mistakes scattered throughout the posts. For a writing hobby, proper spelling and grammar are important to more people than on average.

Your more recent search seems more general in terms of themes and pairings.
What may confuse people, is saying you're looking for a male partner. Does the partner need to be male in real life? Or just need to play a male character? The wording is confusing and may put some people off.

There is also not enough info on what you expect from your partner (such as writing style, post frequency etc). People may be too shy to inquire all that.
Your older searches were dedicated to fandoms and it's hard to find partners for the fandoms that are not large or mainstream. The fandoms you listed are rather well known but still have limited fan base, which limits pool of people who could roleplay them.
The group rp includes anthro characters, and it's not everyone's cup of tea. Again, while not unpopular, the interest might still be limited.
There were also some spelling mistakes scattered throughout the posts. For a writing hobby, proper spelling and grammar are important to more people than on average.

Your more recent search seems more general in terms of themes and pairings.
What may confuse people, is saying you're looking for a male partner. Does the partner need to be male in real life? Or just need to play a male character? The wording is confusing and may put some people off.

There is also not enough info on what you expect from your partner (such as writing style, post frequency etc). People may be too shy to inquire all that.
Thank you this is helpful. Though I’m afraid spelling is hard for me due to failing English even tho it’s my first language and also muscle spasms. BUT THANK YOU FOR THIS!
Though it may sound preposterous for myself to say it, nonetheless it is primarily because I do not believe the two of us would match in writing level, or the commitments we make for roleplaying, resulting in a bad 1x1-match. Secondarily, your group roleplay is generally uninteresting and rather niche amongst the amalgamized collective of group roleplayers. Though I suppose it is not impossible to find some, but I am definitely not one of them.

I suppose the gravest issue you have to resolve is putting more effort and thought into your interest checks. I think that would be a solid first step. Summaries of the setting, proposals of how stories can go; more creativity displayed to catch the attention of people, as opposed to a simple and uninteresting shopping list.

That being said, more often than not you'll not find yourself lucky. I have niche interests and will have to wait a very long while until either A, I make a roleplay myself and it- by purest chance- gets enough players to start (and soon after dies by ghosting), or B, find something miraculously which piques my interests. My selectiveness is magnified in one-on-ones because there are only two people.

I think it would be good to remember that the One-on-One writing section is filled with a lot of writers who spend a lot of effort and time thinking and communicating their ideas in a lot more detail than what you have done. If you want to match them, it might be good to see the most popular One-on-One request threads and being inspired by how they go about garnering interest. Of course, there is only so much you can do if they do not happen to have the same roleplay interests as you do; which is why ultimately any kind of interest check is a dice roll.

You can make the best thread ever deviced and still have you roleplay never get off the ground if you are picky with your amount of people for it to start- refrain from having starter sizes, it simply prevents you from starting, and even if you get enough people over time, if it takes too long then the first people who said they were interested will no longer be (most likely) because of the amount of time which has passed.

These are the most important things to consider, for you, as well as being the only things you, yourself, can immediately improve. Over time, as you improve, you will naturally garner more interest from other parties, as they will be aware of your writing, and since you are by that point a good writer, they will want to join you more often than not regardless of what kind of niche setting it might be.
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Personally, I don't do fandom based role-plays at all, so I won't delve into that department, that can go to someone else.

But in regard to the plots, they are very basic. Sure, I like writing basic plots such as Princess x Commoner, however, I like to add in a little bit of a storyline for my role-play partner to catch their interest. Such as the princess dreams of running away, one day, she sneaks out of the castle and goes to the village, and gets lost, there she meets a commoner, and the princess hides her identity from this commoner as they slowly build a friendship, will she ever tell them? Giving a little extra detail like that helps a LOT and goes a long way. Also mentioning the setting, such as time periods, locations, anything in this world that you built for this role-play, would help. Sprinkling in details to give your potential role-play partner more to work with is very helpful. I wish you the best of luck!
Personally, I don't do fandom based role-plays at all, so I won't delve into that department, that can go to someone else.

But in regard to the plots, they are very basic. Sure, I like writing basic plots such as Princess x Commoner, however, I like to add in a little bit of a storyline for my role-play partner to catch their interest. Such as the princess dreams of running away, one day, she sneaks out of the castle and goes to the village, and gets lost, there she meets a commoner, and the princess hides her identity from this commoner as they slowly build a friendship, will she ever tell them? Giving a little extra detail like that helps a LOT and goes a long way. Also mentioning the setting, such as time periods, locations, anything in this world that you built for this role-play, would help. Sprinkling in details to give your potential role-play partner more to work with is very helpful. I wish you the best of luck!
Thank you!
And for grammar and stuff if you are using a PC to write posts then I recommend getting Grammarly.
I myself struggle with grammar mainly cause I learned so many different types of English and it's all mush up there in the brain.
[English Australian, English Canadian, English British, English American, English New Zealand, and far more different English language kinds live in my brain rent free and each of them with different grammar]
And for grammar and stuff if you are using a PC to write posts then I recommend getting Grammarly.
I myself struggle with grammar mainly cause I learned so many different types of English and it's all mush up there in the brain.
[English Australian, English Canadian, English British, English American, English New Zealand, and far more different English language kinds live in my brain rent free and each of them with different grammar]
Sorry I don’t have a PC just an iphone
So a few things stick out to me:

-Lots of typos: While one or two are be fine, having a consistent number over the course of the interest check(s) can be a turn off for people looking for more "advanced" roleplay. Since you've stated that you have issues with English I would suggest downloading Grammarly. It's a tool that helps check your spelling, grammar, etc. I know you said you don't have a computer,but it's worth checking the Apple app store to see if they have a mobile version. I know they do for Android.
-Missing information: While it's great that you've listed your name and desired posting frequency, there aren't a lot of ideas beyond pairings (excluding your HTTYD search). The information you give also isn't consistent across all your 1x1 search threads so it may be confusing for people who are trying to sift through it all.
-Desperation: This is a personal ick of mine, but when I see it I start wondering if this behavior /vibe will carry on to our OOC interactions. It also makes me wonder why you haven't had any successful roleplays going.

For your group interest check, there isn't much of a plot. While you have a vague idea of what you want the world isn't fleshed out at all, you don't give an idea of what types of characters/roles you want, or detail any posting expectations /rules. It feels very incomplete. Anthros are also just a niche topic so it will be inherently more difficult to find interested players.

Overall, I suggest that you organize and condense all of your 1x1 interest checks into one thread and flesh out some of the existing plots. Again, for group roleplays, tackle the points people have suggested and you should hopefully garner more interest.

Best of luck on your search!
IMO there's a few things there that might be making it harder to garner interest, and almost none of them are things you're "doing wrong."

Personally, I almost always play CCxCC fandom RPs. I'm just not into any of the fandoms you're asking for, so there's that. I've noticed that CCxOC requests can be hit or miss; in your first link you don't offer to double so anyone hoping to play their OC off a canon character would probably not be interested, though you do in the second. But if there aren't people in those fandoms around, you just aren't going to get bites, unfortunately. (I know this feeling well, haha.)

In your 1x1 original RP search you have what seem to me to be mostly ideas that are "not much at all given" with no plot hooks or story ideas; it might help to add even a few ideas of where to start or what type of things you enjoy, or a word bank, or song inspirations or something. I'd also specify DC specifically rather than just general fandom, or say that if you're doing fandom you're open to crossover stuff, but that's just me. (Like, I found myself confused by whether you meant "if we do fandom I'm being Batman x Joker's kid and you need to be a DCU hero like The Flash or something" or "if we do fandom I'm being Batman x Joker's kid but you can be a superhero from DC, Marvel, My Hero Academia, whatever" or something else entirely.)

Again, as people have said, anthro RP is just a niche thing on this site. It's not that you're doing anything wrong wanting to do a group anthro RP, but you're probably going to get more limited interest with it. That said, you might have been able to get something off the ground with it if you'd been open to just starting out with your group of four (yourself and the three responses you did get), maybe working to add in others who express interest later.

The two major things I think I'd say are more offputting to people are your spelling (I do not mind it personally, if I'm into an RP I can work with it for sure) and... Well, it's not that you're too demanding per se. But in most of your posts you seem to be going into even your short initial posts either ready to be combative or possibly being... needy/clingy? That's the only thing I found actually offputting. "Don't call me a furry, I hate it and it's offensive to me" in the first line of your group RP and in the last line "this isn't D&D I don't even like D&D" feels especially like you're ready for a fight with the people who might respond to you. Your first fandom post and your 1x1 original post were fine, but your second fandom post going "And if I'm being quite blunt IM LOSING HOPE HERE PEOPLE!! so please PLEASE if your interested LET ME K N O W." is... imo, not a great idea.

You've made multiple posts around that don't only come across as desperate, but you straight-up say that you are. It's hard to explain why that can be so offputting. I've roleplayed with people who've gotten very intense and demanding, not about the particulars of our RP but about my time, my focus on anything or anyone else, my ever not liking a certain idea or asking for changes or clarification. A lot of people on here are struggling to find RP, and from my experience sometimes a particular site just isn't a fit for what a person is looking for. The people I see making posts going "I'm desperate and losing hope," "I'm ABOUT TO GIVE UP because NO ONE is showing interest," "I must be unpopular or not good enough" all over the place feel like they would be a lot to deal with, frankly. Asking for feedback or assistance is one thing, and this post in and of itself is fine, but I don't want to have to manage someone's emotions if they come to me going "what did I do wrong???" if it takes me a few days to reply, get upset at me for RPing with other people (which has happened to me in the past), or go into "oh I suck I'm the worst I'm a terrible person" if I say something is making me a bit uncomfortable (has also happened). Sometimes that level of "PLEASE RP WITH ME I'M DESPERATE" feels like, if not a red flag, then a yellow one.

TLDR a lot of the stuff that might be keeping people from being interested in your posts aren't you doing anything wrong. Specific fandoms + anthro stuff can both be hard to get people into! For what you can actually change, giving people a little bit more to work with (plot-wise, word banks, song inspirations, anything!), improving your spelling, and making an effort to not come across as desperate, despairing, or combative could help.
Its not you. its the people on here. if you don't kiss their butts and say how cool they are by having so much experience: they won't play with you. you will have better luck on gaia or reddit. however those sites have alot of noobies that are middle lit or lower....
good luck.

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