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  1. P

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Welp, I spent this entire weekend without wifi. Time to play catchup
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    Rockwell Academy

    My word, the forum is a mess right now lol. I apologize for not posting lately, I will be busy this weekend so I'll try to sneak in a few posts if I can. I feel out of the loop and its only been one page haha
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    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    "Just to clarify, do you even read from a library? And if you do.. What kind of books?" "Excuse me? EXCUSE ME? Do I from a library? I WRITE the books in the library! I read every book in the library! I AM THE LIBRARY! ...Making an exception history and mana cores. Gods, that's...
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    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    "Right now? I really feel like shooting some hoops. I have not played in days, and I am nearing a state of insanity. It's my drug, so to speak." Locke wasn't even kidding, his legs hurt this morning. They hurt because he had not suffered hellish training. Was he a masochist? He hoped no one...
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    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    Taking said missed items -a notebook or two- into his bag, Locke stepped out into the hall. Soon, he spotted Nathan speaking with two other guys. Surely, they had met the year before in Rockwell. He took some seconds to just let them talk, the familiar scene bringing back memories of his friends...
  6. P

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    Talk? Hell, talk was way too far from the verb that Elena had in mind. They needed to DISCUSS. DEBATE. VERBALLY ARGUE IN A HEATED MANNER. Not only was this whole thing a catastrophe in a global scale...Styfr seemed to know much about it. Way too much about it. While to some, it may have been a...
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    Fantasy Grand Ultima

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    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    He had a great night, that was for sure. It was a shame Kenzie had to bail, but a party is more than one person. The best part? He had successfully avoided being subjected to obnoxious dares. That aside, waking up extremely early was integral to Locke's routine. In fact, it's probably why he...
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    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    "Shit! Don't do more than you can handle!" Leaving the others to their own devices, Elena rushed to assist Ferene in the holding of the barrier. It was funny, she literally only made barriers to shield herself from possible explosions causes by her experiments. Protecting others had never been...
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    Styx - A Second Life

    Its been a few busy days! I hope to start posting more Enviado desde mi GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk 2
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    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    I apologize for that, its been a hesvy few days on me x.x Enviado desde mi GT-I9100 usando Tapatalk 2
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    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    Locke waved his hand at Julia in a dismissive, albeit joking manner. "Oh, I don't know. Go kiss Trent, or something. The guy must be cold, and you'd do him some good."
  13. P

    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    Should have definitely said Trent. Her reaction was way too expected, and that wasn't the fun of this game. But the night was long, he'd get his chance to get some weird stares eventually. "As you say, mistress. Truth or Dare, Julia?" @Emem
  14. P

    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    "You." Hell, it was true. Kenzie wasn't around and he didn't know anyone else well enough to care about personalities by this point. Celina had the gall to ask him, so she should probably pay for it by being the target of her own question. By this point he'd probably kiss anyone, given the...
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    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    "Don't ask me, I will always go for truth. I'm serious. No way I'll end up in Trent's position. Good luck with that, by the way. Just think it's half-locker room, half-porn video shooting." Locke shrugged. The human body, toned through sports training or even daily activities, was a beautiful...
  16. P

    Fantasy Grand Ultima

    "Roger that, kiddo." Elena wasn't sure about actually leaving him to fend for the barrier. But the hell, he seemed to know way too much about what was going on. While she needed to questing him a bit more to determine if he could be trusted, right now she had no choice. Venturing into the...
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    Fantasy Styx - A Second Life

    @Caius Tristan chuckled at Alexander's overexcitement. Truly, he had never seen someone give less of a damn at being dead. Must be the culture shock. Surely, in a few days...hours...minutes? He'd start missing what he had left behind. Perhaps he had nothing of the sort? "I don't think you'll...
  18. P

    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    Dare? Man, people never learnt. The true way to win this game was to say truth every time. After all, he had lived a life with no regrets. Nothing they could possibly ask is something he'd hesitate to answer. Even if said answers could come as surprising. "This is going to be reaaaaal good...
  19. P

    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    Locke raised his hand. "I have a first aid kit in my room. I can go for it and bring it here, unless someone else happens to have one here?" And for a bit, he stared at Trent. It was awesome, what he did. Pretty gentleman-ish, and it made Locke admire him. But... "...Sorry, Trent. I should...
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    Realistic or Modern Rockwell Academy

    Locke chuckled. Can't win em all, after all. It was a shame, however, that it had all been over with so soon. "You're just spot on. I'm not even thirsty enough for gatorade. Although I don't get drinking games, frankly. People who win and don't require to take shots just end up...drunk up...