Rockwell Academy

@Plight - Yep! Sorry, I'm not really used to this whole "Accepting people" thing.

I still think we could use some more characters though, if anyone wants to create a few more, or has friends who might like to join. I'm used to playing in RPs where everyone creates 4 characters!
Just one more question...everyone goes to the headmaster for their roommate right? If not I'll gladly edit my post.
@Emem: Hey, I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to quit. I'll delete my skelly and I'll post this in the IC section, too.
Ah, everyone's interacting so much. What a bad idea, having my character need power naps lol
@Emem So I know there was talk in the RP about a play being put on. Are you going to decide what it's going to be? If you're taking suggestions, could Rockwell put on "Rent"? such a good musical and I think it'd be cool for some of the characters to go through the process of putting it on. just asking :)
@TheOneAndOnly - I want absolutely no part in deciding that kind of thing :P . None of my characters are the theatre type, so by all means, come to a conclusion with the rest of the people interested in theatre!

P.s.- As I hope you've all noticed by now, I really don't mind if everyone kind of makes things up as we go. I really don't care to be of any higher significance in the role play than anyone else. Unless someone has posted something completely contrary to the main description or what 'the status quo' has been going with, I won't say a word!

My word, the forum is a mess right now lol.

I apologize for not posting lately, I will be busy this weekend so I'll try to sneak in a few posts if I can. I feel out of the loop and its only been one page haha

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