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Fantasy Styx - A Second Life

"I don't know..maybe we should look for survivors," she said, scanning the grounds for signs of any Revenant. Ace turned to face the Officer, frowning. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. "Well, this is one crazy day," she muttered to herself.
@CloudKitteh @Caius

"Sounds good to me. The archer's probably fine, in any case. Shall we go, then?" Taking no time, the two of them headed out to scout the area for any who were injured during the haunting. There, Tristan would do his best to apply basic first aid. The haunting was over, so everywhere was safe. The most important thing right now was treating things before they got to a critical state.

As they walked around the streets, they toppled with an impressive behemoth. Well, that could be a rude word- this man was no monster, just INMENSELY tall. He seemed to be doing quite fine, but perhaps he had seen someone who might need help?

"Yo! We're looking for any wounded to tend to, saw any of 'em around here? I'm Officer Walhart, by the way. My friend here is Ace".
As Alexander walked off his frustration, he was surprised that someone was actually waving at him!

-Uh hi!- he said, as he tried to change his face.

-I just saw some people collecting these, uh, wisps? i think that's how they called them?- . Getting kinda irritated as he remembered the person he met who left him hanging because of the wisps ...but he let the thought go.

-Besides them i haven't seen anyone that required first aid officer , but perhaps can you guys help me? it's like my first hour here on Styx-

Alex said, hoping they wouldn't just leave him there confused about what is this place.

-My name's Alexander Blitz by the way, pleasure meeting ya! -.
"Yeah," said Darcie. She continued to collect wisps on their way to the tavern, until she'd filled all her bottles, more than compensating for the stolen one. "Well, sort of. Most of what we do is bartering, actually. Like I got the apartment because I worked at the place. Or you know, smaller deals, like trading a dozen eggs for a loaf of bread. Sometimes it's necessary to use money, but I got us covered here." She gestured to the wisp bottles at her hip. "These aren't just for show, you know."
"I gottcha, keepin it old school." Isadora watched as Darcie collected the wisps, unsure of how they could really be worth anything. Where they used for fuel? Where they for consumption?

"You kinda lucked out, getting a job eh? I don't really have much to barter with... except for these," Isadora cupped her breast in her hands. "What they lack in size they make up for in perkiness and bounce." Is it inappropriate to grope one's boobs in public? In front of a stranger? Yes, yes it is. But Isadora was an extremely, extremely open person. And she had no shame in her own body and no fear in discussing the crude topics no one really talked about.

"Do people sex down here? Like..." Isa glanced downwards at her crotch. She hadn't been in Styx long enough to make sure everything was still intact. "It's all still happening down there in the what-what region, right?"
Darcie laughed outright at Isadora's forwardness. She wondered how long it had been since she'd done so. It felt good.

"Nah, nothing to worry about there. And yes; I'm pretty sure that as long as there are people around, there'll be sex." Not that she'd been having any. She'd had a hard time allowing people close to her since her father died.

"Yeah, I was pretty fortunate, though I don't think you have to resort to, ah-" she glanced down to where Isadora was still holding her breast. "-that quite yet. I have a futon you can bunk on until you figure things out, if you like. I know how hard it can be being new here."

Darcie's eyes widened at the realization of what she just said. Since when did she invite people she hardly knew over, never mind for long periods of time? Strike that, since when did she invite people over in general?

But the woman needed a place to stay, and Darcie couldn't very well leave her out on the streets to fend for herself. Not only that, but she hadn't had a conversation like this in years. With a start, she realized she was lonely. It was an odd emotion, one that she had a hard time digesting, but there it was. They turned a corner.
"Phew, that's a relief. I'll keep my dignity for another day." She said, half jokingly. She never really saw what the big problem with prostitution. If you got it then its yours to sell if that's what you want to do with it. But Isadora really didn't want to sell it. Especially not here. Who knew what kind of venereal diseases these dead people were harboring.

She watched a spirit walk past them in the opposite direction, what did he have? Like fifty eyes? Fifty eyes seemed like overkill. How many eyes does one really need. All the better to see you with?

"You're a nice lady, probably the nicest person I know in Styx. How long have you been around, er, here?"
@Caius @CloudKitteh

"Ah. Damn, you're a new one then? It's...complicated. If what you say is true and there aren't any wounded, would you mind following me to my residence? I'll explain everything there." Tristan nudged at Alexander, waiting for his response.

Tristan looked up to the sky. Hell, he wasn't sure if Styx HAD a sky. But old habits die hard. He remembered his arrival quite clearly: he had fallen in the middle of the marketplace! The other's busy barterin drowned his pleas for information, and it took him hours to grasp his situation. If possible, he wished for this man to have a different experience.

Now, there was the matter of Ace. He was sure she could fend for herself, as much as it grieved him to have his first-aid offer rejected. Still, forcing people against their will was a fast way to earn enemies.

"It seems we'd part ways here, miss? Although my earlier offer is still in place!"

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"I'll be fine, really," she said, before turning around. She didn't much care for the other man, well she cared for no one in particular, actually. But that didn't matter. Ace smoothed out her shirt and readjusted her headphones. Once this was over, she was going to rock out in her garage. She started walking away and tried to collect some wisps, here and there.
Alexander hesitated to answer, but then he thought. Oh what the hell i'm dead already .

-Sure, uh officer Walhart was it?-. Now that he found someone willing to help him Alexander felt relieved.

-Well lead the way-. As he noticed his hands had these metal gauntlets, he observed them for a bit then he reacted.

-WOW, where did these came from?, hadn't even noticed them!.-. Alexander ignored them and looked for a wall and started punching it,

after 2 punches he had a smile on his face which for some reason felt new to him.

- Holy these feel good!-. Then he started punching harder and harder, he couldn't feel much pain. It was like there was no recoil from hitting the wall and that felt great to Alexander. He stopped after the crack on the wall and the crack on his hand. If that hadn't happened oh he would've kept punching.

-OW, OW. Damn it! , there's the recoil , crap!. You said something about first aid right?, well i guess i'm patient number one-. As he turned to the officer.
"Let's see..." She frowned. "I'd say around six years. It's easy to lose track of time down here though." (Though she didn't know if 'down' was the right way to describe Styx's location. That was all beyond her.) She knew a lot of other revenents kept a tally of days since they died, but she never saw the point in it.

Darcie thought about the word Isadora used to describe her: nice. Was she nice? It wasn't as if she made a habit of going around doing people favors. She hadn't really gone out of her way to help out Isadora either. Really, the only reason she'd gone over to her was to do the same thing she'd been doing for the past six years, collecting wisps.

"Also, thanks. I'm glad you consider me nicer than spiderzilla back there," she said, smirking.
"Oh yeah, I bet. It would have been impossible for me to keep track of time when I was alive if it wasn't for everyone and thing constantly reminding me when and where I needed to be." 'When I was alive', what a odd thing to say. "You see, that was the problem with living. There was always shit that needed to be done. So much shit that you never really got to live." Isadora sighed. "It would've been nice to travel... Paris, Barcelona..." She mumbled. Isadora was saddened thinking about all the experiences she'd never have.

"But yeah, you're totally nice. I can tell. I have a sense about these things and I'm never wrong." She winked. After walking silently for a few steps she spoke again.

"So how much longer till we're at the place?"
Darcie had been so involved in thinking about the conversation that she'd nearly forgotten that they'd been going somewhere and almost passed it. "Actually, it's that building right there, the short squat one next to the jeweler's." She pointed toward the tavern, which was slightly further back than the buildings on its left and right, making it so it lay in the shadows. It was an old-school place, some of its long-time employees being centuries old.

Once she stood in the entrance way, she took a minute to absorb the cool ancient presence of the darkness it cast. If she concentrated hard enough, she would be able to feel the location of every brick and window pane that made it up. But they didn't come here so she could converse with the tavern (or rather, it's shadow). They'd come to drink.

As she went through the door (slightly charred, presumably due to the Haunting fire), she held it open for Isadora, waiting for her to follow. A red lantern still hung above the entrance. Darcie raised her eyebrows. "I don't understand why they insist on having the idiotic festival every year anyway. There's almost always a Haunting at some point during it. You'd think they'd learn."
"Thanks." Isadora said lowly as she walked through the doorway. Haunting? Was that what all that man-spider snot-snake business was about? calling it a haunting kind of made it seem more like Halloween and a lot less scary. Perhaps the Phantoms might leave everyone alone if someone just gave them some candy.

The tavern was kind of hidden away, in a charming way Isadora thought. Tucked away like an old secret.

"So what do people drink in Styx?" Certainly not cranberry vodkas and appletinis.

"...Dear, oh dear. You ARE new here! You really shouldn't punch people's property. They get mad...and dangerous. And trust me, if you die here you will not appear in another city. The trek to my home takes a few minutes, if you can say Styx has minutes, so...tell me about your former life?" Tristan walked over to his new acquaintance, checking his hand. Revenants were quite sturdy. Compared to other injuries he'd seen this was nothing.

"Don't worry about your hand, us Styx dwellers are stronger than normal humans. I'll limmobilize it with bandages, just try not to punch anything while you sleep. Can you take off your gauntlets?"

-Yeah sure-.

Alexander tried looking for something that would help him take them off, but he realized he couldn't find anything. After giving up he simply tried pulling them off yet they wouldn't budge.

-Damn!. I'm really trying but they won't budge, maybe these know how awesome i am and never leave my side or i just have to punch more walls to see if that helps! -. He said jokingly.

After a few blocks he got tired of pulling, so he started yelling.-OH MY GOD THIS IS PISSING ME OFF!-. With that startled he some folks around him and started staring at him. - Ah crap ...sorry!-. He said to make them look away. - Officer... help please?-.
Deucalion updated Styx - A Second Life with a new update entry:

Guilds to Come

Turns out I haven't just been slacking off after all, imagine that!
...Okay, yeah, I've been relaxing, but I haven't solely been slacking off.

To be precise, I've been writing up a few factions for Styx. As you are all aware, there is no governing body in the grand city, it's every man for himself. Thing is, all Revenants aren't exactly comfortable with this. It is human nature after all, you want to be part of a community. Some order in your (un?)life, a purpose maybe....
Read the rest of this update entry...
"P-Please don't punch any more walls...I'd have to restrain you..." Tristan scratched his head. He seemed to be doing that a lot lately, but Gehenna...it had been a long day. That aside, he didn't take that Alexander was faking or anything. The gauntlets seemed to be truly glued to him. Given that they were weapons, it was easy to reach a conclusion as to what their deal was.

"Your gauntlets seem to be a Memento. Long story short, they are a weapon that symbolize your life and death. You SHOULD be able to take them off...it's very unusual. Don't sweat it, though. It's not like you sew clothing or anything."

But Mementos weren't any ordinary weapon. Surely, they possessed something unique, and useful. It was too soon, though...Alexander had just fallen into Styx, hadn't he? Might as well just warn him.

"Mementos tend to have special quirks to them. Don't freak out if the gauntlets shoot lasers, or something like that. Come on, my house is a few minutes from here!"
-FINE!...It's just that these are getting rather frustrating.- He said obviously irritated, but he decided not to pay much attention to it. "Well i'm already dead and i have a second life to live. SCREW IT!. I'll live with these on and wait for someone who want to mess with me... or something at least". He thought with a very weird smile on his face.

-So you called it memento, can i name them or they have an id tag or something?-. He asked rather excited since he was thinking about naming them.-OH!.. you know what ignore that question!, earlier i saw some freaky greenish ray, uh laser or light linking you with that other chick!... What was that?-.
Darcie shrugged. "Most likely, anything they drank in the previous world. There are so many people from different times and countries that these places tend to have most everything." She sat down at the bar. "Everywhere's different though, so you'll have to check the menu. I highly suggest the mead here, if you're into that."

As she had predicted, the tavern was nearly empty. It wasn't very well lit, but that only meant that there were less shadows to distract her. She turned to Isadora. "So, what's happened in the real world in the past six years." Since she rarely interacted with recently dead revenents, Darcie was out-of-touch. "There flying cars yet? Holograms?" she asked sarcastically. "I imagine gas hasn't got any cheaper."
Savannah lay eyes closed across a tree limb, soaking in the surroundings, not much had changed since she had arrived, and yet she still wanted to know what was going on. She could feel that there was danger around, however Savannah opted to ingnore her newly acquired sixth sense. When she had first arrived in this new place, wide eyed, and almost paralyzed by fear of the unknown, she couldnt decide which was worse the fact that she was dead, or that her little sistiers boyfriewnd had done the dirty deed. Now in this place there was no way to reach Wynter.

"I'll find her some-" she was interrupted by the ground smacking against her body, Savvy was never really the clumsy type, somewhere along the journey from her first life to this one she had aquired a new skill, or well, a new downfall.

"Ouch," she proclaimed as she picked herself off the ground and the weird feeling oof danger subsided. Better head toward the house. Hmmph, house. Savvy almost chuckled at the thought of actually owning a house, simple fact is that savannah bounced around from dumpster, cardboard boxes, and people houses when they where away. That last one she wasnt too proud off,but hey what can a girl do when she has no where to go.
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"Have you given it thought" Behet asked as they walked the almost empty streets. "A Haunting three days before we leave —"

"Does not bode well, I know," Ancell said. Had their planned trip been an ordinary escort mission, he wouldn't have hesitated to call the people he trusted. Gehenna was known to be treacherous after all; one could never be too careful.

Thing is, those he trusted have started disappearing one by one.

"I don't want to involve anyone anymore than I might already have," he mentioned to Behet as they turned around a bend that took them to a part of the city that must have been spared the recent Haunting. The buildings looked intact, and the trees were anchored firmly to the ground.

"We are...too few."

"Better few than many."

The spirit made a soft gurgling sound that Ancell had come to know as frustration. While the chances of survival were better in a group, a large party traversing Gehenna always drew the most dangerous phantoms out. He was hoping that two figures crossing would be able to pass by without much incident. They had done this for hundreds of years, had courted danger and survived more times than he could count. Ancell knew it wasn't the trip that had Behet worried; it was what they were to do once they find what they have set out for.

A loud thud made him stop. He saw a girl picking herself up from the ground, a cloud of dust blooming at her feet. She was not injured — he was certain of that — though that didn't mean the fall didn't hurt.

He had no plans of talking to the girl, but Behet seemed to have other thoughts. Before Ancell could stop him, the spirit walked towards the girl, extended all six hands in greeting, and asked, "Are you all right, revenant?"
By the time Savvy could get herself dusted off there was a spirit by her, a rather strange looking spirit at that. He had ask her if she was okay, which was unusual, she wasnt usuall approched by strangers.

I suppose the fall to the ground would draw attention. She thought to herself.

" Yes, thank you" she said the last bit with a small bit of hesitation. Savannah didnt know why the spirit had approched her, but her curiousity got the best of her.

" Savannah, call me Savvy." Waiting for the spirit to respond she looked around, seemingly whe had missed the haunting, or at least she assumed that was why her sense was on alert.

"There was a haunting." She said it with confidence, although posed as a question.

Tristan chuckled at Alexander's overexcitement. Truly, he had never seen someone give less of a damn at being dead. Must be the culture shock. Surely, in a few days...hours...minutes? He'd start missing what he had left behind. Perhaps he had nothing of the sort?

"I don't think you'll have to worry about people messing with you if you keep a low profile. We're all dead, we just want to do our thing. For those who DO wish to mess people up...they don't last long."

Tristan grinned at his last statement as they were approaching his house. Alex's inquiry about mementos was one he knew all too well. He hadn't given his much thought, just a convinient tool. But this Revenant seemed to hold some attachment to things he'd wear often.

"They don't come with a name, you don't -HAVE- to give them a name. But you can! I haven't given my shield one, though. As for the green thread..." In that instant, the two were linked, the thin green line connecting both of them. He flicked Alex on the ear, feeling the small, almost negligible jolt of pain in his.

"This is my Pyre. All of those who have reached this place have a special power. I don't know which is yours, but you'll find out eventually...if you think about how you died. Mine links me to someone else, and I take the pain for them."

Unlocking the door to his apartment, the two entered. He quickly took out the first aid kit, and tried to remember where he had left his tea leaves.

"Want some tea? I mean, you don't need to -drink- anything to survive here...but it sure tastes good! And it'll distract you from all the bandages."
"And so there was, young Savvy," the spirit said. "I am called Behet."

Ancell stared straight ahead, a frown marring his face as he waited for Behet to finish the small talk. He gave a quick conciliatory bow of the head when the spirit glanced towards him and introduced him to the girl as 'Ancell of Lynn'.

Lynn. Was it still out there? What did it look like now? In his many years in Styx, he had yet to come across someone he knew in his first life. Where did all the others go? Was there another Styx?

"Would you happen to be in need of a job?" he heard the spirit ask the girl.

"Behet," he said in a tone that would have scared others, but the spirit ignored him and waited for the girl to answer.

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