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  1. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    "So, what i'm hearing," Mikki says, "Is that we need a big, powerful radio jammer."
  2. CactusAir

    New to Exalted? Come here! (take 2!) [Forum] [Dice]

    How new is new? xD
  3. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    "So are we thinking they're going to fork him on site, or try to make off with his cortical stack?" Mikki asks, remembering a certain memorable bit of trouble she got into on Mars. "In the former case, best watch out for anyone with a decent sized suitcase that might have a portable ego bridge...
  4. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    "James says he'll get me in as the usual socialite-on-the-arm eye candy." Mikki reminds Amos. "I guess I should get something fashionable to wear. Smart clothes are wonderful things, but the elite still like their unique handicrafts."
  5. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    "Well, it seems the ayes have it," Mikki notes, getting to her feet as her business attire shifts to an almost trashy red-with-gold-trim-and-dragons cheogsam that is cliche to the point of being near offensive. If they're going to slum it, she plans to dress the part. What's the point of...
  6. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Musings

    I was going to stay home, but now apparently I'm going to China this summer, because gramdpa is seriously ill and wants to see me. Not sure if I can slip the Great Firewall of China.
  7. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    Mikki gives the techies of the group a considering look. "When they try to impress with swank, that usually means human servants sleeved in actual biomorphs." A sigh. "Because showing you're rich still means that you need to have other people around to boss around. Maturing as a species, we...
  8. CactusAir

    Interest Check: Magical Girl Forum RP

    I kinda want to join, but I don't think I have the time to learn a new system, now that I actually have a weekly exalted game i am playing catch up on. I'm definitely interested in being an observer, though.
  9. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    Mikki frowns at the list. Something at the edge of her consciousness seems to be tugging at her. The names that are setting off alarm bells are disparate, with no seeming connection, but she knows it's there. 5488
  10. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    Noticing the smug look on James face, Mikki shakes her head. Boys. "What, don't tell me you have it already?" She grins. Always good to work with someone who was on the ball. "Slide it over to my muse then, if you don't mind." Mikki's (well, Alys') time as a more-or-less social secretary...
  11. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Musings

    What are we rolling?
  12. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    Mikki smiles back at James, bringing up his Rep on her entopics as she does. Well, well. Looks like the man is well heeled indeed. "Well, you're certainly the gentleman," she says. "Looks like I'm your plus one then." She tilts her head, contemplatively. "I suppose we should take a look at...
  13. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    Mikki taps a finger against the table. "Can firewall acquire invites for attending this events, or should I look into bending some ears to see if I can procure one myself?" she asks. She shrugs at her fellow operatives. "I'm not a hacker, and sneaking is not my best suit either. If I'm...
  14. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    Mikki rolls her eyes. "I'm here, aren't I?" Really, what sort of job gets all shirty when you seo the usual shop-talking bitchin'. For all her attitude, however, she obediently trots into the room and takes a seat, nodding politely to the person already in there. The glee dress shimmers...
  15. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    "Exciting is when the lunar ultralight glider frame races are on." Mikki opines, having draped herself over a conveniently placed chair. "When Firewall wants something from you, I believe 'whiskey-tango-foxtrot' 'tends to deceive events better." She takes a sip of the mineral water (not...
  16. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

    Mikki Sune sashays into the office, her smart-clothing set to a floor length cerulean blue dress. "Am I late?" she asks, as though her entopics didn't tell her. These small courtesies are important, after all. "I was delayed slightly at the spaceport. An associate of mine from Luna needed a...
  17. CactusAir

    [Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Musings

    It's in the IC thread, millershipper. My character has skills and backstory done, but not equipment. Will try to fix today.
  18. CactusAir

    Running an Exalted game - how do you do antagonists?

    One thing I like about D&D is the monster manual. All these nice potential antagonists gathered in one easily perusable place. Exalted is not so helpful. Gods and spirits are scattered all over the various books (and are a pain to track down, given the lack of a functional online searchable...
  19. CactusAir

    Glorious Solar Saber (Yet Another Balance Attempt)

    Wood Claw spell never got errata'ed. You you can totes still have a DEF +8 weapon. technically.