[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

The Man who has identified himself as Raziel smiles, and then laughs softly. "Don't worry- perhaps if Firewall- or yourself- is willing to pay for it, one of us could be fitted with a Ghostrider module to increase your.. portability, so to speak..? It would be valuable to have access to your knowledge in the field, after all." He smiles- and how a man so seemingly.. fragile, in appearance- one so beautiful in the classical sense- could be a man of violence, is hard to picture.
"In the circles we'll be moving in I'm known at Tinkertoy. My main skillset revolves around mesh infiltration and securing areas of the mesh from infiltration. I'm familiar with habitat infrastructure as well. If we need to shut life support or other systems down once aboard the ship, I'm your man."
"LLAN Commander Angstrom, retired, at your service. I play games - some days the stakes are higher than others," replies James, grinning. "With such a competent cast of players I'd say the game is stacked in our favour today."
"Just give me a list of equipment you are requesting, such as ghostrider modules and I will see what I can do. Most of the Liner has holo-projectors but a few area do not." Ms. Huli-Jing says calmly.
'Raziel' bows his head. "Then I would request an Ghostrider Module- Psychosurgery Supplies and materials would be nigh divine, but I understand the difficulty thereof- and oh! A Set of knives- an Artist may not paint without brushes, and I may not work well without my knives... I lost my more treasured set on my last mission for Firewall- and a shame it was."
OOC: At this point you guys are free to RP a bit among yourselves and "get to know each other". You are given copies of the Liner's floor plan to look over and information on the Doctor and his daughter, as well as the cult. You can put in requests for equipment or more specific info. You are also given you room codes at the nearby hotel. There is two week gap so if you guys want to spend a bit of that time in some initial RP that is OK, otherwise just let me know how you spend your two weeks and I will advance to your departure--either option works for me as I encourage player generated side plots form time to time, especially in that crucial character bonding phase. :D
Raziel turns to the Infomorph, and smiles. "So- if I am to be giving you a ride in my head over this mission- shall we get to know each other to ensure that doing so is... acceptable to both parties fully and completely..? I'd hate to find out that you find me annoying, or in some other way unlikable, /after/ getting a module for you to ride in my head installed."
Titania raises an eyebrow at Raziel, in fact she found that fun, eyebrow raising. Completely keeping herself from giggling she responds calmly. After all he was fascinated by knives, it would be interesting to know exactly what went on in the head of a person who liked sharp blades. He did liked them sharp no? "It is acceptable to me, and as we are to be working as a team," interesting thing: team, "it would likely be an good way to ensure our operation standards are efficiently fine tuned." She nods, "And as you say. If we are not compatible it would be poor ethics to take you up for the Ghostrider module after its installed."
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Littledove speaks up again," I'm sure I can rig something for those areas where they don't have Holo projectors, but just as a back up in the event it is needed."
Mikki gives the techies of the group a considering look. "When they try to impress with swank, that usually means human servants sleeved in actual biomorphs." A sigh. "Because showing you're rich still means that you need to have other people around to boss around. Maturing as a species, we aren't" She grimaces. "It tends to make thinks harder than when you have robotic servitors conveniently available to jack-and-jamm. Still, they'll probably still use 'bots for clean-up, which means the old open up a drone and slip in an ecto loaded with 'wares trick could still work, just not as well." She starts drumming her fingers on the table again, considering. "The best way to liven up the party, if you ask me, is to find some socialite we don't like too much and swap one of her less used blobjects for a disguised ecto that way if you have to drop something nasty into the mesh, the blame goes to someone who could use a shaking up." The thought brings a smile to her face. Mikki has plenty of old grudges with the media establishment.
Amos stands, "Well what say we get out of here and find something to eat and talk some more and maybe plan this out, those that don't eat can join for the conversation at least? I am sure Ms. Huli-Jing can send us any info we need "
James' stomach rumbles and he glances down at it, mildly surprised. "I suppose I am a bit famished. I wholeheartedly endorse a change of venue."
Bryan nods, smiling. "A change of venue, a meal, and discussion of what we might need for our mission. That sounds like a plan. I have contacts with several groups so I can offer my networks as one of the resources on the table."
Littledove speaks up," I know a great place down at the other end of the habitat, hole in the wall but they make the best spicy noodle soup I've ever had. plus it is the kind of place where people mind their own business."
"Well, it seems the ayes have it," Mikki notes, getting to her feet as her business attire shifts to an almost trashy red-with-gold-trim-and-dragons cheogsam that is cliche to the point of being near offensive. If they're going to slum it, she plans to dress the part. What's the point of sterotypes if not to have a little fun?
Those that join in find themselves in a small noodle shop almost against one of the cylinder walls, on of the strange side effects of Hamilton cylinders is the condensation that builds up at the ends. This area is constantly wet and raining due to that. but the inside of the shop is warm and dry and the woman running the shop, a very beautiful woman of Asian descent who speaks in such a way that makes you think she must be far older than her morph implies, stands by waiting for each person to order.

"Well I think we need to figure out who is going as security and who is going to try and weasel their way in as a guest." Amos says as he order spicy noodles with fish and a beer.
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Raziel thinks. "Well, as a Psychologist I think I should try and find my way on as a Guest- Ahh... Chow Mein and Orange Chicken, Sake." He says with a smile to the Waitress- a tad too ignorant of Asian culture to know that Sake is Japanese as he looks back to the rest of the crew, it seems. His smile is both constant, and beatific- like an old Michelangelo painting.
Titania silently listens to the talk. It mattered none how she got in, she likely could get in regardless of the the way. Still that part relied more on the ghost rider installation. The last time she was in one was not the best of her memories. Her poor datastreams had been so twisted back then, then again she wasn't sure if they had been realigned since and that she just adjusted. Either way she takes her little virtual form to listen in.

And tragically, or not, she needed nothing to eat. Just a steady stream of energy, and this place's power flows seemed to be very good.
"James says he'll get me in as the usual socialite-on-the-arm eye candy." Mikki reminds Amos. "I guess I should get something fashionable to wear. Smart clothes are wonderful things, but the elite still like their unique handicrafts."
Amos nods," You going solo or with a +1, either way I guess the rest of us can pose as the security crew. I don't suppose it much matter which way Titania gets in as with a few exceptions she can have pretty good run of the ship. Off course the vital areas will be closed off to her."
"I admit I'm rather puzzled about what to do once we arrive. I can enjoy the party with the best of them, but I've never prevented an assassination before. Do we bait the killers out of hiding, wait to catch them in the act, or root them out with some cunning detective work?" asks James between slurps of ramen.
Raziel chuckles softly- and smiles softly. "A Killer, knows other Killers. Why exactly did you think you have a Criminal Psychologist aboard..? I would think a mix of the above, and once we've seen them at work I can... begin my own deductions."
"Well More prevent an abduction and data mining of the old guys head," Littledove says as the food arrives and she begins to chase a noddle around her plate with her chopsticks.
"I'll be going as security, no question. As for what the mission is...I would think to prevent an abduction or data-mining attempt. And I do mean prevent. If someone snatches him and looks to be getting off-ship we need people in place to blow the whole thing clean out of space."

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