[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

"So are we thinking they're going to fork him on site, or try to make off with his cortical stack?" Mikki asks, remembering a certain memorable bit of trouble she got into on Mars. "In the former case, best watch out for anyone with a decent sized suitcase that might have a portable ego bridge in it. In the latter, we're looking at a shoot and scoop." She sighs as she considers the multitude of possible attack vectors. "You're going to have your hands full trying to play double layer security for this guy. Almost makes you wish we could just cut to the chase and grab him ourselves."
Amos nods," From the data I have been pulling off the net on these guys they would not be afraid to do either, they will take the path of least resistance and damn the casualties--they may however want to use all the media to make a statement. They are radicals trying to spread a message--a nutty one-- but a message none the less. That and a Nihilistic agenda"
Raziel sigh's faintly. "Disappointingly shortsighted and foolish of them, really.. I wish wiping them out was a possible mission objective."
Littledove shrugs," We were given leave to eliminate any of them we encountered. So long as we are not caught of course."
James chews his noodles slowly, puzzled, before swallowing. "I'm curious how they think they'll manage to send a message here. There are enough august personages aboard to all but ensure there will be media controls in place to prevent anything embarrassing from being publicized on any major outlet. If Handlen's PR firm isn't vetting every stream seconds or more before it's transmitted from the vessel hypercapitalism really is dead. It isn't quite as good as direct access to the security center itself, but with access to the live streams of every journalist and livecasting star on the vessel the media control centre is an attractive target for blanket surveillance. It might be a step on the way to accessing more privileged systems on the ship, as well. If worst came to worst at least we could spin what happened, and deny the enemy the same."

James leans his chair back on two legs and steeples his hands, thinking, "If we crafted a plausible looking cult following which appeared poised to go viral Mikki could play the role of a nascent brand worth managing. I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that I could pull a few favours and get someone access if I insinuate her value to the right people. I'm sure at that point someone more technically adept than I could work their magic."
"Apparently they have some decent hackers at their disposal and if all else fails they will record their own message and get it out underground--there is a market for that sort of twisted stuff unfortunately." Amos says with a few pauses, obviously he is getting data from his Muse as he talks.
"Shutting down transmissions is easy--we just need to make sure none of them make it out with any recordings. They have used the tactic before of having a few passengers who are allied with them but don't actively help, if things go south or of an escape with equipment or personnel needs to happen these sleepers activate." Amos adds
So, a big radio jammer and a killsat outside?

Also is there any way to change this forum from this glaring white?
CactusAir said:
So, a big radio jammer and a killsat outside?

Also is there any way to change this forum from this glaring white?

That is a darn good question---I am trying to figure that out myself.
Official word from the technical staff is that this would require considerable rewriting of the stock code which manages the forum, and thus won't happen any time in the near future. The customization options you have are it for the forseeable future.
"So what I'm hearing is that this group is known for planting seeds with high confidence of escaping any net put down if things go poorly for them. We'll need a plan for locking down the ship entire and be ready to eliminate any leakers."
"It occurs to me that the seeing the gala to its successful conclusion uninterrupted is not a mission objective. If we wish to draw out the opposition before they are properly in position, what better way than to stage an attempted capture of the good doctor? Fire the gun before they've hit the starting line, so to speak. If we can do it without implicating ourselves - or better yet, while implicating them - we'll put security on even higher alert, and possibly cause the enemy to show their hand."
"That could work," Amos nods--if we all know how we would like to board I guess the arrangements can be made.
Titania nods as well agreeing with the thought of preempting the threat. "It certainly has its merits. Regardless I will either arrive there via transmission or via module. I'm sure either option will be beneficial to us. Once I have scouted their systems I'm sure I can create any sort of a mess that will benefit our attempts."
"I'll board as security. That's my specialty anyway, and gives us someone on the inside. I like the idea of creating an incident we can lay at the feet of those trying to snatch the Professor. Once we arrive on ship we can immediately start the infiltration and start building the scenario we need to draw the picture we want on the mesh."

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