[Enigmatic Fate] [Enigmatic Fate] Business as Unusual

Ms. Huli-Jing returns after several minutes and takes a seat. "If everyone is ready we can get started.

"Dr. Chester Garvis has pioneered a new type of self-replicating nanomachine. These devices have a unique encryption that makes it virtually impossible to disable or re-task them without the system the good doctor has devised. Four months ago The Zero Set cult stole some of these nanites and a control device after they had infiltrated a top secret lab, through years of careful maneuvering. Two weeks later an entire habitat in the Jovian Republic vanished in two hours, 2 million people died and only the Jovian's tight control has made it so that this information is not widely known--at least for now. One month ago one of our teams launched an assault on the cell that held the control device, they were able to destroy the device. However, Zero Set still has some of the nanites but they are currently useless. If however they can jack the ego or a fork of Dr. Garvis then we would be in very dire straits. Against our advice the doctor will be making a public appearance of sorts, or rather he will be attending an unveiling.

The doctor's daughter, Lyndia is a well known morph designer. You may have heard her go by the name Lyn Shen Bai, her mothers name. She will be unveiling her Nǚshén morph in two weeks to a cadre of some of the richest and most famous people in the system on the luxury liner Freedom Star as it makes it's circuit of Saturn's rings. Of course due to the nature of the location things will be quite public and every news hound for 4 AU will be there, making discretion an issue."

We have intel that says that Zero Set will make a move during or before the event, they of course down care who they have to hurt and they would love the publicity. While I am not as concerned about individual lives I would like to avoid bloodshed so collateral deaths should be avoided if possible. More important to me is keeping this out of the public eye, other than that, protect the doctor and his daughter who could be used for leverage. You are free to eliminate any Zero Set operative but I would be careful as that many warn other operatives they have embedded. We expect that they will be disguised as crew or more likely as one or more of the news teams or among the entourage of some of the guests. Lastly, if they have any of the nanaites with them retrieve them."

some early indicators point to SOME signs of sociopathic tendencies in Ms. Huli-Jing
Titania tilts her head as she listens responding only when done. "Interesting. Very interesting." She had never be tasked with defense. Her preferred mode was assault, sure non-physical assault but it was assault. The Nanites on the other hand were of supreme interest to her. It would be sad to lose them to recovery or loss. No way around that. "So our priority is the doctor and his daughter protection. Secondary priority the Zero Set's nanite arsenal." She nods and is thoughtful for a moment.

She looks to Ms. Huli-Jing, "I assume that no effort to claim the nanites remotely will be possible?" With the fact that a controlling device is needed, a master control system so to speak, no amount of remote computer access would get them to come to her.


Hmmm. The pleasant and at least happy seeming AGI is likely weak to this, so it would be hinted at that she is very curious, and somewhat disappointed that she likely can't get a hold of the nanites herself.
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"Interesting assignment. Protect the doctor and his daughter. Keep a low profile. If possible find the operatives and eliminate them. I can start threshing the mesh to see what pops out. I'll also start networking with those on the edges of this event to see if any trails appear. Do we have time to get our morphs there the old-fashioned way? Or will we be ego-casting and resleeving?"
He has been nodding- listening intently, outwardly, even as he analyzed every word he heard. "On the subject of Resleeving- I do hope a suitable body is available for my use..? If you have my profile, you are aware of my... preferences. I just can't connect with a face that isn't mine.." He says- attempting to project an outward air of incompetency, and perhaps even narcissism to put his allies at rest, so they do not suspect him of being a serious danger. While he would prefer to not have to do so, he is more than prepared to do anything necessary to succeed in his mission- and he has no reason to trust any of these people, yet.

That, and as an Lost, and one still in a Futura morph, he is immediately suspicious- and feels the need to Alleviate this.
"There is enough time to get you there physically. Resleeving is an option for those that warrant it, with just about any morph that will blend in being available. And we have a full copy of the guess list . You will be inserted as a free lance security team working for the company that owns the liner, it will give you some--but not complete--run of the ship."

She says quietly as she sits as if awaiting more questions.

anyone can make a Kenesics roll on her (Bartholemew included since this is something different than the profile) this will be an opposed roll.
Mikki taps a finger against the table. "Can firewall acquire invites for attending this events, or should I look into bending some ears to see if I can procure one myself?" she asks.

She shrugs at her fellow operatives. "I'm not a hacker, and sneaking is not my best suit either. If I'm going in, the best way is to go in as a guest. I can pass for a nouveau riche socialite easily enough. Or even go as myself, if I can find a corp boy in need of arm candy. I'll leave arrangements for secure communications in the hands of our technical experts, but I'm sure it'll be useful to have someone on the inside, so to speak."
"Blakesworth is deputy chief editor of Experia's Arts & Culture desk and he hasn't been able to shut up about Lyn Shen Bai's unveiling for weeks. I suppose the one track mind can be forgiven his profession. We went to Eton together and he owes me a favour or two. If you're looking for an arm to hang off I would be remiss to turn down the offer of such beautiful company," replies James, winking.
"If you're able to gain additional access all the better, an use of your contacts or networks that could be helpful would be a good thing. We can provide any equipment you may need with in reason."

any roll beating a margin off success of 6 will reveal something--which means a roll of 60 or better but not over you skill number
Mikki smiles back at James, bringing up his Rep on her entopics as she does. Well, well. Looks like the man is well heeled indeed. "Well, you're certainly the gentleman," she says. "Looks like I'm your plus one then." She tilts her head, contemplatively. "I suppose we should take a look at the guest list, see who's joining us on the scene. There's always a scandal brewing, and you can usually suss it out just from who's showing up for the party."

Wait, James, were you asking me if I attended the theatre?

Kinesics (80) : [dice]5426[/dice]
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James lifts his tea in toast, "To a wonderful evening, whether we save millions or merely get pleasantly inebriated in good company. I'm sure between the two of us we can paint a fairly accurate picture of who will be in attendance."

<To: Charles Blakesworth :: outbound.orbicom.gaia :: infinicom.exp.luna>

I've met an intriguing young lady who may be interested in Bai's little soiree. You haven't sold me on attending quite yet, but I could be convinced if anyone particularly interesting is on the guest list.


For identifying any notable guests which may be mission pertinent. Fame Networking skill of 80, rep 80. I'll take a penalty equal to whatever bonus I get (assuming this is less than a level 5 favour, else no penalty).


I just made up a theatre related awards ceremony I might have seen you at. You may or may not have been caught dead at it, or you may have been an award recipient and I have a terrible memory.
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You can get a copy of the list----two in fact. The "Public" list and the "Real" one--some AAA List names of the real one, Politicos, Hyper-corp heads and media superstars, not to mention a boatload of, flunkies, minions and bodyguards.
Noticing the smug look on James face, Mikki shakes her head. Boys. "What, don't tell me you have it already?" She grins. Always good to work with someone who was on the ball. "Slide it over to my muse then, if you don't mind." Mikki's (well, Alys') time as a more-or-less social secretary at Go-Nin gave her a pretty good political sense, and she kept track of movers and shakers as a matter of habit.

What skill would I use to analyze the list? Protocol, perhaps? (I have a high rating there). I also have Interest: Hypercorp Politics and Networking for both Autonomists and Hypercorps. Ooh, complimentary skills bonus...
Mikki frowns at the list. Something at the edge of her consciousness seems to be tugging at her. The names that are setting off alarm bells are disparate, with no seeming connection, but she knows it's there.


I can spent a moxie point to make that a 69, which is a success. My protocol is 70, and I could potentially get another +10 from my pattern recognition sleight for 80.
69 is plenty good. You recognize all of the names on the main list, some real power players and major money and influence. Also a couple of people who have not been seen in public is years are on the list. Alvin Handlen, who sits on the boards of 4 top ten corps, is the richest man alive and a real power player from the shadows. He does not head anything, officially at least, but people say he makes more major decisions that effect million before breakfast that most people do in their entire lives. Rumors have it that the CEO's of the companies in which he has interest don't so much as order a cup of coffee without a glance in his direction. Also Xena Barlow, who was once the top female Vid star pre-fall and has been rumored to be planning a comeback, is on the list.

good call on the moxie thing and something for all to keep in mind as a option.
"I will be available if you need anything, equipment or what have you. It is only a short hop to the departure berth, about a day. So I would suggest you use the next two weeks to prepare and get to know what role each of you will play. We have arranged for accommodations at a hotel her until then." Ms. Huli-Jing stands. "Any other question before I step out?"
"I have a couple of questions. As we are going to travel in realspace for this trip there is the option of bringing equipment. I would like to know what's on the allowed list for those of us posing as security agents. Also, who will be in overall oversight of this mission? One of us? Someone back here? Or is that decision to be made after you profile our various interactions?"

A brief smile crosses Bryan's face. He's certain it's the the last one...but you never know. And he's watching as well. After all, it's likely going to fall on him to design the scuttling programs to activate if this goes south.

Bartholemew was about to shake his head and declare he had all he needed- then he smiled faintly, as the other man spoke up. "Yes, that interests me as well..." As he begins to wonder as to what his cover will be.... and the /real/ most important issue at stake- will he get to kill anyone? Maybe even torture someone? There is a cult of terrorists to be dealt with, after all.. and no one cares, what happens, to Terrorists.
"You will be traveling in real space. The liner berths not far from here, you might be able to get away with SMG's at most, so long as you can conceal them. Basically anything you can keep out of the public and and that won't ruin the sensibilities of some snobby Gillterati."

She smiles at the last pair of questions, "That is to be determined."

Anyone making a successful Kenesics roll on another PC will be able to ferret out one obvious motivation of the character. For Ms. Huli-Jing, she does display some traits of a sociopath--but she is either borderline or fakes emotion very well.
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Amos looks around the room, " Well in that case I guess I should make it known that my specialty is retrieving hardware, quietly. A thief is the word I guess, if we need to pinch anything--that's me." He says simply before sitting back.

Littledove takes that queue. " I fix things both meat and metal, I hold 3 PhD's Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and Bio-Mechanics I am a Paramedic and filed surgeon and a qualified armorer . I prefer mechanical things though I guess." She smiles as her Irish accent hangs in the room. "I guess my job is to keep all the assets and equipment up and running."
Bartholemew leans back, smiling faintly. "Hello, I go by Raziel in this Morph- it's a pleasure to meet you all, really. I'm a specialist in Criminal Psychology, and Close Quarters Conflict resolution. I am also skilled in investigation- though to a lesser degree, and I am a Psychic of slight skill and power- nothing to write home about in that department really. I suppose you could call me your... muscle."
Titania shakes her head, "I have no inquiries to you Ms Huli-Jing." It was nice to know that she would not have to reside completely in weaker data systems, assuming of course the hotel was appropriately designed for someone like her. She nods then to both Amos a thief eh? And Littledove, who had some compatibility with her. A repairer, a healer. Though that only pertained to the repair and maintenance cycles. Vaguely she recalled having someone have that role before with her, a distant lifetime away? Shaking her head she responds after Raziel, who she files as the one who destroys things, the one who she might like to keep between her and dangerous things.

"I am designated Titania Zero, or Nova assigned previously as pilot and not yet assigned anew. I am aligned in the matter of network assaults and data extractions, potential exists in long range striking capability, as you may have guess I do not yet contain a ..." she shudders a moment, "a physical soft shell, so manipulating in that phase is not directly in my arsenal."
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