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  1. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    "The spirit world!?" Christian asked completely flabbergasted. What was he talking about? Was there such a place? What creatures lay within the realm? Was it safe? Why? Why on earth would Elden possibly want to bring Christian to such a place? He looked straight into Eldens gleaming...
  2. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    Absolute admiration was what Christian had for Elden. The way he spoke about his own training and 'prowess' brought Christian excitement. If only Elden knew just how much christian saw Elden as a mentor. Taking his hand and lifting himself back up, he swatted the dust off his pants and took a...
  3. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    As his foot made contact with Eldens legs, he felt Elden falling down. He used that opportunity to stand up and turned around, ready himself for anything... But there was nothing. He hadn't heard Elden hit the floor and he had vanished again. He kept quiet searching every corner of the room...
  4. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    'I hit him?' Christian thought as he saw Elden literally fly backwards at the forced impact. He looked at his hands seeing the energy swirling around his fists. 'I did that?' Agian shock was plastered on his face, he couldn't believe he had that much strength. But before he could get to...
  5. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    Holy mother! Elden flashed a few yards away grinning, while cracking his knuckles. Electricity was flying and spazzing around his being as he ready'd his body for a fight. What to do? What to do? Still trembling, He placed both his hands on the colts he carried around his waist, holstered. He...
  6. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    (No problem! I'm just glad your back. :D ) Sinking deeper into his own fears, he was about to be trapped within his own doubts. When suddenly Elden placed his hand on Christians shoulder once more, snapping Christian back to reality. "You aren't a dead weight Christian. I am going to show...
  7. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    (No Problem. Ill just pretend your last post never happened. :) )
  8. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    Before Lloyd could give him an answer, like a flash of lightning, Suddenly Elden appeared behind Christian with a hand patting Christians back. He smiled with confidence. "Ready for training?" Elden asked as Christian turned his head back towards Eldens figure. This was it. Christian thought...
  9. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    "Ok that's makes a lot more sense." He nodded in understanding. He thought about how awesome this elder was protecting everyone, putting his life on the line to keep his equivalent to children... Safe. Unharmed. Protected. " Were you related to the elder? Or... Where were your parents when this...
  10. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    Confusion, was all that swept through his mind. He had a terrible time understanding his story. But reciting it a few times in his head, he believed he understood enough. "Ok so, you had a badass elder who was protecting your village. One day 50+ demons as well as there mighty leader Kaudus came...
  11. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    (Yeah I'm sorry too, Been pretty busy myself. lol but i'm back. :) ) After getting a nice meal made by the grumpy chief, who wasn't very happy too see them at the current time, Christian made a sigh of good feelings. He was happy to get something in his stomach. Not really sure what to do...
  12. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    This was a Demon?! Christian could feel it's power emanating from the stones Lloyd had spoke of. It gave off a heat that dried out Christians throat. He swallowed to regain his voice. Was he being impacted so hard because he was so close to it, or maybe it was his lack of magic knowledge. It's...
  13. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    At Lloyds sudden stop, Christian grinded his feet to a halt. Trying not to get to close to him and his weapon. "Um... Uh... That... That sword? What exactly is... Is it?" Strangely the sword Lloyd was carrying was making Christian so uneasy that it brought back some nervous tendencies, like...
  14. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    What does a sword eat? Was the only thing on his mind at that moment. As yuliae woke up in her usual mood. She demanded them both to follow her to the cafeteria. Feeling a bit uneasy as he realized he'd be going with Lloyd, someone he just met and Yuliae, someone he wasn't very fond of. Well at...
  15. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    Realizing his rudeness, Christian placed a hand out. "Sorry about that. My name... is Christian Vandower." He said while bowing his head in respect. What was he thinking! He just walked up to this guy and without making proper introductions he blatantly asked where the cafeteria was. his cheeks...
  16. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    ((@Metaphysics kael said he just bumped into someone... Could be you? :D ) @HybridxForce
  17. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    ((ok since its only 2pm, im changing Christian from yawning from sleep deprivation, to waking up early to train with Marble and Elden. lol problem is i also don't know when classes start either since its already 2pm, or where to go for classes, Do we need to go to class with our partners? How...
  18. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    Hearing Elden techie that he was ok seemed half hearted. But Christian did not want to push the subject. He was he's partner after all. They had plenty of time to speak and confide in each other... Right? Christian yawned and Began feeling the effect this boisterous night had offered, his arms...
  19. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    He could feel it, Suddenly like a wave of pure light passing over his entire body. Not only was his burns healing away, but shockingly every scar, burn, abrasion and cut caused by his mother washed away with the earth magic that was gently intertwining with his air magic. He stared, completely...
  20. yamagache

    Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

    While marble was Healing the burns on his back, Christian looked up in Eldens direction. He was still showing off a bit of electricity around his body as if the reaction to the magic that had come from christian was creating friction within Eldens Magic. Hes eyes never seemed to lose focus on...