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  1. Ella_Mae

    BloodWell Forest(Sign UP)

    Rainbow Taser Name: Rosa-Lea Age: 19 - In appearance Gender: Female Monster/Human: Monster Species: Daemon Appearance(Description and picture): Looks innocent, until you see her eyes... Personality and History : A seductress, her life has been spent luring in men and monsters...
  2. Ella_Mae

    Broken Ground (sign up)

    Name: Rosa-Lea Age: 20 Gender: Female Location: G.A Priest(ess) Background: As the daughter of a priest, Rosa had been born into a life of luxury. Everything she could ever want is handed to her, but that doesn't necessarily mean she is happy. She is cursed with visions of death, she...
  3. Ella_Mae

    Hey... I'm Ella

    So... The title pretty much sums it up :P My name's Ella, from Oxford UK :) I like to RP, it gives you something to do, and my favourite types of RP are fantasy/adventure and fanfic (i like HP fanfic mainly) :P
  4. Ella_Mae

    Some rules aren't meant to be broken.

    Hi there :) Here's my character: Name: Florence Grace Fairchild (goes by Grace) Age: 20 Type: Other (her brother is a wolf - she is something else) Story: Florence grew up in 'no-place in-particular'. Her parents were archaeologists, so she travelled from place to place. Her and...
  5. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    solarwing123 Faye blushed... her hand was still in his. She couldn't think of what to say, so just sat there, looking at him. Her gaze lasted a few seconds, "You must think i'm a freak" she said to him. "Not talking and just staring" She blushed even more.
  6. Ella_Mae

    I'm looking for a literate roleplay, with people that have moderate RPE.

    actually, role play recruitment means you are looking FOR people to role play with. Not that you are looking for a role play.
  7. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    (anyway sorryy... but have to go... its 00:53 here in England ) :o
  8. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    Faye smirked "Romantic... me??" Maybe Faye wasn't the most romantic girl in the world. She looked down at her wrist, at the tattoo ... DEFINITEKY not a romantic girl, "But I do read, which may make me a HOPELESS romantic"
  9. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    "Sure" Faye replied, she could use some fresh air, and there must be some nice places to explore. "Lets go on an adventure"
  10. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    Faye turned on her feet at the question that Leo asked. She started walking down the stairs. "Yeah, a date" she called back to him... "now are you lot going to explore with me or not?"
  11. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    "It's really not great" Faye sighed "try waking up one morning with your dead dog drooling blood over you" That was one thing Faye would never forget. It had bitten her brother, and who knew that death was catching? Clearing her mind, she flashed a mischievous grin at Leo "sure, sounds like a...
  12. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    "Oh, I can control it... but i don''t think you want to see a dead rotting corpse come barging through the window trying to eat you anytime soon" So there, she said it, she could communicate with and raise the dead... "I see dead people"
  13. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    "Okay... so maybe you can manipulate blood" Faye said, grudgingly... "But I'm still not demonstrating my power"
  14. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    "You REALLY don't want to see mine" said Faye... "Go on then Leo... show us what you've got" she winked at him flirtaciously
  15. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    "What about you Eva?... what can you do??" Faye hoped she didn't seem too rude, asking everyone else and not telling anyone her power.
  16. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    "Yeah, my parents went on about it for months... So what happened to you?" ...Faye was curious.
  17. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    solarwing123 "Leo... I'm sure you can explain it better" Faye said... "I mean, I'm not good at this kinda thing"
  18. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    "Well, pretty girls usually have sucky parents" she replied to his question. Sucky was an understatement... more like uninterested, preoccupied parents with nothing better to do than send her away. "The red dot incident?" she asked... "as in THE red dot incident"
  19. Ella_Mae

    Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

    Faye smiled at the boy, "Hey", she said, "I'm Faye". Holding out her hand she looked him over - Black hair, blue eyes, and a few nice piercings... she thought they would get along just fine
  20. Ella_Mae

    I'm looking for a literate roleplay, with people that have moderate RPE.

    Hello :) I would be interested... and am part of the Harry Potter fandom. At the moment I am getting fed up of people only posting one sentence relies that don't show you any emotions. This is annoying and not very constructive. I have quite a bit of RP experience, but not necessarily on this...