Ever-Glade Academy for the 'Academically Gifted'

Faye smirked "Romantic... me??" Maybe Faye wasn't the most romantic girl in the world. She looked down at her wrist, at the tattoo ... DEFINITEKY not a romantic girl, "But I do read, which may make me a HOPELESS romantic"
Leo's eyes light up. "I'm a hopeless romantic too." he said taking her hand into his. "Faye..." he paused as he looked at the tattoo. "You are a romantic girl." he said. "Even with a tattoo." he smiled. He pulled up the collar on his shirt to the side reveling a tattoo of his very own. "Like i said this should be romantic." he said kissing the back of her hand.
Eva looked up to see yet another guy among their little party group. And who says making friends aren't easy. She thought. "Congrats Leo. You haven't been here long but you already have a generic nickname." She said. Eva nodded towards the new new guy. "Hey, I'm Eva. Are you heading to the garden?"
From the sound of her voice talking to him he tripped as his head slammed into the wall suddenly rotted into dust as his body hit the floor
Eva stopped mid-step and stared with her mouth gaping open. "What the heck just happened?!" She yelled. Is he dead?!
Eva just stands there for a long moment, gazing back and forth between the guy and where his head used to be on the ground. "Okay....I have nothing to say to that..." She murmured after awhile, heading toward the garden.
(( [MENTION=2769]anonymous92[/MENTION] wait. wasn't you power plant manipulation? plants don't turn into dust, regroup, then casually continue along their way Not saying anything wrong with that but trying to make sense of it))

Dustin jogged to catch up with Eva "So where are we going again?" He asked as they decended the stairs.
(okay yes plants dont just suddenly turn into dust.However i was showing that when a tree falls over it decays. I was showing a sped up version and not it doesnt usually come back together but im not going to just let him die)Brady walks out into the garden and sits on the ground. where he sits a tent looking building of bamboo comes around him
"We're going to the garden Dusty." Eva answered. "I plan to eat a bowl of pasta the size of my head and try not to fall into a food coma afterward. What about you?"
Dustin shrugged "As your bestest friend ever I think of it as my duty to carry you back to your room after you fall into the food coma. I'll come with you" He smiles and walks with her.
(((Hey are you still a cut up band-aid zombie?))

"Sounds good." Eva said smiling. "You wanna go half on a giant dessert? I thinking anything with chocolate or icecream. I'll probably be conscious enough for that."
Eva wrinkled her nose. "Oh please, I'm not that bad. One bowl of pasta is not going to put me out cold right away. I've grown from last year." She said flexing her arm muscles. "I can handle some measly carbs and sweets. I just need a little help." She turned Dustin. "By the way, how's your face doing?"
Dustin smiled "Oh really? You don't seem to be any taller, you're still about 3 feet shorter then me and I'm fairly certain you are incapable of growing IQ points..." He trailed off, feeling his face "These band aids are annoying me. They don't show my pretty face." he laughs
"First, I'm only shorter because I'm not wearing high heels. Second, my IQ score is already higher then yours and I didn't want to leave you in the dust. Third, you should be able to take them off soon. That triple antibiotic works fast." She said. "Until then, you'll just have to settle for being a handsome zombie."
Dustin rolls his eyes "Sure, sure. Now come on, race you to the gardens!" With that he shadow-ports a few feet to the nearest shadow.
"Hey, that's not fair! Stop shadow porting and run like a normal person." Eva yelled running to catch up.
Dustin sighed, he then made a shadow cloud to float along and ran in slow-mo on top of that. He laughed and floated back to Eva "Can't catch up? At least you aren't wearing heels. Then it would have been way worse." then he kept running in slow-mo.
"Oh you think your sooo funny." Eva said, looking around for a water fountain. She saw one across the lawn and smirked. "Forget running like a normal person. Now I'm kicking your butt." Eva dashed from the sidewalk to the water fountain. She liquified and shot through the faucet, flowing through the pipes at top speed.

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