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  1. K

    STOP! It's Dice Time!

    Okay, time for me to test this.
  2. K


    If you get a game going, let me know. I'd be interested in getting back into the swing of Exalted. Do either of you have a particular type of Exalted you prefer to play?
  3. K

    Greetings to all Dwellers of Creation

    I'm more a collector of the Exalted books as there are no f2f groups in my area to roleplay with. I love the idea of the Exalted Shards and what they do to mortals, though, and keep coming back for more information. What a setting!!
  4. K

    Sands of Glory

    If you've got room I'd be happy to create a character for this. I'm thinking a young man whose been studying with the shaman and is along on this trip to learn the ways of another culture as part of his studies in dealing with the spirits. He would eventually become an Eclipse Caste, likely...
  5. K

    Character sheet [Fire and Water]

    What format should our char sheets use? Should I pm you the sheet itself or post it here? I've got a few ideas here, though I'm leaning toward a Night Caste Sherlock Holmes type. Thrown/Dodge specialist for combat, Awareness/Investigation specialist outside combat. More crunch and fluff to...
  6. K

    Interest Check - Actual Exaltation ?

    Hmmm, this is an intriguing idea. I'm fairly new to playing Exalted (I own many of the books, as they are fun reads), and this might be just the ticket to getting my feet wet. How would I join this game? Edit: I would go with Chiarascuro, btw.
  7. K

    New Member Intro

    I'm relatively new here, myself. Welcome, CrazyIvan, and I hope you have fun here.
  8. K

    Another new game - maybe

    I'm interested, but I'd rather not have every PC against every other. If that's the style you're aiming for, I'll step aside and let someone else have a spot. :)