Interest Check - Actual Exaltation ?


Ten Thousand Club
A few games that I had joined on other boards have stalled, and now I find myself with a little bit of free time and a desire to run some Exalted. Which leads to this pitch for a potential new game.

I've always been fascinated by the actual exaltation that every Solar has experienced in one form or another. Being recognized by the Unconquered Sun as a suitable vessel for the exalted spirit from an earlier age, must be a heady feeling. But at that same time, the challenges that young exalted face are legion, and they are often times forced to flee, or hide to save their lives.

The game I'm proposing would begin with the players being heroic mortals to start. The story would focus on the events starting a few days before their exaltation, the critical time in the life of a Solar when they are at their most vulnerable state.

I'm also looking to start in either Cherak or Chiarascuro.

So if you are interested in playing a game with this premise, please post here and indicate your city of choice. Assuming the game starts, I'll be asking for players to submit a background for their character. Ideally I would want to play with 3-4 players, but I might add more slots depending on the quality of the concepts I receive.

Let me know if you have any questions.
I'd be interested in that, but I'd be willing to give my spot to someone new to these boards.

Would be interesting to be at the recieving end of that. In my Hidden truths game the players are heroic mortals, and so far only two Exalted, one a Full Moon, and one a recently Exalted Night caste.
Hmmm, this is an intriguing idea. I'm fairly new to playing Exalted (I own many of the books, as they are fun reads), and this might be just the ticket to getting my feet wet. How would I join this game?

Edit: I would go with Chiarascuro, btw.
Obviously as a memeber of this community I'm interested in playing a game. Though I must admit I have no clue how anything works around here; but your game sounds intriguing.

I'd love to join, but I'd need to be brought up to speed on how this whole deal works or at the very least be pointed in the right direction.
I'd ask a question but I don't really know where to begin. I think my best bet right now would be to just run in headlong and see how it goes.

What can I say? I'm a quick learner.
Feel free to go into the game threads and read through them. it might give you some answers, or at least help you realize what questions you want to ask.
I've got a delay in plans, as I'm being sent on a business trip. At least I'll have Infernals to read on the way.
This sounds pretty interesting, I've done a lot of play by post and played a little exalted in the past, though I don't know much about the background of the world. What are Cherak and Chiarascuro?
This does sound pretty cool, if it is still in the works.

risaphoeniix said:
This sounds pretty interesting, I've done a lot of play by post and played a little exalted in the past, though I don't know much about the background of the world. What are Cherak and Chiarascuro?
Cherak and Chiaroscuro are both big cities in Creation, both of which are trade hubs. Cherak is a port city in the North, while Chiaroscuro is a trade center in the South. You can get more information from the Exalted wiki if you are interested:
Interested as well. Chiaroscuro is definitely more fleshed out than Cherak, and its distance from the Pinnacle of the Eye of the Hunt means that a sizable Wyld Hunt won't be immediately on our asses.

Will it be limited to just Solars though?
Khairn said:
Haku said:
Wait... you have that accursed book. N... no fair!
It should be noted that after this post, Khairn fell silent.

One suspects that a black ops helicopter was dispatched by Pentex... erm... White Wolf and silenced him.

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