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  1. lordofthestorm

    Introduce Yourself!

    There is no need to fear! Why, you ask? BECAUSE I AM HERE! ...BACK AFTER DISAPPEARING INTO OBLIVION FOR EIGHT YEARS! Anyway, I am lordofthestorm, I'm one of the old hands of the forum who kinda disappeared to do my own thing several years ago and now I am back again! Mostly to get...
  2. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.C: Twists and Turns

    Liam observed the statues, then proceeded to rub his hands together. This reeked of a trap. Muttering a few words in Gaelic, he proceeded to draw a line in the ground at the feet of the statues, counting down five statues before stopping. "Well, if they're live, we'll know it." 4960
  3. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.C: Twists and Turns

    "Well. I guess the Labyrinth's through playing with the kiddie gloves," quipped Liam.
  4. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.C: Twists and Turns

    "And I suppose it's not like we had anything better to do," joked Liam.
  5. lordofthestorm

    Anima Beyond Fantasy

    An Anima game? Jesus Helsinki Christ on a pogo stick, I never thought my corebook would EVER see use! Gimme gimme gimme!
  6. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.C: Twists and Turns

    "That's actually rather funny," Liam said in regards to the last part of Grisl's statement; it was an attitude plenty of race car owners had.
  7. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.C: Twists and Turns

    "Yeesh. Bet that's frustrating," Liam said glibly at Grisl's statement.
  8. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.C: Twists and Turns

    "Now, based on what I've been seeing, a lot of the imagery around here seems to be about the stories of gods and Scions, but one of the things that seemed to be in there was the thought of rebelling against the gods. Now, I'm all for the Attack on Titan ideal of God is dead and if you're going...
  9. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.C: Twists and Turns

    Liam quickly thwacked Libby's leg with the Gae Dearg's haft, shaking his head. "Now, now, let's not get completely overboard here. She is still technically the one with all the cards here." "As for the question at hand, well, you definitely want us for...something or other. Involving the gods...
  10. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

    How ironic, too, that this is all going down in front of the guy with Epic Charisma and Appearance.
  11. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Domain of Leisure

    I have no idea what I'm going to use this 5 XP on...guess this is what happens when you're the Scion of the greatest everyman ever...
  12. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.B: Enter the Labyrinth

    "Honestly, I prefer LEEEROOOY JENKIIIINS!" Liam said wryly, shouldering the Gae Dearg.
  13. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.B: Enter the Labyrinth

    "Change the world? Small chance of success? High chance of death? ....what are we waiting for?" asked Liam.
  14. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.B: Enter the Labyrinth

    "Not exactly like we can go backwards, anyway," Liam said, jerking his thumb backward at the way they'd come.
  15. lordofthestorm

    Heavy Metal: A Mecha Game For Mecha Fans

    Three words: Gundam Build Fighters. I finally managed to catch up with Gundam Build Fighters after the holidays, so I decided to get back into it and I felt that that was a great opportunity to use that as a jumping off point for Heavy Metal. One franchise, but a whole world to base the game...
  16. lordofthestorm

    Heavy Metal: A Mecha Game For Mecha Fans

    From what I can tell, there's passing interest in the game. What I'm lacking right now is to put it through some worthwhile Q and A testing. There was a game that I was running with the system here on the site, it just fell apart after couple of weeks (Myllinia was a part of that game)...
  17. lordofthestorm

    Heavy Metal: A Mecha Game For Mecha Fans

    Because I'm basing this off of Super Robot Wars, I'm basically using this as a means to make a road map for GM characters, in particular established characters from other series. I know it's technically not a thing GMs would prefer to do, but it wouldn't feel like a Super Robot Wars game if...
  18. lordofthestorm

    [Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.B: Enter the Labyrinth

    "I thought I was the pretty face," Liam said in mock-insult.
  19. lordofthestorm

    Heavy Metal: A Mecha Game For Mecha Fans

    It actually might look more like this... [Core] (Elements) (Cape) - - - - - (Father's cape) (Sunglasses) [Raw Pure Manliness] Positive: Kamina is the bravest soul you'll ever meet. Attempts at scaring him are usually met with cockiness and will fail most of the time. Negative: Kamina...