Anima Beyond Fantasy


Elder Member
NOTE: This game has been approved and the forum can be found here

The world is ancient. It groans beneath the weight of history and the sins of gods of men.Wonders are piled upon wonders in the bower of the earth, slowly returning the wealth of kings to the dust from whence it game. Faiths and empires with new names continue conflicts older then words as heroes are forged like weapons in the furnace of strife. Into all this come you. As Gaia is vast, you are small. As the Powers are mighty, you are weak. As these lands are aged, you are young.

This is why you can make a difference. You come into the world as something never before seen and when you leave, it will never be seen again. You are unlooked for, unexpected, and unforetold. Be it ever so small, the power to change the world is in your hands. Use it well, for all our sakes.

Ser Lucien Incinas, posthumous letter to his firstborn

Times are difficult for the young prince Aidem Roy. The system of Parliament created by his father has long been unpopular with the nobility. Now, with the transition of power, the question is being asked in every town if the aristocracy will not use this opportunity to end the experiment in democracy. Recent political moves, in fields as diverse as grain prices and hunting rights, have begun to isolate the Prince. Should it continue he will have no choice but to accede to the nobility's demands for fear of destitution or deposition. For now he retains his grip on power, but it is slowly slipping.

This is where you come in. Not quite mercenaries and not quite patriots, you are the edge Aidem hopes will let him put his house in order. Your reasons are your own, but all have been promised great reward. When the dust settles there may well be a number of vacancies in the gentry, vacancies just waiting for men and women loyal to the crown and proven in service to the country to fill.

Strangers of foreign lands, peasants born down the street from the palace, or something stranger; whatever you were, you are Alberian now. You are important, connected, or in the service of someone who is. Weather working for your own advancement or a proxy of a minor lord or mayor, you are someone recognized enough to belong in the halls of power, no matter how unfit some might think you. On the other hand, you are not important enough in your own right to be a true player in the upper echelons of power.


-Standard character creation

-All official Anima books are available. If it is listed as an optional rule or not in core please cite book and page number. I can't promise it will be allowed, but I am fairly lenient.

-No Elan. I personally love it, but for the time being I am not sure of the balance.

-You all start as middle class, either as your actual status or with the support of someone able to fund your activities. (Creation Points spent to change this work as normal but mind the requirements)

-At least in the beginning, the campaign will be fairly linear as you are assigned specific tasks by Prince Aidem.

One of the biggest problems I have noticed about games like this is everyone waiting on someone else to do something. To counter this I am going to implement two policies:

First, if you want to response from someone you will tag them at the end of a post. This includes me as well.

Two, unless told in OOC that you will be gone, two days without a post from you will be considered assent for the scene to end. If you are being waited on I will post a short resolution which may involve actions taken by your character.
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SephirothSage said:
Whats Anima?
I would compare it to Ars Magica, and Trinity Blood. There is a religion called Christianity, an inquisition, and saints, but there is also elves, magic, and the ruins of multiple advanced civilizations which had things like anti gravity and nanomachines.

Here are some links if you want to look more into it:

Grey said:
Ooh, tempting. Always want to take a stab at Anima.
I would love to have you if you can spare the time and interest.
Now there is a game I have never played but it looks fun, I have the PDF of the first book but I have nor delved too deeply into it.
My Anima books might see use? Never thought the day would come. That being said I do seem to be getting busy recently so will have mull it over to see if I can dedicate the time it so justly needs.
That sounds....fascinating. It's been a loooong time since I played it though, and the game I played had nothing to do with the core system's setting (it was a game based on the anime Bleach, but that's another story) so my grip on the system might be a touch sketch. Will that be an issue?
[QUOTE="Lady Jane]That sounds....fascinating. It's been a loooong time since I played it though, and the game I played had nothing to do with the core system's setting (it was a game based on the anime Bleach, but that's another story) so my grip on the system might be a touch sketch. Will that be an issue?

I have made all of one character, and that with heavy help, and never finished a session. This will be a learning experience for me as well.
Exthalion said:
I have made all of one character, and that with heavy help, and never finished a session. This will be a learning experience for me as well.
Oh cool we can all learn together I'll have to give the book a look again.
Exthalion said:
I have made all of one character, and that with heavy help, and never finished a session. This will be a learning experience for me as well.
This is good to hear. Currently wrestling to understand the Ki rules.
So apparently the book I bought in real life was not the corebook, so I'm going to get the PDF version instead. If you've got a slot open, I'm interested in joining. Some cursory research has shown that the character building is crazy versatile in what you can make.
It's probably very bad form to apply for new games when there are games I should post in, but I'm definitely interested :)
An Anima game? Jesus Helsinki Christ on a pogo stick, I never thought my corebook would EVER see use! Gimme gimme gimme!
hellrazoromega said:
Method one for stats? and choose or roll Appearance?
Just because I hate rolling for stats:

Method 1 or 5 from the DM's Guide, your choice. You are stuck with your choice.

If you chose Appearance you may not pick above 7.

In case you don't have the DM's Guide, Method 5 is as follows:

Divide 55 points into the eight primary characteristics. None may be lower then 3 and raising a 9 to 10 costs two points.

hellrazoromega said:
I'd kind of like to do a D'Anjayni Shadow if allowed.
If you mean the Nephilim and not the pure race, that will be acceptable.
Yeah I meant the Nephilim race--and sine they can't have an App over 7 that is solved, was gonna go with 5 anyway.


Re rolling the 2's


dropping the 4 as the lowest.

If that works

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