[Legends of the Modern Age (Scion)] Chapter 1.C: Twists and Turns

"Obvious to all but you then child." She responds. "I do not intend for you to pay my debts. Nor am I in a position to collect on those that are owed me. I simply wish to leave this place, a desire I am sure you share."
Kendra's grin just grows and looks over to Grisl with such amusement. But then she turns her attention back to the oracle. "So, we done with your little Q&A session?"
"And can we get down to exactly what you expect us to do?" adds the Scion of Athena, who has been regarding all this emotional nonsense with a testy expression.
"Yes, I can't figure this woman out. That one," she says gesturing toward the Oracle as Grisl has taken to calling her, "not you. I can't figure you out either, but you are sweet and worth the effort," she concludes with a warm and terrifying look at Kendra.

"You have answered our questions, a piss poor effort of that, and then you have pretty much told us what we won't be doing to help you so we can get out of this stupid labyrinth. All we know is we will be rewarded threefold for our efforts. Right now, the amount of effort I am putting into figuring you out could buy me a new car." How this woman managed to become a successful business woman is slowly being revealed, she is a terrifying and tenacious person, not one very likely to sweet-talk her way through negotiations.
Karima frowns and regards the oracle levelly, though without hostility in her voice, "let me spend my question then, what exactly is it that you want from us?"
"That's actually rather funny," Liam said in regards to the last part of Grisl's statement; it was an attitude plenty of race car owners had.
"There exists in this maze another statue like the one you see here." She says as she gestures to the centre of the room.

"If you destroy it the first of my bindings will be undone and I will regain access to most of my power. Then destroy the one in this room and the labyrinths hold on all of us will be shattered."
"And if I could guess, you have probably left out the fact that it is either indestructible, well guarded, or a major threat in and of itself. Care to elaborate?" Just when she thought that finding one talking statue might get them out of the maze, they now needed to go in pursuit of another one hidden within the labyrinth.

She didn't expect this to get any easier. Theseus had to kill a Minotaur just to get to the center of his labyrinth, and then needed magical aid to get back out. This woman, or statue, or being, made this all sound very much easier than it was likely to be.
"The statues are locus points for the magic of the labyrinth. Theoretically you could destroy it if you destroyed them all. I cannot leave this room, so I know not of the other statues location, but I know that it is the closest to this room.

The labyrinth pays host to many creatures, so there is a chance that they will attempt to impede your progress."
Libby is thinking again. So...we're trapped here with her, the only way to free ourselves is to free her, and we've no way of knowing if her story is true or if we're about to release something awful on the World. Marvelous.

Aloud, she says: "Unless someone has an alternate plan for escaping, I don't see we have much choice but to attempt this one."
"I am inclined to agree," Karima says with a nod, "and if nothing else, exploring the Labyrinth further is likely to be interesting."
"Then the way forward is there." She says, pointing to a door that only just appeared, opposite where you came in.
"Finally, an answer without mystery." Spear in hand, the only souvenir she has gotten from this venture - not including an interest in Kendra (possibly mutual) - she moves toward the door. She doubted they could continue to wander this maze without crossing paths with some creature trapped here and as frustrated as she was.

"Does your mark yet remain, or should we bind ourselves together once again, sweet thing?" Her voice still as grumbled as before, it seemed that the progress of the disease was slowed in here, or that simply much less time had passed than she imagined. Not willing to have her magical sight fail at some in opportune moment, she repeated the spell, rekindling the magic anew.
Kendra follows after Grisl and rubs the back of her neck. "My mark? That's permanent... Probably should have mentioned that when I put it on you... Or before hand. That's probably the better option there."
The door opens into a corridor at least as wide as the room you just left, tiled with white marble and a path down the centre inlaid with gold. It stretches on for at least 60 feet before it it splits into two diagonal paths.

There is no fog or unusual symbols to be found
Libby examines the split in the path carefully; she hates the idea that she may have to just suggest flipping a coin.
Karima shrugs, "no clues are about as meaningless as clues we do not know enough to interpret. There might be something hidden of course," she says as she joins Libby in examining the crossroads, "but somehow I doubt it. Any ideas? Grisl?"
"W e are going to the right. I still have a mark on me, so she will know when I am walking into immediate danger. So it really doesn't matter which we choose, we will have the briefest moment before everything goes to Hel in a hand basket."

She just starts walking down the right corridor, willing to let her new bond act as a warning buzzer.
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The corridor continues onwards for an indeterminable distance. After roughly 5 minutes of walking the corridor widens to 20ft, with grey statues of minotaurs in evenly spaced alcoves (every 15ft) along the sides. It continues on in the distance.
Grisl puts out her hand for the rest to lag behind her as she moves with the staff to the first Minotaur statue. She dealt in artifacts, she knew makers and sculptors, she knew of some models who might have posed for such works, but this place was infused with magic. She could feel it around her, even see it as she looked.

Were these in fact statues, as inert as they appeared, or did they possess magic that might change their state upon a simple trigger. Perhaps if she passed too far down the room, the trap would be sprung.
Liam observed the statues, then proceeded to rub his hands together. This reeked of a trap. Muttering a few words in Gaelic, he proceeded to draw a line in the ground at the feet of the statues, counting down five statues before stopping. "Well, if they're live, we'll know it."

It's one of my Guardian Boons. Liam draw a line in the ground, spend 1 Legend, and declares something (which I forgot to do but will quickly revise to reflect that). If it crosses the line, Liam knows about it.

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