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  1. demihappycow

    Wholesome Midwestern Farm Boys! (Interest Check)

    Call me a maybe, as I still need to read through the nWoD mortals stuff.
  2. demihappycow

    Wholesome Midwestern Farm Boys! (Interest Check)

    It is as much learning a new rules set as it is getting access to the books. If it takes a while for you to get going I might manage to put something together, but there would be a definite going over unfamiliar pdfs delay.
  3. demihappycow

    Wholesome Midwestern Farm Boys! (Interest Check)

    Well, I love fallout but I don't have any nWoD books or really know the rules... If it was a system I knew I would totally be in.
  4. demihappycow

    [Interest Check] The Sand, The Dust, and The Sky (RIFTS)

    So, I take it your full up then? *sadface*
  5. demihappycow

    [Interest Check] The Sand, The Dust, and The Sky (RIFTS)

    I know I'm a bit late to the party here, but is there any chance you've got room for one more? Edit to add: If there is room I've got a few different character ideas to choose from. A monstrously huge and scary mutant bear escaped from Lone Star (who is secretly very gentle and passive)...
  6. demihappycow

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Sorry for my unannounced absence, will probably be another week or so before I can get back to posting here. I am abnormally busy.
  7. demihappycow

    [OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

    Sorry for my unannounced absence, will probably be another week or so before I can get back to posting here. I am abnormally busy.
  8. demihappycow

    [OOC Thread] The Darkened Halls [Walking with the Darkness]

    Sorry for my unannounced absence, will probably be another week or so before I can get back to posting here. I am abnormally busy.
  9. demihappycow

    The Echoes of Absence

    Been gone for a while (sorry about that), and probably won't really be back until the beginning of April. Some real life stuff came up, and now I'm desperately trying to prepare for a couple LARP games I'm supposed to be running at a con this weekend...
  10. demihappycow

    Act 1 Scene 3: Shadow on the Sun [Alliance of the Renewal]

    Crimson Arroyo Though she initially rolls her eyes a little at the discussion of freeing the slaves, Crimson does eventually chime in, "Ya know, it might be easier to just buy them. If any of you have money that is," she says with a shrug. "I mean, I don't know a lot about running a kingdom...
  11. demihappycow

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    Well, if you can't get a hold of Manacle & Coin, I'd take a look at the poison section in the corebook (p130-131) which does include alcohol and marijuana. I think Oadenol's Codex has details on Bright Morning toward the back. From there it shouldn't be too hard to extrapolate other drugs.
  12. demihappycow

    [OOC] For rules questions, general questions and raves [To the Hunt!, Wyld that is...]

    If you can find a copy of Manacle & Coin it has more details on the drugs of Creation. It's first ed, but still pretty applicable.
  13. demihappycow

    [OOC thread]Hall of the Braves [Alliance of the Renewal]

    Crimson isn't terribly interested in actually ruling anything, though having a secure base of operations would appeal to her. Considering the number of players at this point, splitting the party seems somewhat necessary.
  14. demihappycow

    Act 1 Scene 3: Shadow on the Sun [Alliance of the Renewal]

    Crimson Arroyo "Well, you probably oughta come discuss that on the boat," she says gesturing at the landship, "I'm sure we could use a little extra help. Your Dragon-Blooded friend should stay where he's at, until he can tamp down that anima, leastways."
  15. demihappycow

    Act 1 Scene 3: Shadow on the Sun [Alliance of the Renewal]

    Crimson Arroyo She rolls her eyes at the woman and mutters, "Malfeas, more of them. Did I step into a portion of the Wyld where no one understands subtlety and keeping a low profile or something?" Sighing loudly she says to the woman on the barge, "Well, in that case you mind me asking where...
  16. demihappycow

    Act 2 Scene 1: Let them remember why they fear the dark [Walking with the Darkness]

    The Banner of Unceasing Strife "<It is the holy language of mein birthplace. How is it you speak this vay also?> she says, somewhat haltingly. Her mannerisms and body language seem totally different, subdued and non-aggressive, as she communicates in the High Holy Speech.
  17. demihappycow

    Act 1 Scene 3: Shadow on the Sun [Alliance of the Renewal]

    Crimson Arroyo Trotting up to just inside of firewand range, Crimson calls out to the woman on the prow, "What's with the Anima on your friend back there? You folks got some sorta problem?" ----- OOC Note: Incidentally, Crimson is just part of her name, not a descriptor. She is actually...
  18. demihappycow

    Act 2 Scene 1: Let them remember why they fear the dark [Walking with the Darkness]

    The Banner of Unceasing Strife Laughing loudly and audibly at the Dark Emissary's response, she is about to respond when she hears the dragon-king hissing under his breath behind her. She is instantly and unnervingly still for a moment. Then she turns, agonizingly slowly, and in strongly...
  19. demihappycow

    Act 1 Scene 3: Shadow on the Sun [Alliance of the Renewal]

    Crimson Arroyo Vaulting over the rail of the ship, Crimson lands next to Jonas and quietly says, "Know what ya mean. Folks have got some awful strange ideas." The slight shake of her head as she speaks is made extremely evident by her large curled horns. "I'm gonna go have a word with that...
  20. demihappycow

    Act 2 Scene 1: Let them remember why they fear the dark [Walking with the Darkness]

    The Banner of Unceasing Strife "You wish to read the stars with me? Are you certain you can abide by the fate that is layed out? You will not struggle and rail against the cruel injustices of predestination, will you? It would be such a shame if I had to punish you for insufficient...