[Interest Check] The Sand, The Dust, and The Sky (RIFTS)

Sherwood said:
Do we have access to the dedicated martial art techniques from Ninjas and Superspies? I'd like to get the swordfighting art - Zanji Shinjinkin-Ryu.
Hey, that's my schtick. :<
I'm going to play a DB who has a glitterboy... erm... glittergirl... erm... whatever the heck the glitterboy 7 designation is. :D
Once upon a time, on a world known as earth, there was a war. A violent war with no holds barred, and nuclear weaponry were used.

Said weapons were sufficient to rip open the leylines of the world, feeding back into natural disasters that fed more mystical energies into an ever growing loop causing rifts in space time to manifest and stay open.

In another parallel reality, the nuclear weaponry used were insufficient to trigger a psychic energy flood of epic proportions due to the multiple-planetary alignments being ever so slightly off.

It just resulted in the utter devastation of the american continent. A continent that was being pacified and slowly cleaned up by its neighbours across its oceans.

Nanajuu Nana is, or was, one of the soldiers sent by the Japanese Empire to pacify the american continent after its decades of constant warfare amongst its nations.

As an Engineered Life Form, Nana's status as a soldier was never in doubt. Nor her status as a non-human. She was merely "equipment", a warm body with a brain piloting a glitterboy armor. Specifically, a GB-7 glitterboy unit as part of one of the many armored companies in the Japanese Empire military forces.

While deployed on the west coast of the former American Empire, Nana's unit encountered an unforeseen disaster. One that left her alive on Rifts Earth, while the rest of her company were dead or well... she doesn't speculate on what might have happened to them; after all, if they still lived, they would still be with her.

Now, she wanders this twisted mirror of her world...


I offer on to you, Nanajuu Nana, a bio-engineered elf in a glitterboy armor.

Glitterboy 7 can be found in world book 9: South America II.
Maus said:
I suppose I should put down some story or somesuch, huh?

The time: Eight months before the Tolkeen Conflict.

The place: The badlands between what was once Nevada and Colorado.

This far West, the power plays between the CS and its enemies seem distant and irrelevant, like a passing storm on the Eastern horizon. No, the day to day of simply getting by in harsh expanse of the New West is trouble enough for most.

Iron Valley is a rich little burg in the middle of nowhere, surrounded on all sides by bluffs and plateaus wrought from the ground by the upheaval of the Great Cataclysm, hip-deep in the bones of the Old World. Scavengers and Operators, Techs and Scholars, Mercenaries and Gunfighters...everyone is here for the easy money to be made on the rich salvage and plentiful gun-hand work.

Every day, scavenger teams venture out into the twisting dust-storms and harsh sun to comb the desert for weapons, gear, tech...any little shiny bauble that may just make them rich, or give them a clue to lead them to the find of a lifetime. "Treasure Hunter" is the most common occupation out here, and everyone wants the big score. Making things worse is the "Chrome Fever"; wild tales about a Pre-Rifts armory filled to bursting with weapons and armor of days long gone, a legion of Glitterboys waiting patiently at the heart of a ruined, empty city once called "Las Vegas".

Greed drives many, but curiosity propels more than a few to this place, drawn by tales of a broken paradise in the shifting sands, chasing elusive fragments of the past.

Whatever the reason, Iron Valley is the place to be these days, for as long as the desert is willing to give up its treasures. But once the winds shift, Iron Valley will dry up and blow away like so many boomtowns before it. Question is, will you blow away with it, or will you leave this place with more than you came with?

Swear to God, if I don't hear the sweet, honey-soaked tones of Mr. New Vegas over my character's tinfoil-lined helmet, there'll be blood and carbonized skull in the streets!
I have a rough draft done for my character. I just need to type it up nice and neat and present it to the ST. Do you want characters posted here, or sent to you in a PM?
I will wait for Maus' approval of backstory before starting work on charactersheet and such.
As am I. That was a glorious way to spend an evening, yep.


Sherwood: No. Absolutely not. You want a rune blade? Go get it. Relatedly, no, you may NOT have unqiue Martial Arts. Stick to what your source material sez.

Haku: As per our chat, I'm down with it.

CW: I'd best be seeing something that makes me lol.

And PMing me your character drafts would be much liked and loved. I'll ping the relevant authorities when I feel we can move onto a real subfourm of our own.
I think I'm going for a PsiTech from Psyscapes, I'll PM a backhistory and character draft this evening.
Maus said:
Sherwood: No. Absolutely not. You want a rune blade? Go get it. Relatedly, no, you may NOT have unqiue Martial Arts. Stick to what your source material sez.
If you never ask, the answer is always 'no'. :)

The book doesn't give me a whole lot in the way of equipment or vehicles. Just a few weapons, body armor, and a few thousand in cash. No mention of spare ammo or anything like that. :? Any standard equpment of note that we have other than this?

Also, do we know each other before the game starts up?

Finally, my PM is going to be sent later tonight with my character.
I'm well aware of what the book gives you. This will be addressed in due time. For now, work with what you have. If you don't like it, you can always play another class that give you more swag on the front end.

The party does NOT know each other on the front of this. Again, all will be dealt with in good time, children. Have patience and faith.

Trust the fuckhead.

Cool. It gives us more time to beat up bad guys and get lots of swag! 8)
Maus said:
Haku: As per our chat, I'm down with it.
And PMing me your character drafts would be much liked and loved. I'll ping the relevant authorities when I feel we can move onto a real subfourm of our own.
Now, I just need to hunt down the chargen as necessary. ^_^
So, who is playing what, now? I've got the magical TW cyborg demon and vampire hunter, and someone claimed the GlitterBoy slot. Beyond that, I'm not sure who is pulling out what besides a handful of Juicers of various types. What do we have going on?
So, at least one tiny meatbag that needs our protection. Any others?
Any word on our progress from our illustrious ST?
Once I get word (and character sheets) from everyone that they're all wired up tight, we can do this. Still waiting on our Brain-Fry and GiGi for sheets, so CW and Haku, chop-chop!

Thorn, I will mail/transfer the relevant items to you shortly.
I know I'm a bit late to the party here, but is there any chance you've got room for one more?

Edit to add: If there is room I've got a few different character ideas to choose from.

A monstrously huge and scary mutant bear escaped from Lone Star (who is secretly very gentle and passive).

An Octoman gunslinger on the run from the law.

Or possibly a fire-and-brimstone preacher who has had his consciousness transferred into a robot body.

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