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  • Users: Galen
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  1. G

    Grasp of the Unconquered Sun

    Cost: 3m per 50 lbs Mins: Lore 5, Essence 3 Type: Simple Duration: Concentration Keywords: Obvious, Combo-Ok Prerequisites: Invisible Hands Technique Follow-ups: None What the Chosen of the Unconquered Sun want, they shall have, and mere distance will not stand...
  2. G

    Idea - Keyword: Speedbump

    A "Speedbump" is a charm that seems to be nothing but a lesser version of a more desirable charm. These charms are prerequsites for the more desirable charm, slowing down progress towards that charm. This keyword recognizes this fact, and halves the essence cost of the lesser charm once the...
  3. G

    RecRoom (OOC) [Operation: X-Com]

    Is this game dead? I'd assumed it's stopped since it took half a month for the last response, and another half a month for me to post this.
  4. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Spying the weapon, he kicks it very gently towards Tommy "You take that one - that way both of us can...... " Andrew trails off for a minute ..24 hours ago I was eating filth out of a garbage can and now this. Jesus christ, are you really gonna say it, you bum? " Buck Rodgers...
  5. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Walking over to the incapacitated alien, Andrew removes his belt, taking his gear off of it and using it to restrain the alien's legs. The last thing he wanted was this fucker getting away with their gear. He then tries to put any gear from the belt in either his backpack or pockets...
  6. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew raises his rifle to cover Tommy, just in case the son of a bitch is faking.
  7. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew turns his head to face Tommy. "Great - it's out. Now how do we restrain the damn thing?"
  8. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Goddamn this Tommy guy is really spacey. I hope he snaps in soon, or else I may have to do this all myself. Andrew continued to visually search for something to restrain the injured alien with, while whispering to Tommy "What do you think? Capture or kill? - Wait. What if it's a trap?"...
  9. G

    RecRoom (OOC) [Operation: X-Com]

    I may very well beat you to it - depends on our situation.
  10. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Andrew moves over to where Tommy is and whispers "I only saw one, but it looks seriously injured. I'm not sure it can actually lift it's gun. I was able to shoot at the first one 'cause of all the adrenaline, but seeing that one - I kinda feel bad, honestly. What do you think we should...
  11. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    OOC Perception: 10 (bonus die - 2) 10 (Bonus dice - Another fricking 10, then 5) 6 2 Three successes - what did I see?
  12. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Andrew slowly inches closer to the doorway, trying to get a better look inside without compromising his readiness to react by either shooting or moving and giving the signal, depending on how many of those little gray pukes he sees inside.
  13. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Ah, shit. Well, so it goes. Andrew takes a half-remembered crouched aiming position about four yards away from the door with his rifle. "Tommy, I want you to open that door on my word. If I shout "fuck", pull the pin on your grenade, toss it in, and shut the door. Okay?"
  14. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    ooc - does the stuff all fit in the pack, including the alien head?
  15. G

    RecRoom (OOC) [Operation: X-Com]

    What's the hold-up?
  16. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Andrew unslings his backpack, and tries to stuff the alien's head as well as whatever items he finds on it's body into the pack. Finishing that, he checks for any other doors on this floor.
  17. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew "Well, then we'll just have to cut it off. You have a point though - how do we know for sure how the damn thing works? Guess we'll just have to hold it for an emergency." Andrew continued his search of the dead alien. "Think we should retrieve the body too? You think if they don't know...
  18. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Andrew watches Tommy shoot the alien a few more times, splattering it's insides across the floor. "Alright, alright - it's probably dead." He walks up, slings the rifle, pulls out his sidearm, and shoots it in the head point-blank one time. "Now we're sure." He then begins searching...
  19. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew Well fuck, there goes that plan. What made you think if it crisped the door it couldn't slag the wall? Andrew stopped for a split second. No you fuckhead! Do it like you just dropped that scarecrow. Shut up me, i'm doing it. He quickly dropped to his knee, aimed, and fired, just...
  20. G

    Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

    Andrew ohshitohshitohshitohshit come on what do i do waitwaitwait i think i got a plan Andrew moves up beside the door, motions for Tommy to get out of the line of fire, and waits for whatever the hell is on the other side of the now-vaporized door to walk through the doorway so he can...