Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

Mark & Karen

Around the corner is nothing, just more smooth me- Wait, part of that... bulkhead? Looks askance, like a sliding door jogged out of place.


Another searing green light disintegrates the door, and in the silence, feeling as though time has slowed, you see the enemy.

Four feet tall, naked and smooth, gray skin, and the most hideous black eyes in a bulbous head...

The kid is briefly silhouetted by a corona of green light, but is still standing it when it clears.

The same cannot be said for the door.

Tommy goes back. Bullets go forward.

[4 dice of combat pool spent to shoot it, oh god shoot it and don't stop shootan... 4,5,6,7.]

"Bingo. Now, let's figure out how to make it go!"

Mark jogged over to the potential door, and began examining the bulkhead.

ohshitohshitohshitohshit come on what do i do waitwaitwait i think i got a plan

Andrew moves up beside the door, motions for Tommy to get out of the line of fire, and waits for whatever the hell is on the other side of the now-vaporized door to walk through the doorway so he can ambush it.

"Umm, are you sure that's a great idea? What if it has an autopilot to it's home or something?"

"No, it's probably a terrible idea, but so was signing up with this X-COM bullshit. If this thing was still able to fly why did they hang around to shoot at us? Nah, this thing's going nowhere..."
To Tommy

Did you hit it?! Oh god, oh shit, you think you hit it. Maybe in the arm or something but you're sure you hit it.

OOC: You are down three rounds - I assume you fired in Semi-auto

To Andrew

The ambush quickly seems like a poor idea as the section of wall behind you disintegrates. At least it was good for a second's cover. A second bolt of green light sears past your head, leaving you feeling mildly suntanned.

To Mark

Looks like this had been an automatic, sliding door at one point - power seems down, and it's jogged out of place somewhat, but you reckon the tracks are intact and with a bit of a shove you can get it open.

Hmm, it's obviously priceless, but there could be someone in there. But it'll still be priceless if I chuck my grenade in, right? I mean alien technology is alien technology, even if it's peppered with shrapnel...

Using the butt of his rifle, Mark attempted to lever the door open a bit.

"Stay alert, there could still be someone in there. Might be a good idea to chuck in a grenade. You know how to prime on of those?"

Well fuck, there goes that plan. What made you think if it crisped the door it couldn't slag the wall?

Andrew stopped for a split second. No you fuckhead! Do it like you just dropped that scarecrow. Shut up me, i'm doing it.

He quickly dropped to his knee, aimed, and fired, just like last time - but he was even more tense now. Anyway, it's moving this time. The kid -Tommy - hit it, but it looks like a flesh wound. Front site, front site - Keep it just right ahead of a moving target - and away we go.. If he fucked this shot up, he was a sitting duck. If not, that alien was going to get the mother of all headaches. As he pulled the trigger, he wondered exactly what color it's blood was. Morbid, sure, but he was curious all the same.

Roll of - 8,7,4,3

"Um, sure, but..." Karen checked over the gear she had been given in an attempt to avert panic. Toss a grenade in the space ship.. destroy everything in there. Didn't we want to get stuff... but.. that guy from our group. I don't want to end up like that. We don't even know how this thing works though.

"I'd rather not.. I mean, couldn't we get something to help us open the door from a distance? Then we could cover the opening. Like a rope with a hook or something. This is a farm right? We could probably find something like that here."
To Andrew

You hit in the shoulder, and the little pot-bellied bastard bleed green as he goes down with an unearthly shriek.

Look like these things can't take much of a beating.

It's down, it's down, kill it, it's down, oh fuck, kill it

Tommy leaps forward again, and fires point blank range, aiming to fill the centre of its body with as many bullets as possible.

[4 dice rolled, 4,6,3,6]
For Tommy

Your gun finally clicks empty, and the torso of the little grey bastard is a ruined, semi-liquid green mess.

Andrew watches Tommy shoot the alien a few more times, splattering it's insides across the floor. "Alright, alright - it's probably dead." He walks up, slings the rifle, pulls out his sidearm, and shoots it in the head point-blank one time. "Now we're sure."

He then begins searching the alien, looking for whatever the hell it used to blow the wall apart, or anything else interesting it might have. "You see any other doors up here?"

He looks up from his search briefly and says - "Oh yeah, you might want to reload." before continuing with his now-messy scavenger hunt for alien toys.
To Andrew

Something certainly very gun-shaped is lying on the floor nearby, and the creature was wearing a belt with two objects strapped on - short, irregular rectangles that vibrate gently in your hand.

Tommy slaps a new magazine into his rifle, and crouches at the doorway, keeping an eye out.

"You going to take that stuff? What if it's locked to him?"

"Well, then we'll just have to cut it off. You have a point though - how do we know for sure how the damn thing works? Guess we'll just have to hold it for an emergency." Andrew continued his search of the dead alien. "Think we should retrieve the body too? You think if they don't know what we were up against they know much else about these aliens? Then again, this one's a wreck."

"Let's take his...head? As well as his stuff. We should clear this building, then get back to the others, try and back them up."

Tommy stays crouched at the doorway, looking back out into the hall and down the stairs.

Andrew unslings his backpack, and tries to stuff the alien's head as well as whatever items he finds on it's body into the pack. Finishing that, he checks for any other doors on this floor.

"I see your point. Uh, let's try the barn, should be good for some rope pitchforks and stuff."

Taking point, Mark checked his corners and jogged back over to the barn, heading for the entrance.
Karen & Mark

You make it to the barn in one piece, and glancing inside note two things: It's empty of anything but some tools and household bric-a-brac clearly chucked out here for storage, and something moved in the hayloft.

There's a coil of nylon rope hanging over an old hoover near the back, you can see it from here. All manner of rakes and things are leaning against the left wall.

But that movement upstairs...


He dropped to a crouch, raising his weapon to the hayloft. If anything moved, he'd shoot.

He whispered to Karen. "You still have a grenade handy? The rope'll still be there if we blow up the top floor..."

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