Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]


"Aw, Christ..." Eric lifted his boots from the floor to not get any of the kid's mess on his feet. "This is fuckin' grand. I'd prefer the room with that nice window again. Goddamn, kid, I've never even seen vomit that color before."

Slowly flinches his head away from where the crazy guy was pointing the weapon, with a worried look on his face.

"You won't need a sight. Unless absolutely necessary, and by the will and graces of God, you shouldn't even bother firing the weapon. Leave that to those who can, if the situation calls for it."
In fact, Andrew wasn't pointing the gun at anybody, nor had he flipped the saftey off.

"Look, man, I know how to use a gun. I grew up on a fucking farm. And what I'm telling you is I don't think these people are in the business of giving out shit they don't intend us to use on someone - or something. Ah god damn it don't tell me this thing uses ironsites. Buncha cheapasses."
For All

The timer has been ticking down, red and sober, and now only ten minutes remain until you reach the dropzone. There are no windows in the armoured hide of the Skyranger.

Tommy checks his rifle, carefully slipping the clip back into place, even more carefully not meeting anyone's eyes.

Fuck. Fuck.
Andrew flicks the saftey off and tries to prepare himself for whatever's going to be on the other side of the door when they land.

Looked like everything was good to go.

"Wish we had a map, I hate going in blind. Whoever's going out first, find us all some cover, yeah?"
To All

The dropship ch-thunks to the ground, and the heavy rear hatch hisses open. Dull, listless Irish sunlight floods the cabin and outside you can see an overcast sky, green fields, and a collection of farm buildings.

Before you is a reasonable and rather out-of-place two storey house, mystifyingly more modern than most Irish farmhouses this side of the country. Large outbuildings loom just out of view of the hatch.

The two soldiers who accompanied you immediately descend the ramp and cover the flanks - well, one of the does. The other drops into a firing position to the left of the ramp, and promptly explodes into a fine red mist, leaving at least some... remains.

Fuck. Fuck.

Tommy rolls out of the hatch, moving towards the corner of the outbuilding. Oh god oh god oh god I need underpants I need a bathroom I need not to die...

He comes up crouching behind the wall, and rapidly looks in the direction the dead dude was covering. No, no he doesn't spray fire in that direction. That'd make him a target.

"Jesus fuck buggery!"

They must've mined the landing area! Shit, they've had time to prepare, they could be anywhere...

Mark raises the rifle from where he stands, checking the farmhouse windows opposite for anything suspicious.

Perception- Results for 4 dice: 3 successes [ 1 5 8 0 ] (TN: 8 )

Mark knew the drill- Relax, don't squint through the sights, slow steady sweep...
For Mark

Something moved, there, on the second floor. Someone is in the farmhouse. Furthermore, the body of your comrade is unusually mutilated - his head and limbs are intact, but his charred ribcage, spine, and pelvis seem to have been flayed of their meat and entrails.

"Contact, Farmhouse, second floor! I'll cover! Everyone move!"

Mark lays down a suppressive burst around the location he saw the hostile, hoping like hell everyone heard him and gets to safety.
Galen said:
Is there anywhere I can take cover and snipe from? Also, how are we doing die rolls here?
OOC: Galen, this is an OOC post. Either make it in the appropriate thread, or mark it as OOC. Use the online diceroller of your choice, I trust people not to lie about the results. Non-combat dicerolls are Attribute + Skill with d10s and variable difficulties. There is no adequate cover that you can see - try getting into a building

Perception Roll - 9 1 6 8

Everything's going to hell holy shit what just happened to that guy gotta get somewhere safe or stop what farmhouse second floor oh i see

Andrew begins running towards the nearest building. If that's the farmhouse, then he runs into the farmhouse.
"What was that!"

Karen crouched down to see outside better and tried not to look at the guy who just went down.


Perception 3 dice: 6, 6, 4

[Total fail on the Perception roll.]

"It's ok guys, it's totally clear! Must have just been a trap!"
To Andrew

Could there be... Hm. As you run to the outbuilding close to you, you catch a glimpse in one of the windows. Perhaps your imagination, perhaps not. In any case, you run into some sort of stable, devoid of animals but wet in places with their fresh droppings. There is a door to your right and one ahead.

To Everyone

No further contacts. There are two buildings either side - a barn, and what may be the original farmhouse, a much older structure and a little larger than the new farmhouse.

As soon as the others were clear, Mark fired one last burst as he sprinted for cover himself, towards the outbuildings.

Shit. Hell of a start. Angry farmers shot people all the time, but they didn't have the kind of weapons that could do THAT to a person. Jesus.

He crouched, back to the wall, checked his ammo.

oh shit two doors... goddamnit where is everyone? Am I gonna have to do this alone? Wait a second..

Andrew grinned and remembered the grenade he had been issued.

What to do though - If he opened the door and there was just one it'd be better to try and shoot it in the head, but if there were more, then he'd pull the pin and throw the grenade. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. But fools rush in...

Andrew slowly creeps up to the door on the right and tries to listen, while keeping a close eye on the door to the front of him.

Edit - From now on, I will be Bluetexting any internal monologs, because italics seem to be broken.
To Andrew

Something is moving around in there - feet on a staircase, light steps but not hurried.

To Mark & Karen

This side of the barn is clear, and-

Holy God.

As you stand, back to the wall, you can see the enemy craft ahead of you. It's dug deep furrows in the earth, scattered with glittering debris, and smoke curls listlessly from the breach in the top of the.. Well, shit. It's flying saucer. A flying. Fucking. Saucer. Silver-blue metal, squat and rectangular, and no sign of a door.

"What the F-"

Karen clutches at her gun and stares incredulously at the ship. She looks frantically around for any slimy green dudes and for the rest of the group.

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