Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]

Well, shit.

At this very moment, Andrew wanted nothing more to be back on the street. It didn't sound heavy enough to be one of those things, but better safe than sorry.

As far as I know, i'm not getting any backup. Looks like it's do or die time, man.

Andrew raised his rifle and burst through the door, ready and willing to open fire on anything that wasn't human. If it was human... well, then, it would get one chance to surrender.
For Andrew

The room is... empty. A staircase is on your left. The room, otherwise, is empty save for various farming tools.

Getting up, Tommy breaks into a sprint, tapping the doorframe to slow down as he follows Andrew into the building. He drops to a crouch on the other side of Andrew, at the foot of the stairs, rifle pointed up the steps.

Oh god, oh god, oh, god, I'm gonna die, I'll stay here on the stairs, can't ban us all motherfucker...
Good, I'm not alone anymore. Wonder what it is I heard?

Andrew moves around to the stairs, prepared to open fire on whatever it was he heard earlier.
Andrew & Tommy

There's a strange snap and crackle and a reek of burning ozone. A bolt of light so bright and searing green it brings tears to your eyes flashes from the top of the stairs, down towards you, obscuring the humanoid assailant who fired it.

Time for some Dex + Dodge, Difficulty 7 rolls, chaps.
(9 7 10 2 7 2)

OOC - If we get 10-again in this system, my 7th die came up a 1. so that's either 3 or 4 successes.

"SHIT!" Andrew dived towards the ground. (I'm assuming 3-4 successes are sufficent)

Don't fuck this up you dipshit, this is the real fucking thing. Now do it just like how the old man showed you.

Andrew raised the rifle up to his shoulder, crouched, put his head on the stock, and tried to line his sites up on the freak's cranium.

Fucking ironsites.

Trembling, and starting to drool out of one corner of his mouth, Andrew exhaled and squeezed the trigger with his shaky, sweaty hands as soon as he got his sites lined up with the bastard's head.

Eric snaps out of his haze, realizing once more that he's under fucking fire. Shaking his head and giving a last lingering look at the pile of meat and mist cooling in the night air, he dashes off for the outbuildings, keeping low and trying to stop giggling. He just couldn't figure out why it was so funny. Kinda looked like Carl back there...
For Andrew

You obliterate the head of the figure at the top of the stairs - and a small spray of strange, golden fibers rains down.

Mark just stared. That's a UFO. Right there. A goddamn UFO.

His curiosity got the better of him, as always. He realised he was trying quite hard not to giggle.

"Karen, was it? I think that's what our new employers wanted secured. What do you say we try looking for a way in? Cover me!"

Without waiting for a response, he legged it for the nearest side of the craft that still provided cover from the other buildings.

Karen watched Mark run towards the ship and looked around for any... aliens. They weren't being shot at yet so she didn't try shooting anywhere, but she clutched her rifle tightly watching for signs of movement.
For Karen & Mark

The outside of the vessel, though spattered with mud and scorchmarks, is smooth and unbroken. The entrance does not appear to be on this side.

Once in cover, Mark raised his rifle and peeked back round the corner to cover Karen.

Seeing Mark had stopped Karen made for his position. What she had planned to be a cautious, head down sort of run turned into an all out sprint as the realization that she was totally out in the open with god knows what out there ripping people apart and running towards a freaking spaceship caught up with her.
Karen & Mark

It's quiet, save for the crackle of fire lapping from the top of the ship. No hostiles in sight, nothing. In the neighbouring field a trio of cows watch you almost expectantly.
"GOT HIM - wait, what the fuck? Kid, you seeing what I'm seeing?"

Andrew remains at the ready in case there's more of those - whatever they are.

"Now what?" Karen looks over the spaceship. "Wait, how do we do recon without a camera or something?"

"Those cows are creeping me out. Lets keep moving. I don't like the idea of my insides being on the outside."

Karen acts like she is going to walk around the spaceship, but nervously waits to see what Mark thinks.

"What? What? Yeah!"

Tommy shakes his head, and keeps shaking. He glares up the stairs, then breaks into a sprint, stopping a few steps below the top, leaning his rifle out at floor level.
For Tommy

At the top of the stairs is your aggressor - a skilfully decapitated scarecrow. And a door ajar at the far side of the room.

"We do recon by having a look and saying what we saw later. Jesus, look at this thing, I never thought... Ok, ok. Let's look for a way in. I'll take point, you watch our backs. Shoot anything that wasn't on the plane with us."

Mark moves for the far corner of the ship, crouching, peeping his head out quickly to see if there are any enemies round the corner.

Andrew walked up the stairs behind Tommy. He was somewhat more relaxed as he came up the stairs - at least until he saw the scarecrow.

"You've got to be kidding." A brief pause. "Uh, do you think there's any chance that it was the scarecrow that attacked us?" Andrew asked in a semi-serious tone as he took a quick look over his shoulder, back down the stairs and back in paranoia mode.

Karen nods quickly in response, and follows behind Mark taking a glance behind her every so often.

"Unless he was rigged as part of a trap, no."

Tommy looks around, and fixes his gaze (and aim) on the doorway.

"I'm gonna check."

Crouching, ready to spring away, he nudges the door further open.

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