Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]


Karen pulls out the grenade and crouches down. whispers "What if its the farmer hiding from the aliens?"


"Let's find out then. I'll try to distract him. It. whatever. If its human we try to talk him down."

Mark took out a pistol clip and weighed it thoughtfully, before hurling it at the far wall to clatter loudly in-between the junk. Immediately after throwing he raised his rifle to cover the hayloft again.

Movement again, a shape silhouetted against the weak sunlight filtering through an upper window.

A head. A damned familiar head. Like that little grey bastard who got you into this mess.


At least it seems cautious enough not to expose itself any further - it's hiding behind some boxes stacked waist-high up there.

whispers"Well that's good enough for me."

Karen pulls the pin on the grenade and lobs it up over the boxes.


Str + Dex = 4

Karen rolled the following on her 4 dice:

3, 2, 3, 4

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 0 successes.

heh heh >.> <.<

Fitting the head is a bit of a struggle, but hey, it's not like you had anything else in here. The various pockets and extra holster on the pack have room for the other items.

There is a second door from this room. Suddenly you hope that last one was alone up here.


The grenade sails into a high arc, collides with the lip of the hayloft, and drops like a stone. Huh, at least the real thing doesn't bounce like a Hollywood grenade. Wait, damn, time to move...


Mark legged it, crouching by the UFO and hoping like hell the grenades those suits supplied weren't TOO explosive. He couldn't get the figure out of his mind. That was one of THEM! Those fuckers in Kosovo! They're going to fuckin' PAY!

The detonation is remarkably muffled from what expected, but still pretty loud. Still, looks like you got clear.


Thank the fucking lord, standard frags. Eight foot circle of death means that bastard is probably still alive, but neither is the barn too fucked.

Ah, shit. Well, so it goes. Andrew takes a half-remembered crouched aiming position about four yards away from the door with his rifle. "Tommy, I want you to open that door on my word. If I shout "fuck", pull the pin on your grenade, toss it in, and shut the door. Okay?"

"Balls! Probably not, and he's wise to us now. But I seen that bastard before, and I'm gonna fuckin' kill him! Cover me."

Unclipping his grenade, he sneaked back to the entrance, crouching around the corner, listening for a moment for any telltale sign that the little grey jackass had moved...

"Got it."

Tommy moves to right beside the door, and stops. He wipes his sweaty palms on his trousers, reloads his gun, and, and oh, fuck it he boots the door then steps aside, covering behind the doorframe.

Andrew slowly inches closer to the doorway, trying to get a better look inside without compromising his readiness to react by either shooting or moving and giving the signal, depending on how many of those little gray pukes he sees inside.

There's another! Crouched in the corner or...

Feel free to roll Perception

There! That sound... wait. That's a suspiciously familiar sound. A sort of metallic 'clink'

A small, silver-purple sphere rolls gently out of the door way and comes to a rest beside you.

Oh dear.


His body reacting before his mind got any ideas, he kicked the grenade back in the door before running blindly away from the building.

Perception: 10 (bonus die - 2) 10 (Bonus dice - Another fricking 10, then 5) 6 2

Three successes - what did I see?

The little shit's wounded, lying propped against the wall in the corner. Looks like it can barely lift its gun.


There was a barn here.

It's gone now.

There is, however, a gently smoking pile of ash, and a light snow thereof. Furthermore the air is suffused by a god-awful, unfamiliar smell. Apparently the alien grenade suspends the laws of physics just long enough for wood to sublime.

Andrew moves over to where Tommy is and whispers "I only saw one, but it looks seriously injured. I'm not sure it can actually lift it's gun. I was able to shoot at the first one 'cause of all the adrenaline, but seeing that one - I kinda feel bad, honestly. What do you think we should do?"

A brief pause.

"Well at the very least we're going to capture it - I'm thinking we can rush it, hold it down and - shit, we don't have anything to tie it up with, do we?" Andrew scans the room looking for rope or anything they can use to restrain it.

"Ah Jesus! *cough*"

Mark spent a moment looking at the remains of the barn, gagging slightly from the smell. Then he looked around, to see if he'd run somewhere stupid like into a pile of weapon sights before darting back to where he'd last seen Karen.

"Did you see that? How do they pack so much bang into a hand grenade?" That's the rope gone anyway. Let's just pull the damn door open and shoot whatever's still in there."

Karen managed to suppress a scream with a silent look of horror. She shook herself out of it and followed Mark back to the spaceship. "It's dead now right?" A few minutes later she actually thinks about Mark's question and tries to make sense of the grenade from a chemical reaction perspective.

Goddamn this Tommy guy is really spacey. I hope he snaps in soon, or else I may have to do this all myself. Andrew continued to visually search for something to restrain the injured alien with, while whispering to Tommy "What do you think? Capture or kill? - Wait. What if it's a trap?"

ooc- Do I see anything that might work?

"I don't see anything walking away from being in the middle of that. Jesus, that was... Ah, let's see about the ship, aye?"

"Right, science later, alive now. Do you want to save your grenade for if we know something is there? I can try to force the door while you cover the opening."

"Yeah, that works. There might be a pile of those grenades in there, and after seeing one of them in action I don't wanna set any more off."

Unslinging his rifle, Mark crouches in front of the door, weapon raised, ready to shoot if he sees movement beyond.

"Ready when you are."

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