Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]


Tommy shakes himself out of it. "Right, gotcha. Capture it is."

Grey says there's a pile of old chairs in the corner of the room we're in.
Tommy grabs one of them, hefts it, swings it a bit to get a feel and build up some movement, then steps sharply around the doorframe and lobs it at the little thing in the corner.
To Karen & Mark

Smoke gouts out of the open door, then fades. Inside is dark save for the glow and spark of exposing wire, flames, and semi-functional monitors. It seems to have been composed of a single room, with a slightly smaller square room in the centre - the walls of which show gaping holes and rents, but it's too dark to see better. The far walls left and right of the door are banked with what are presumably computer terminals.

To Tommy & Andrew

There's a odd sort of... squeal, felt as much as heard, as the chair collides with a wet thump. Looks like the thing is either dead or out cold. Weak, these creatures...

To Eric

Whuh...What? Must've blacked out. Shit. Because here you are in the farmhouse, with somebody's brains cooling all over the kitchen table. Mercifully, it wasn't you - your magazine is still full.

Kitchen looks more or less intact, a little surprisingly modern. There's a back door from the house here, and the main hallway is behind you, with doors for what must be the living room and something else. Staircase is back there, too.

Seeing nothing immediately threatening, Mark whispered "I'll go left" to Karen, and darted through the door and crouched against the left wall, searching for any targets in the smoky darkness.

Karen followed Mark in and started to the right. "Ugh, I hate the smell of stuff burning."


Perception 3 dice: 1, 1, 3
To Mark

The ship is stupidly small. You could walk around this thing in two minutes if you were walking normally. How in the hell do they power it?!?

To Karen

Awareness roll!

"I have an idea. Well, another idea."

This time around, Tommy peeks his head around the doorframe, while unfastening his belt and slipping it out of the loops.
For Tommy

Looks right out. Possibly. Those horrible eyes are closed, for now. God, you remember seeing the last one all over again. Memory, they say, sometimes make merciful deletions, but now you can almost feel that sensation of something clawing at the inside of your skull.

"Christ..." This was fucking Bosnia all over again...

He shudders, looking at the gore plastered kitchen and hefts his rifle, feeling the comforting weight. "Upstairs it is." He'll take the steps two at a time, heading up, peering for any sign of movement.

Balls, what I wouldn't give for a flashlight. That'd make me a target though, and those ray guns make people EXPLODE. Maybe not then.

Slowly, staying down and keeping his back to the wall, Mark began moving further around to the left, checking for hostiles.

Walking over to the incapacitated alien, Andrew removes his belt, taking his gear off of it and using it to restrain the alien's legs. The last thing he wanted was this fucker getting away with their gear. He then tries to put any gear from the belt in either his backpack or pockets. "Did you check to see if he has anything on him?" Andrew briefly wondered where the alien stored it's gear, if any.
To Andrew

Another curious weapon lies at the alien's side. No holster? As though, perhaps, the alien grabbed the weapon from an emergency rack and ran for it. Like... well, like a civilian faced with this kind of scenario...

To Mark

There. Just there, in that central room, over the top of the slagged bulkhead. You can see... something, a dark shape in the smoke. Christ, he's got a big head. And his back may even be turned.

To Eric

Something is moving around up there. When you reach the top of the stairs you note a trail of bloody footprint - small, like children - leading to an ajar door near the front of the house.

Slowly, and almost calmly, Mark sighted down his rifle at the enemy, taking a moment to aim to make sure he nailed the damn thing.

OOC: Dunno if aiming adds anything, pop it in yourself :P . Using 4/5 combat dice for this shot, semi auto. Results for 4 dice: [ 9 8 9 2 ]

Spying the weapon, he kicks it very gently towards Tommy "You take that one - that way both of us can...... "

Andrew trails off for a minute ..24 hours ago I was eating filth out of a garbage can and now this. Jesus christ, are you really gonna say it, you bum?

"...play Buck Rodgers if need be. Fuck, this whole thing is just so unbelievable - almost ludicrously impossible. And yet, here we are."
To Mark

The recoil is reassuring and familiar, the report deafening in this tight space.

At this range, there was no real way for you to miss - and the hostile's head bursts like an overripe fruit, the sound revoltingly wet as the stench of semi-cooked brain matter filling your nostrils.
Feantari said:
Karen followed Mark in and started to the right. "Ugh, I hate the smell of stuff burning."


Perception 3 dice: 1, 1, 3
There's a great deal of smoke in the air, you can make out shapes and outlines at best, punctuated by fuzzy, blinking lights from ruined consoles.

Karen, seeing nothing dangerous on her side, doubled back at the sound of gun fire. She whispers, "Mark, are you ok?"

Mark waited a moment to listen for any more aliens shuffling about, then nodded.

"Yeah, fine," he whispered back. "C'mon, let's finish checking the place."

Perception- Results for 4 dice: [ 2 3 7 6 ]
For Mark & Karen

Looks deserted. Completely. Aside from the cooling corpse in the central room. That particular room looks to have been the site of an immense explosion, and small faintly glowing amber shards are scattered around the room.


Owing to losing a player, and the tedium of finishing off the last bit of bug-hunt, I'll give you the epilogue for this mission now. Mission 2 tomorrow.
A sweep of the site shows the family living there had been killed. Both grunts, and one of your team-members was killed. Fortunately a bounty of alien weapons has been recovered, the wreckage of the ship, and even one live specimen! Tommy and Andrew recieved a commendation for the capture, though the creature died after a few hours at command - lack of a proper containment unit, apparently.

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