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  1. Acidburns

    Multiple souls

    I would consider the gods in charge of souls and reincarnation are much like the bureau of seasons (or whoever is in charge of weather) and are very much on top of things, especially considering the problems created with the appearance of the underworld. I do not find it too much of a stretch...
  2. Acidburns

    Terrestrial God Replacements

    If they start offing Gods left, right and centre the Bureaucracy is going to take notice.  Maybe a written warning at first, with further attempts followed up with a firebird strike team.
  3. Acidburns

    Grand Daiklaive for sale!

    I hoped to avoid the "kill em and take their stuff" route but it is highly likely.  After all, why not spend 35 talents on hiring mercenaries / assassins, etc, to kill them, and save 10 talents.  IIRC this is talked about in the scavanger lands book.
  4. Acidburns

    Grand Daiklaive for sale!

    My players plan to travel to Nexus to sell a Oricalcum Grand Daiklaive.  I'm not sure how to handle this myself.  How difficult might this be, and would anyone be likely to make a big deal of it being an Oricalcum weapon?  Manacle and Coin suggests it would fetch around 45 silver talents...
  5. Acidburns

    Draw Distance

    There is no shortage of charms for Dragon Blooded to counter ranged attacks.  I would suggest any of the following: Whirlwind Shield form MoEP:DB pg 139 Vengefull Gust Counterattack MoEP:DB 139 Elemental Armour Technique MoEP:DB 139 (Possibly) Sense Destroying Method MoEP:DB 141...
  6. Acidburns

    New Lunar Book

    Dear god, there is an essence 5 charm that allows a lunar to take the hearts blood and form of a behemoth up to a tyrant lizard in size, an essence 7 one that allows them to take the form of ANY behemoth.
  7. Acidburns

    New Lunar Book

    Whoops.  I was sure I clicked edit.  Well, I've got my book now, wheeee. Skimming through it, it seems they seem to have explained what the Lunars were up to during the usurpation a little more clearly.  Most of the Lunars were away from the decadent city of Meru and the feast where the...
  8. Acidburns

    New Lunar Book

    I'm picking mine up in a couple of hours.  I really hope they've tidied the lunar mechanics up.  With any luck the No Moon anima will change too.
  9. Acidburns

    New Lunar Book

    I'm picking mine up in a couple of hours.  I really hope they've tidied the lunar mechanics up.
  10. Acidburns

    Campaign Help

    Indeed, I read that thread a while back, I nabbed the first age bridge and some of the place names hehe.  While I found the background very interesting (and was what inspired me to take this area) as my players created their characters the tribal stuff didn't mesh well.  I originally intended...
  11. Acidburns

    Campaign Help

    Greetings, I have been running a small campaign based in the area of Varsi.  I was hoping I could pick some of your brains for some ideas, and share my ideas with your brains.  This thread will also allow me to organise my thoughts somewhat.  It has become something of a huge wall of text...
  12. Acidburns

    Heart of Flint

    This was my interpretation of it.  I was mostly confused over description of the limit break condition.
  13. Acidburns

    Heart of Flint

    Limit break condition: The character is frustrated by the intemperate or childish nature of the world around him. I'm not sure how this limit break is actually triggered in play, can anyone offer some examples?
  14. Acidburns


    Well I have begun exploring the idea that there are "Sandships" that sail in the deserts to the south.  Something like the landship, but limited to sand.  I have only begun exploring the idea.  I plan to write an empire that is the major user of these, sorta like airships in the north.  ...
  15. Acidburns

    Need help with a new plot

    How about turning this on its head: rather than these keys being artifacts, but instead were behemoths themselves?  This would lead the players on a quest to each of the elemental poles, ala "Shadow of the Colossus" to slay 5 behemoths.  Slaying the behemoths would unlock the tomb / doodad etc.
  16. Acidburns

    Air Dragon Style [1st ed]

    Thanks for clearing that up. While I have always interpreted the chakram rate issue the way you have stated, it just seems crazy.  I was discussing this with a fellow PC when we were looking at the style. At essence 3, MA 5 (quite reasonable) is going to be doing a completely mental 15...
  17. Acidburns

    Air Dragon Style [1st ed]

    Hi, I'm a great big dirty lurker from way back in the origonal Exalted Compendium days.  Didn't post much, mostly lurker.  I've been eagerly following (lurking) this site since it has been up. Anyway, I decided to decloak in order to ask a question.  Air Dragon style is something that's...