New Lunar Book


Junior Member
Has anyone gotten this book yet? I really want to see it and the places around me don't have it in stock yet.

any opinons on the book from those that have read it? If you have it could you pm me?
I got email yesterday that it's being shipped.  I should have it by Wednesday (or Thursday at the latest).  Since one of my current players is a Lunar and we're going to be doing the conversion when this arrives, I should have some immediate feedback from an actual game (as opposed to "I don't like it based on a 2-minute skim").

We'll be expecting great things from you, Mister Memesis. Great things.
*mutters* Haven't recieved any notification mine has been sent as of yet, but I should have it myself by the end of next week at the very latest ( hope it's not that long, but...). I ordered it from Amazon and not White Wolf...while getting it sooner might have been nice, saving a good ten bucks and shipping costs was what was actually acceptable to my budget. Will be doing conversions myself as soon as it looks like a few people on the forums got theirs within the past couple days, tho.
One thing I noticed from the new Lunar book is the art for that Chimera, Echinna. (NSFW: For tentacles, exposed polyboobs, wolf-fetus-arm, gore, and, uh, some other disturbing things I haven't noticed.)

...that gave me a lot of reasons to think of Chimerae as the "evil" Lunars. >_>
Shit is straight-up disGUSTing - every bit as foul as I imagined a far-gone chimera would be.

Thanks for the link.
Dammit, man! You're going to give Jukashi a woody!
Hey, do you think the savants of Creation have the concept of zero pinned down? It sure as shit took us real people a long time to figure it out.
I think if they can figure out magitech, they can probably figure out zero. And hey, we've managed to teach it to a parrot...if accidentally.
I'm sure they figured out zero somewhere in the First Age.

And if not, it'll have been invented by some Abyssal mathematician.
I'm picking mine up in a couple of hours.  I really hope they've tidied the lunar mechanics up.  With any luck the No Moon anima will change too.
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Whoops.  I was sure I clicked edit.  Well, I've got my book now, wheeee.

Skimming through it, it seems they seem to have explained what the Lunars were up to during the usurpation a little more clearly.  Most of the Lunars were away from the decadent city of Meru and the feast where the Solars were ambushed.  A Lunar named Perfect Feather warned the rest of the Lunars about the uprising, her solar mate sacrificing himself to buy some time.  The majority of the Lunar warriors were at the edges of creation engaged in battles against the Wyld, while the lunar secret society of sorcerers was blackmailed by the Sidereals; they threatened to reveal their practice of sorcery to the Twilghts (Twilights restricted the practice of sorcery by non-Solars).  The majority of the Lunars saw the first battle was lost, and retreated to their brethren at the edge of creation with the intention of rallying there.  They intended to wait for the reincarnation of the Solars and to return.  The Solars did not return and they found themselves under attack by the first wyld hunts.  It states the Dragon Blooded numbered in the hundreds of thousands.  The lunars got their asses kicked and fled into the Wyld.

A bit of an improvment over the previous stuff I'd say.  The art is awesome, I prefer the artists work to that of the solar book.  I've not had a chance to look over the charms in depth.  

A special section at the back on Chimera and some special gifts for them.  For example, "perfect regeneration" allows an essence 6 or greater chimera regenerate from any remaining body parts.  Even a finger nail or a stray drop of blood.  The only way to kill it is to burn the entire body, miss the slightest drop of blood or hair and it will regenerate from the largest remaining body part.

For deadly beastman form you purchase wyld mutations to represent it's animalistic features, however they are not actually wyld mutations and you don't suffer the drawbacks.

Luna created the Lunars to be the stewards of creation, and she exalts mortals who have a creative or protective motivation.  I.E. "build the Haltan nation into a viable empire" rather than "kill all the Dragon Blooded"
Looks like the previous delays on dtrpg might have been the exception. Lunars book is up there now. Checking it out now.
Dear god, there is an essence 5 charm that allows a lunar to take the hearts blood and form of a behemoth up to a tyrant lizard in size, an essence 7 one that allows them to take the form of ANY behemoth.

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