Grand Daiklaive for sale!


New Member
My players plan to travel to Nexus to sell a Oricalcum Grand Daiklaive.  I'm not sure how to handle this myself.  How difficult might this be, and would anyone be likely to make a big deal of it being an Oricalcum weapon?  Manacle and Coin suggests it would fetch around 45 silver talents.

What complications might arise?  I don't want to make it too hard to sell, but I don't want to gloss over it, or make them believe that selling of such an item would be trivial.

Any help would be apreciated.
There are some heavy hints that the Council is at least partially made up of Solars. If you decide that's the case in your game, then Nexus would probably be a good place to find a buyer. Otherwise, I don't see why anyone but a Solar would really want to shell out the GDP of a large threshold kingdom to get it.

If you think there might be an interested party in Nexus, but you don't want to make it easy on your players, just have the buyer try to kill the characters and take the daiklave for free, rather than giving them a cartload of silver for it.
I hoped to avoid the "kill em and take their stuff" route but it is highly likely.  After all, why not spend 35 talents on hiring mercenaries / assassins, etc, to kill them, and save 10 talents.  IIRC this is talked about in the scavanger lands book.
Don't think you will have any problems finding someone to sell it to, even to a fair price. Nexus is full of crazy rich ppl that would love to have such a thing hanging on their wall, just for show.

Of course someone would want to steal it, but i think how many and how often depence on how much power the players shine with. They could just be mortals that stumbled over a First Age grave with a big sword in. Or they could be Exalted wit hto much crap to carry it all.

Lookshy, Sidereals and or agents from the Isle may also be scooping around to make sure that any artifact that surface in Nexus get into the right hands.

Selling one huge 'mundane' weapon shouldn't be a big problem, what will be interesting is if they set up a Arttifact shop, or comes in with a big stach - where did they get all those artifacts from, and would it be worth the trouble killing them to steal it all?
If a Grand Daiklave is Artifact 3, therefore Resources 5(ish), 60 to 100 tallents a year, divided by 15 months is 4 to 6 and 2/3 tallents, isn't it?
Sounds like an awful lot of money to me for something nobody will be able to make proper use of. But then, most eclipse caste can successfully sell air conditioning and refirgerators at the elemental pole of air...
Sounds like an awful lot of money to me for something nobody will be able to make proper use of. But then, most eclipse caste can successfully sell air conditioning and refirgerators at the elemental pole of air...
I don't know.  God blooded could use it (they don't get a MM bonus but it's still a big F*%&'n sword). And outcaste Dragon Blooded might be willing to pay to get a artifact (after all even if Jade is common, there's also 20k + other guys looking for a Jade Daiklaives)
True, but then if I could attune to artifact I would not take artifacts which get me labeled anathema. Especially if I am no anathema.
An outcaste wouldn't be that bad. Not if he's got artifacts of various MM and doesn't mind fglaring his aspect powers now and then.

Also, the guild would cheerfully be happy to be your middle man... remember that.
Yeah, using the Guild will seriously cut down your profit level, but it is safer than walking up to a streetside market and saying, "Yo, I got this for sale.  Anyone interested?"
Remember that even if it's Orichalcum, there's plenty of Outcastes, Godbloods of one form or another, and even the occasional Enlightened Mortal who would be more than happy to have any artifact weapon. Now how many of such can afford it is another question. While Jade is the most common of the magical materials, that does not mean it's actually common. It's more...less rare. Also, gods and elementals might be interested...
Bear in mind also that many (most? all? I'm not actually sure) Magitech artifacts are made from more than one magical material.

It is not inconceivable that Lookshy might be interested in any orichalcum artifacts that come on the market as a source of raw materials from which to make spare parts - orichalcum isn't as easy to refine as jade - breaking down a "useless" artifact like an Ori-Grand Diklaive might be more economical. Hell, I'm not even sure you can make orichalcum without Solar charms, although I'm sure I'll be corrected on this point if I'm wrong.
Orichalcum can be mined and you can make more orichalcum with rituals and stuff... you just need an effing volcano and lots of magical mirrors.  :twisted:

Also, selling to Lookshy is always one way to go... they'll give you the lowest possible price, but they won't backstab you.
Haku said:
Orichalcum can be mined and you can make more orichalcum with rituals and stuff... you just need an effing volcano and lots of magical mirrors.  :twisted:
Orichalcum can be mined? Really? My memory of it was that Orichalcum was only made by, as you alluded, doing something to gold in a volcano with sunlight via mirrors, at midday... possibly while standing on one foot and yodeling. Of course, as the passage describing this is in Sex and the Sorceress, I must confess to not having read it in quite some time.
Yes, it occurs (rarely) in natural veins in the earth. It is noted that the Realm has most of these sites (at least the ones in lands it controls, one would assume) heavily guarded.
In the game I've been running, the players decided to pawn off some equipment in Nexus.  So, to counter this, I made the Emissary himself be interested and buy them.   :twisted:  This of course means they've attracted the attention of the council and emissary... a boon as much as a vice, IMHO.
Indeed. I usually make high rollers be taken note of by the Guild and any faction I deem that may have its hands in the pie of artifact trade. Usually just one or two other groups.
As long as applicable import/export taxes are paid, the Council won't care what particular artifacts you're bringing into the city.  Scavenger crews come and go all the time with artifacts of the First Age, and an orichalcum grand daiklave shouldn't raise an eyebrow, provided your characters are smart enough to pass themselves off as scavengers who've had good luck.  

Safim said:
Sounds like an awful lot of money to me for something nobody will be able to make proper use of. But then, most eclipse caste can successfully sell air conditioning and refirgerators at the elemental pole of air...
There'll be someone willing to buy it.  There's always someone willing to buy objects of the First Age, no matter if they're orichalcum, moonsilver, jade, crystals, vegetatives or even just regular common material alloys.  It's a mark of incredible wealth that they can show off to people as a sign of the disgusting amounts of money they can throw at buying baubles.  

Barring that, the Guild has very few scruples, and would most likely attempt to purchase the weapon at the lowest price they can get, knowing it fairly likely they'll run across a Solar (or even a Dragon-King) sooner or later who'll be in the market for such an item.
Well, in the game I'm running, they weren't selling a grand daiklave.  They were selling 1st age artifacts, you know... the kind in the Wonders of the Lost Age book?   :twisted:

I made the Emissary interested in buying them, as it goes along with the Emissary theory I'm going with...

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