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  1. EccentricNed

    Need some artifacts and advice.

    You could try and copy that thing from Batman Begins that evaporates all fresh water in a large radius. Of course, don't let the people using it know that they are mostly water...
  2. EccentricNed

    Social attacks, are they useless?

    After reading the social combat rules and discussing them with a player, I feel that Social attacks are too easy to defend against for 2 main reasons. The incorporation of Willpower into the DDV, and the 2 Willpower limit before a player will half a perfect defence against mundane social...
  3. EccentricNed

    2nd Edition Conversion

    I think the Dawn in my 1st Ed game had awareness 1 or 0.
  4. EccentricNed


    Yes they do. I haven't read that section of the book in detail but I think the Player's Guide has more information. I don't have it with me right now so I can't check for definite.
  5. EccentricNed

    2nd Ed Dragonblood Sheet?

    The loss of a 5th combat ability means that one aspect is gonna lose a combat skill.
  6. EccentricNed

    2nd Edition Conversion

    In for a penny, in for a pound: If we're making players change their skills due to Integrity and War, might aswell incorporate this change too.
  7. EccentricNed

    The new Mask of Winters is...

    With the exception of the hard cover books, the exalted books are 95% story/background, with the last 5% split between 3-4 new charms and a few artifacts. Maybe a few NPCs too. So there's no need to replace your library. The Haltans are still a tree dwelling civilisation, the Bull of the North...
  8. EccentricNed

    2nd Ed Dragonblood Sheet?

    I'd guess that Water get Integrity instead of Brawl, but after this it's hard to guess who gets what. War seems better for Fire Aspects, but then they'd have to move one of their skills to Earth to make up for the loss of endurence... I don't have the storyteller's companion with me, but...
  9. EccentricNed

    2nd Edition Conversion

    I think you should let them rechoose their abilities, but ensure that they don't change too much from their current sheets. The idea of moving dots from those with both resistance/endurence and brawl/martial arts isn't very good IMO. For example, a conniver who likes tricking people into doing...
  10. EccentricNed

    Copying the white treaties

    My character got his hands on the white treaties and was planning to copy it to a reading crystal to read it later at his leisure. However, with the limit on how many pages it can store, I'd like to know how long it is to make sure I have enough space to keep it and any other documents I need...
  11. EccentricNed

    How does one run combat?

    That looks really handy, does it have random character generator?
  12. EccentricNed

    Super Survival charm.

    I would say that it's more of a Presence/Socailize charm as opposed to survival.
  13. EccentricNed

    Bound in a Battlesuit

    Well, he has ghostly flesh... But the main thing is that he still has health levels. I'd say that, based on the Lion's his armour, some Aggravated Damage soak would be applicable. You can replace eating and sleeping with "Recharging," but then if he is going to be away from a manse for long...
  14. EccentricNed

    Do you use a ST screen?

    The joys of being Irish.
  15. EccentricNed

    Alchems! Hoo! Ha! What are they good at?

    They also have less training time when putting up attributes and charms, technically. For other exalts, it's minimum Charm ability by days, or current attribute rating by months,  but an Alchemical just has to jump into a Vat complex for a month and spend as much experience as they want...
  16. EccentricNed

    Do you use a ST screen?

    I usen't, but then I discovered that there are some charms(For example, the Alchemical Tactical Analysis charm) that allow you to see what dicepools enemies have. So, from now on, I'll be using a screen to allow charms like that to be actually useful. Plus, it adds a bit of risk when deciding...
  17. EccentricNed

    Sorry, who are you?

    First and surname only: First Obsidian Season, Sideral Exalt. Whole name: Holy Fleet Tiger, Abyssal Exalt. Nickname(Eccentric ned): Rude Diamond Bone, Lunar Exalt.
  18. EccentricNed

    What's your favorite Exalt type (and why)?

    I love Alchemicals, they may be weaker than other types, but they can be the coolest looking of all, especially at higher Essences.
  19. EccentricNed

    Tweaking da roolz

    According to the rule book, a level 5 manse can be converted into a Vat Complex by a character with Resources 5 and Craft (Architecture) 5. Add in a few dots of followers and perhaps an ally or two to represent people who may have fled with him and you have a fully functional Vat Complex in...
  20. EccentricNed

    DeathLord: The Architect of the Posion Demense

    The imprisoned Eclipse, Shine on the water's path, was nailed to the wall in of a dark room smelling of blood and smoke. Months before, his circle was ambushed by servents of the damned. At first, the battle was easy, nothing they hadn't come up against before. Then, horrible constructs of the...