2nd Ed Dragonblood Sheet?


Ten Thousand Club
I know the 2nd edition of the Dragonblooded isn't out yet, but I was wondering if anyone has made/come across any character sheets for our old friends the Terrestrials? I'd really like to transfer some 1st edition DBs into 2nd ed. using the Storyteller's Companion and I was wondering if someone out there has already tried doing this. Thanks for any help.
Since I haven't read read the 2nd Edition's ST Companion yet, I can't comment there, but since the character sheet in the new BWB hasn't changed much at all, then I don't think the DB sheet will be that different, to be honest.  

However, saying that, I wouldn't know where to start to actually create a custom sheet so, in all, I've been about as useful as a chocolate teapot.....

.....in the summer.......

.....surrounded by a swarm of wasps.....

..... :? ......


One thing I haven't seen yet is how they're going to re-dirstribute the Abilities for the other Exalted. Does Water just get War instead of Brawl? Is War a "watery" skill? Who gets Integrity? Ditto for Sidereals.

Stillborn said:
One thing I haven't seen yet is how they're going to re-dirstribute the Abilities for the other Exalted.
And you'd think that would be pretty high on the list for previews. Cause if they are going to tell us that it is easy to convert and compatable with 1E, knowing what DBs and Sidereals get what skills would be a great help towards that.
They may have addressed it, I haven't read everything yet.

Well, my core and STC are on the way. I'll let you know if I find it first.
Actually as long as there is no official word on it I would just hand it out on a character per character basis, means, if a water aspect is a leader type he gets war and if he is more into hitting things he gets martial arts. It is not like you could not justify both.
I'd guess that Water get Integrity instead of Brawl, but after this it's hard to guess who gets what. War seems better for Fire Aspects, but then they'd have to move one of their skills to Earth to make up for the loss of endurence...

I don't have the storyteller's companion with me, but perhaps the write-ups of the charms may hint to what aspect the skills are?
EccentricNed said:
I'd guess that Water get Integrity instead of Brawl, but after this it's hard to guess who gets what.
The problem with that would be the breaking of the one-combat-ability-per-Aspect theme Exalted had going...
The problem with that would be the breaking of the one-combat-ability-per-Aspect theme Exalted had going...
War isn't really a combat Ability, in the way that the other 4 Dawn Caste Abilties are, so that system is pretty much pooched no matter what.

EccentricNed said:
The loss of a 5th combat ability means that one aspect is gonna lose a combat skill.
Hmm, never considered this before.  I think that War would go to Earth to make up for the loss of Endurance while Integrity would go to Water due to their social connections.  

I'm still perplexed by the loss of an Aspect combat Ability.  I agree wholeheartidly with merging Brawl with Martial Arts, yet I have always viewed the Aspect combat Abilities with a sense of completeness.  Each Immaculate MA sig weapon aligned nicely with the combat Ability of the Aspect, so with the loss of Brawl yet with the Water stylists keeping their signature weapon as the "Dragon Claws", I don't know, it just feels a bit odd.

My apologies for rambling.

I never thought that Martial Arts fit Earth particularly well. I hope it would go to Water, which would mean that Earth would get War and Integrety. They could maybe offset this by making the Earth anima power more attack like. Or maybe use War charms to provide some small unit synchronous charms to buff Earth's combat abilities.
Stillborn said:
Ditto for Sidereals.
Battles will almost certainly lose Brawl and gain War.

Journeys has Endurance and Battles has Resistance right now. I suspect Journeys will get Integrety, which will be explained as travellers having seen so much that they better know who they are, or some such rambling. Also, since the sidereal Ride tree is largely about controlling people, I suspect journeys will get a number of social combat tricks.
dude i think that someone in the ECR ( anyone but me who can do it right..) should have its own custom bad ass character sheets.
I did my conversion this way. I read the CHARMS in the STC that belong to the abilities.

War is 100% sure given to Fire, since it has like "Blazing Swordsmen" and "Fire" and stuff in the charm titles.

This left me a bit confused, since many presence charms are now in War. Integrity seems to be Earth, given the charms belonging to it.

So we simply took Socialize and gave Water Socialize instead, giving Fire "Presence ( that is now more socializing ), War ( with stuff from presence ), Dodge, Melee, Athletics.

Yes, Water is now lacking a combat style, and we might have to change it again, but right now that seems where we're going. Earth with integrity is a given.
Zaramis said:
I did my conversion this way. I read the CHARMS in the STC that belong to the abilities.
War is 100% sure given to Fire, since it has like "Blazing Swordsmen" and "Fire" and stuff in the charm titles.

This left me a bit confused, since many presence charms are now in War. Integrity seems to be Earth, given the charms belonging to it.

So we simply took Socialize and gave Water Socialize instead, giving Fire "Presence ( that is now more socializing ), War ( with stuff from presence ), Dodge, Melee, Athletics.

Yes, Water is now lacking a combat style, and we might have to change it again, but right now that seems where we're going. Earth with integrity is a given.
Charm titles can simply be changed... I don't see it as simple or clearly as you do.
Well, the very charms are quite heavily fire based.

Fire-warriors showing up to fight for you, flaming swords attributed to your allies, fire warriors increasing your intimidation pool.. all War charms now.

If that isn't a sign of a Fire ability, then I dont know what is.
And yes, we think that Water aspects will be more inclined to social-fu. They will still have a martial arts school of the water dragon, but they dont use the weapons of the original elements in the first place.
Z, about that intermittent 'we' that creeps into your posts every so often...

 Got something you want to tell the rest of the forum? Related to royalty? Multiple voices in your head?  8)
No, more along the lines of, "Me and my gaming group" ;) Or "Me and my Exalted-geek for a girlfriend".. it depends.

But we generally decide these things together. I live with two of the five people who play in our main DB campaign ( My girlfriend and a flatmate of ours ), so we tend to discuss a lot of these things. That I later on post here, so I can't take all the credit for the thoughts myself.

/ Z

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