Tweaking da roolz

The Mad hatter

Junior Member
ok, the old exalted game is coming to a close and im wanting to start a new one, fresh chars and everything (players already in agreement to this though their old chars can make cameos i agreed) now, i need help with mechanics for a pivitol npc...

basicly in this game the Guild has suddenly gotten alot more orgnized and their profits have been flying as their output increases drasticly, while attempts to sabotage their business is getting even more dangerous then before, they have even managed to break some rules of nexus, and it seems the council is unwilling to touch them, now hints are cropping up due to the large groups of mercanarys and the slight drop in slave trading that they are building a army to take over some of the threshold...

the reson behind all of this is their newst member, a Starmetal Cast Alchmal exalted, the only one of his kind in creation right now as the lotus crusade hasnt even begun, he basicly escaped Auto and wound up in creation after having failed multiple times on a mission to a degree were the word "Recycle" would come up, so he fled out of auto and into creation, not only to save his skin but to gather information so that he can send it to his former superiors and regain his lost place of authorty.

now for were i need some help, for one what sort of capablitys should he have?

two is how can he switch around his charms somone pulling a stunt like his would have grabbed a few peices of his panpoly i would think and would have some knowedge on how to build more charms.

three, is how powerful should i make him? i descided on essence 4 to reflect how he could make it into creation and have a decent number of charms to let him be taken serious by those who doubt him (and to let him have a better chance of constelty building up power in the guild, though i have descided though some modification he is still human sized dispite his essence)
two is how can he switch around his charms somone pulling a stunt like his would have grabbed a few peices of his panpoly i would think and would have some knowedge on how to build more charms.
There is a Weaving protocol that allows instantaneous Charm-swappage, without a Vat. Making new Charms, however, is canonically impossible outside of a Vat complex, IIRC.

As a side note, I have no idea why an Alchemical showing up would cause the Guild to attempt to conquer the Threshold. Could you extrapolate a bit?

hes using his charms to sway the leadership in the guild and using his money to bump off those who wont play ball, his main goal is to get the guild to make their own small city state he can rule from the shadows, this way he can send a full detailed report and hand over a country to his superiours back home... if that dosent get you in good graces nothing will
In that case, I'd make sure to give him those neural-spike mind control Charms.

combine em with the charm to make you a sex god so that you can addict and influce others and edit your apprance as much as you can to fit somones taste.... the sweet sweet smell of victory and manuplation  :twisted:

(and for extra fun use the charm so you dont have to speak..... if only for the subtuly of luring somone away for the dirty mind anal probe)
it is' date=' you need a can of mayo, a razor blade, some rubber tubing, some duct tape, a jar of live bees, and a samwich[/quote']
I think I saw that on Junior Masterchef once.

no' date=' that was just what makes the meat at Mac'Dolands[/quote']
I wonder if McDonald's has any plans tp sue Mac'Dolands for trademark infringement?

According to the rule book, a level 5 manse can be converted into a Vat Complex by a character with Resources 5 and Craft (Architecture) 5. Add in a few dots of followers and perhaps an ally or two to represent people who may have fled with him and you have a fully functional Vat Complex in creation.

Perhaps limit the amount of charms he can buy to take into account of the fact he must have magic materials brought in from all over creation and his followers in the Vat Complex don't have the subconscious influence of Autochton guiding them.
There is the matter of conveying that this Starmetal Caste is kind of a fuck up back home.  Great, he's a tower of power, with all the nifty doo dads to play with, but let's face it, he's supposed to be the Ralph Furley of the Starmetal set, you've got to be able to give your PCs grand ways to drive spikes into the operation.  Truck sized holes in his psychological perimeter defenses, or huge holes in the organizational plan...
A screw up metal guy who is lording it over his lessers -

reminds me of Starscream. After the PC's beat him, have his boss show up and kill him in front of them. Also, name the starmetal caste Starscream.
Just be careful that the party isn't going to be too mixed up.

Zenith with an ascott, clumsy and accident prone Eclipse, an Earth Aspect with Bad Vision as her Flaw, a screw up Sidereal with an eating cumpulsion, and a Lunar that shares the Sidereal's passion for food...

...and I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling Exalts!


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