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  1. lowguppy

    2E Lunars: Rip-Offage?

    Plagiarism, apparently its the hip thing to do these days.
  2. lowguppy

    2E Lunars: Rip-Offage?

    Seems... fucked.
  3. lowguppy

    Modernis Mundi as a PDF...and the TLSA Map is done.

    I've played around with a full version of Acrobat myself, but having not used other authoring software, I can't say which is more useful. I know Adobe products to be either golden, or a slug in the ass.
  4. lowguppy

    Modernis Mundi as a PDF...and the TLSA Map is done.

    Building bookmarks into the PDF would be even more useful than a ToC, though a basic ToC would be handy too for printed versions. Its a lot of pages to have know idea where anything is.
  5. lowguppy

    "contains new posts" icons seem broken

    Ah, now that I look closely the little circle in the middle of the star is 'lit up' on some.
  6. lowguppy

    "contains new posts" icons seem broken

    At least in the sidereal theme I just get the "no new posts" star when browsing the index. Its not a big deal, but thought I should mention it.
  7. lowguppy

    Curing the Great Curse - and then what?

    It was my supposition that the great curse could be lifted by somehow contacting the primordials and convincing them to lift it, that or getting the Yozi to, if they even know how. There's also a chance that the Wyld's ability to unmake creation could somehow unmake the curse. That's about it.
  8. lowguppy

    A game I'm starting.

    They just limit break a little faster... ok 20% faster, but it really fits the characters, and my story, and how I want to run the world. I didn't get to push any virtue buttons last session, but next time there's sure to be some limit accrued.  :twisted:
  9. lowguppy

    A game I'm starting.

    Yeah, I like them all, and they'll play perfectly into the dysfunctional siblings story. Oh, and in case you're wondering, the place they're searching for is their tomb, it contains the artifacts they purchased at creation along with the truth about their history... to a point. As they...
  10. lowguppy

    A game I'm starting.

    Well, I ran the first session with pretty minimal planning. I resisted the temptation to have them get attacked by bandits or get into a barfight immediately. I did start them off in an upscale inn on the mouth of a river in the southwest corner of the inner sea where a bustling little seaport...
  11. lowguppy

    How does the Wyld Hunt hunt?

    I'm not generally one to actively try to kill my players, but if I was, I would distract them, make them think they've lost the Hunt, then give them something really fucked up to deal with, and in the middle of that, THEN the Hunt shows up.
  12. lowguppy

    A game I'm starting.

    Oh, I was thinking more that the great curse and their own flaws tore them apart. The first recurring enemy I think is going to be the Wyld Hunt, who will catch up with them at various points and nip at their heals, motivating them to not linger in any one place for too long. It looks like...
  13. lowguppy

    A game I'm starting.

    I'm not sure, I'll probably bring in unresolved things from their mortal lives, the smugglers/mobsters coming after the ex-courier, strange happenings at the circus, recovering pirate treasure. Taking everyone through creation together worked well. I told them that they wouldn't be very far...
  14. lowguppy

    1001 Exalted 2e Encounters

    AHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, the threadjacking. This is what I miss when I only hang around the Deep Wyld. Really though, you can't force a thread back on topic, the tangent must resolve itself, its the only way.
  15. lowguppy

    A game I'm starting.

    Yesterday I did character creation for a game I'm going to start running in a couple weeks. I have some ideas, but not a lot of time to plan, so I thought I'd see what the more seasoned STs here have to offer. Of the players, one has never roleplayed, one has played a lot of D&D, a little...
  16. lowguppy

    First VS Second

    I also knit you a sweater.
  17. lowguppy

    First VS Second

    Actually, style means a lot to a game, and the artwork goes a long ways towards building that style, and when I do spend $30-40 on a book, I expect it to have some nice artwork, but that's more about the physical product than the game itself. As long as the art builds the style of the game then...
  18. lowguppy

    First VS Second

    I'mm going with 1st ed until 2nd proves itself otherwise to me. I do like the improved art, and I am inclined to like it for that factor alone (I failed a save vs. shiny check and bought the new Mage book afterall) but I need to play it more to be convinced. Also, after its release, I was able...
  19. lowguppy

    New default forum theme

    Exaltblue scores a key victory in its pursuit of... something!
  20. lowguppy

    Autochthon 2.0?

    Of course, it is those that peddle sex and nudity that are most invested in keeping it "taboo" socially. The paradox works both ways.