A game I'm starting.


Junior Member
Yesterday I did character creation for a game I'm going to start running in a couple weeks. I have some ideas, but not a lot of time to plan, so I thought I'd see what the more seasoned STs here have to offer.

Of the players, one has never roleplayed, one has played a lot of D&D, a little Unknown Armies, and no Exalted, and the third has played a fair amount of Exalted but is still pretty innexperienced as a roleplayer. Because of this I decided to start them not long after their exaltation, no more than a few months.

Before exaltation, their characters were a Pirate (female), a Guild courier (male), and an acrobat (female) in a travelling circus respectively. All have loner tendancies.

The pirate exalted when her ship was attacked, her captain (a father figure) killed and she barely escaped rape by jumping overboard and swimming to safety. Since then she's done a lot of drinking. She described the character as being rather bitchy.

The Courier is a conniver archetype who was a contract courier for the guild working for a growing shipping business out of Chiaroscuro. He often snooped on the messages he was delivering, and sometimes would alter them if he thought it would help the situation. Due to rising tariffs they had begun some shady dealings with less reputable traders. Delivering a message to one such group he snooped and noticed some odd wording that in some areas was considered a vernacular insult. He didn't think it likely that these people would take it as such and passed it along unaltered. A few days later the shipping company was attacked and most of its employees killed by the traders. He was attacked himelf, exalted, drove them off but they still hold a grudge against him and are searching for him. Since then he's been laying low. He has contacts at a ritzy inn in Chiaroscuro. He also has the Nightmares flaw. :twisted:

The Acrobat was a trapese artist in a travelling circus run by her parents. During a performance a cable broke and she and her lover fell. He was killed and she exalted. Since then she's been on a hedonistic binge.

I decided to not have them start with the artifacts they purchased at creation, but with some vague memories of their past lives. They'll be able to find their tombs and recover their signature weapons and armor. This will be one of the first adventures.

So here's what I have in mind. All three were brothers near the end of the First Age. I'm thinking about having them meet eachother inside the family tomb, after each one goes in through a different entrance. I'm also going to have the tomb be a level 3 manse, which produces three hearthstones. They'll each have some nominal sympathetic powers.

However, as things go on in the story they will slowly remember more details about those brothers, and learn that they had grown jealous of each other and that as the fall approached and the Great Curse set in on the Solars' domain, the brothers were set upon killing each other. Their in-fighting likely played a role in the Usurpation, but I haven't figured out those details yet.

We're going to be playing once a week at most, and I'm going to try to keep the story fairly episodic, with short concise scenarios that can be finished in one or two sessions. I also want to keep connections to their mortal lives, and having their powers really unfold slowly as their souls re-learn their old talents. I'm trying to avoid the cliche of party of solars vs the Realm as the primary conflict, and keep the game more character driven.

What do you guys think?
Sounds pretty good. The players seem to have a fairly good grasp of who their characters are, which is always a plus.

Do you have anything in mind for the post-tomb raid, or are you just going to see what evolves?

I'm not sure, I'll probably bring in unresolved things from their mortal lives, the smugglers/mobsters coming after the ex-courier, strange happenings at the circus, recovering pirate treasure.

Taking everyone through creation together worked well. I told them that they wouldn't be very far removed from their exaltation, and to think about that as the defining moment of their lives. When choosing abilities and attributes I asked them about what they did in their mortal lives. Once they got to charms I asked about what they've been doing in the short time since they exalted. For items they all took mundane versions of the artifact weapons they chose.

the biggest challenge, besides the time I have to put into it, is keeping three characters with such anti-social tendencies working together for more or less good causes. The ex-brother twist should help, and they should naturally play into the history-repeats internal conflict, which is how they'll learn (or not) the lessons of their past.
Another possible idea is to have a fourth brother, who's now working for the other side. An Abyssal or Infernal come to mind, obviously, but it could work with either a Sidereal or Lunar. Now, whether they choose to wipe him out or try and redeem him, that's the question du jour. But it might serve to keep them working together. Particualrly if the fourth brother is especially twisted, violent and/or sick.

Orrrr.......the fourth brother was one of the 13 who were approached by the Neverborn. Maybe the three of them took out the fourth before they went at each other. This would give the DL plenty of motivation to take them out, particularly if he fears they'll take him down again. And you could have some of their mortal adversaries actually be working for the bad guy, be it DL or Exalted. The mortals may not know it, and the characters may never discover this or, if they do, they discover it much later, but it might also give some continuity.

But having someone gunning for them all may give them the impetus to work together. I suppose the trick would be to give them the sense that, if they split up, they're dead. Maybe have some major players attack them before they meet up in the tomb? Maybe even by the same adversary. Thus, if they compare notes, they find out they're hunted by the same thing/person/creature.

Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps.
Nice idea, lowguppy, especially focusing on the character's first and foremost; a personal method for ST'ing.  I also agree with Van77Man with regards to having something to unite them, but not the usual suspects of Realm, Fair Folk or (sorry, Van) Deathlord.  Even though I liked the fourth brother idea, I was thinking more of something other.  Something from the Primordial War, a thing created and thought to have been destroyed by the three brothers yet survived in the darkness of the human mind, wandering and searching for an edge, a champion to latch onto and use.  I think your story would really benefit from using the fears and worries of mortals that are now manifested tenfold in the soul of one of the Exalted.

No apologies necessary. I like your idea much better. What if the darkness could use some of the character's Essence, so that weird shit happens around him? And when he goes to use his own, he finds that some (or more?) of his pool is gone. Unless he realizes it's being spent as it's being spent. I guess it depends on how the creature/darkness operates, I suppose.

Or, another take, maybe it feeds on Essence spent, so the more the character spends, the stronger it grows. Don't know if you'd want to combine the two, because then the character might be fucked. I guess it would depend on the player. But I think it'd be interesting to see what would happen if the character's own Essence spending is making this thing stronger.

Nice one, Forn.
Oh, I was thinking more that the great curse and their own flaws tore them apart. The first recurring enemy I think is going to be the Wyld Hunt, who will catch up with them at various points and nip at their heals, motivating them to not linger in any one place for too long.

It looks like there might be a fourth player, I haven't decided how to work him in yet, I was diggin 3 brothers, but I could do a fourth. He could also be their father, which would fit with his theme as a late-bloomer who exalted in his 40s or something and is rather crotchety.
Well, I ran the first session with pretty minimal planning. I resisted the temptation to have them get attacked by bandits or get into a barfight immediately. I did start them off in an upscale inn on the mouth of a river in the southwest corner of the inner sea where a bustling little seaport (think 17th C. Spain) is growing. They've all wandered there since their exaltation for one reason or another, though one reason is a sub-concious pull to the area.

After setting the scene, I let them loose to interact and develop character relations, which was of course awkward at first, with two of them being in the afternoon lull between nightly binging, and one being a somewhat paranoid conniver. I gave them all a sense that they felt somehow familiar to eachother (part of their shadows of their past incarnations). I also dropped the first clue as to what they're there for, as the character who took 3pt Nightmares was the first to hear a word in his visions of the past. The he asks the other characters if they'd heard the word "Fraternis". After some talking they decide to do some more investigation.

That night the two ladies go to a Gypsy party and hear a tale of three brothers who adventured into the mountains in search of ancient treasures. (The mountains are full of ruins, its hard to walk any distance through them without encountering hewn stone and crumbling foundations). They never did find the treasure, but they returned with their brotherly ties stronger than ever. In the years that followed their relationships grew more and more strained until they were trying to kill eachother, and all met terrible ends or disappeared completely. (yeah I pulled that shit out of my ass on fly too).

The next day Jack explored the town and visited the Library, where he learned that to the west there is a Mont Frats in the area, and an older map refers to it as Mount Fraternis. He also gets a better definition of the old realm word Fraternis, as Home of The Brothers. (Yeah, I'm bastidizing Latin, but it works) He also learns that they can get a ferry upriver to a town only 50 miles from the base of the mountain.

They met up that evening shared what they'd learned, and decided to book passage on the next ferry as the session came to an end.

I've also been rolling on every NPC they talk to with a 1 in 10 chance that they're an informant of some sort, but none have been... yet. This is how I plan on keeping track of how wise people are to their true natures. So far they're still flying under the radar, but eventually someone will catch on and cause problems for them.
I dunno, perhaps a woman would be better as the 4th?  I could see a woman messing with three brothers far more readily than all the forces of darkness the underworld could muster.  It's a bit cliche but immediately understandable... love plays a prominent role in a lot of "tragedies of the soul".
They were brothers in the first age, but now two of them are women already. Gender is irrelevant at this point methinks.
well, I guess then, take the word "woman" and replace with "lover"  What I was ultimately suggesting is that an emotional entaglement is far more insidious and internally destructive than some removed conflict.  I don't understand what the logical connection is between the brothers crusading against some remote evil and the brothers turning against each other in the end.

Anyway, Lowguppy, sounds like a great game, whatever you chose to do. I like the characters that your players have come up with - some great premises there.
Yeah, I like them all, and they'll play perfectly into the dysfunctional siblings story.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, the place they're searching for is their tomb, it contains the artifacts they purchased at creation along with the truth about their history... to a point. As they continue they'll keep picking up pieces of the real story of the three brothers.

Also, the story the gypsy told wasn't completely true, those brothers did find the tomb, but didn't tell anyone, and they were also Solars who crumbled under the pressure of hiding their true identities from their mortal friends and families. I haven't completely figured out what happened to them, but I'm sure at least one killed another, and at least one was killed by The Hunt, maybe the third took their bodies back to the tomb.

Did I mention that I gave them all 2 pt. Greater Curse flaws? It makes up for the fact that they all get a manse and a few extra minor artifacts out of the tomb.

At two points, that's a fairly hefty flaw to trade for a Manse and a few small toys.
They just limit break a little faster... ok 20% faster, but it really fits the characters, and my story, and how I want to run the world. I didn't get to push any virtue buttons last session, but next time there's sure to be some limit accrued.  :twisted:

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