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    Game Finder

    Apparently I'm in the same boat as StarHawk. Noone anywhere near Utah thus far so I suppose Im looking for an online game willing to take someone with plenty or reading time but no play time with the Exalted system.
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    Summoning Paired Weapons

    Just because its a related mechanics question. Does being stored in elsewhere break attunement?
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    How to build and Exalted Combat Monkey

    The basic build a Solar combat monkey in 10 charms or less was as I recall. Golden Essence Block Dipping Swallow Defense Bulwark Stance Fivefold Bulwark Stance Solar Counterattack Reed in the Wind Shadow over Water Seven Shadow Evasion Reflex Sidestep Technique Flow Like...
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    Enhancing Scene Based Charms.

    So long as the enhancer in question is reflexive I dont see why not, and since most of the defensive charms are refl;exive it shouldnt be a problem to enhance flow like blood with something like Reed in the Wind when youre out of dice actions. That in a nutshell is the benefit of persistent...
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    Shepard of the North, and Strange Archerer.

    Very hearsay, but I believe I heard that the characters depicted on the front and back covers and the inside of the covers were all player done art submitted to WW.
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    Dawn Caste Anima Ability

    Not that Joseph is around much but a potential fix I thought of for the Twilight anima power. Drop the damage reduction garbage, and instead for the rest of the scene for 1 mote per die and not more than doubling their pool allow them to add dice to any dice roll used during spellcasting...
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    Rolepalying Super-Brilliance

    Several Exceptions Still, Niles Bohr the world renowned atomic physicist and contemporary of Einstein was a Olympic track medalist, Socrates was a renowned wrestler, and Da Vinci was not only brilliant but could bend iron horseshoes straight with his bare hands.
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    Mantis Style

    Well wood dragon form can be fun especially if you know something completely different too, Tiger Style comes to mind simply for Spine shattering bite at oh gaia only knows how many yards away. VBos can work very nicely with it as well so youve got some hefty dice adder support fot it and a good...
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    Mantis Style

    Ok Mad, 3 forms including 1 siddie that work well together is fairly straightforward since theres only one weapon shared by any Sid forms and any celestial forms. The seven section staff. Charcoal March of Spiders, Mantis and Snake. or Citrine Poxes of Contagion, Mantis and Snake. Mantis...
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    Our man the Emissary

    Laws? In Nexus???!!! Nexus doesnt have laws man, it has some "dont do stupid shit if you want to keep breathing" guidelines but thats about it, and I can see even an Anarchist wanting to keep his main source of income from being burned to the ground by idiots.
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    Our man the Emissary

    I personally think hes the god of Anarchy, on the lam from Yu-Shan and living in Nexus to keep the place from getting "too" regulated. Basically the wild card in everyones plan something they simply cant control and can never fully prevent.
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    peacock shadow eyes

    I've heard it said that this spell is almost in the campaign-breaker realm, as it can nearly replace a social oriented character if youre smart about using it. Namely make suggestions that are hard to provide evidence against and its almost a guranteed sell. as to erasing memories I'd have to...
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    Stalwart Servitor as a Catapult

    Well first off in the spells description it says you cant order the servitor to attack any other being. Now, mind you saying hes not attacking someone hes just throwing a boulder where that someone is standing is a hair-splitting way of looking at it, and whether your ST allows it or not is up...
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    Let's Get Ideas For High Essence Charms

    Solars: A meele charm follow on to FFBS that grants a perfect defense against any non charm enhanced attack. meaning you roll normally against charm boosted attacks, but against something without a charm boost youre bulletproof. A high essence attack that reverses that, namely your attack cant...
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    Gods, Elementals, and Sorcery

    Also, if you adhere to the "There is a God for Everything" theory that Exalted seems to have, theres a god of Sorcery someplace in heaven and Im betting he of any god can use that which is his domain.
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    Savant and Sorcerer and Artifacts.

    1 and 2 dot artifacts should be pretty much common, a daiklaive is a daiklaive etc etc. 3 dot artifacts can be pretty generic as well though they are supposed to be more significant. 4 dot and above artifacts should be unique IMO.
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    Why are the secrets of the First Age lost?

    A huge portion of it can be laid at two diferent factors. 1 being able to work publically on something as massive as large scale artifact construction and 2 having the support structure in place to be able to undertake it in the first place. Sure the Sidereals were around and could have made a...
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    Twilights Learning Necromancy

    (looks up the Thurible so he doesnt stick his foot in his mouth) The Thurbile only allows one to cast Demon summoning spells at one level higher. If you wanted the whole Void Circle package, youre looking at an N/A artifact. One specific function (Walking war machine and its follow ons for...
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    Bastions of the North

    Could be he doesnt know because the Realm is witholding the specifics from him because they know if he found out hed go after one of the Realms tributarties, and while the fanatic, (Andi I think its actually Deled himself) May not have a real issue with that from a right/wrong perspective, he...
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    Twilights Learning Necromancy

    Mind you that kind of artifact would be comprable to the necromantic version of the Mantle of Brigid, which was given to her by a Primordial. Making another one shouldnt be anything less than the culmanation of a series.