Enhancing Scene Based Charms.

Obsidian Silence

New Member
So me and Djalan Pride are gaming right now and we came up with a question.

If you have flows like blood or 5 fold bulwark stance or another scene based defensive charm active. you have used all your actions for the turn but have used no charms. if you get attacked and get an automatic dodge or parry from the scene based charm can you enhance the scene based free dodge or parry with another charm even tho you have no actions left?
So long as the enhancer in question is reflexive I dont see why not, and since most of the defensive charms are refl;exive it shouldnt be a problem to enhance flow like blood with something like Reed in the Wind when youre out of dice actions. That in a nutshell is the benefit of persistent defenses.
As long as the charm adds dice or some other modifying effect. If it grants a reflexive action, you can't use it to add dice. So Dipping Swallow Defense won't improve 5fBS, but Golden Essence Block will.

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