Twilights Learning Necromancy


Ten Thousand Club
Alright, I'm playing a Twilight, and now I plan on learning necromancy, what is the limit of my potential learning? I already know Terrestrial, Celestial, and Solar circle sorcery.
All Solars can learn up to Labyrinth Circle if I remember right.

Also there's a thread about Eclipse learning Void Circle Necromancy Charm around here, isn't there?
I think the consensus is that if Eclipses can learn Void Circle at all, they still can't actually cast the spells.

If a Twilight really wanted to learn the highest Circle and the GM liked the idea, a magic item could probably be constructed to allow it.
Mind you that kind of artifact would be comprable to the necromantic version of the Mantle of Brigid, which was given to her by a Primordial.

Making another one shouldnt be anything less than the culmanation of a series.
(looks up the Thurible so he doesnt stick his foot in his mouth)

The Thurbile only allows one to cast Demon summoning spells at one level higher. If you wanted the whole Void Circle package, youre looking at an N/A artifact. One specific function (Walking war machine and its follow ons for example) would be within the realm of a necromantic Thurible though.

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