Gods, Elementals, and Sorcery


Junior Member
It says that god-blooded can learn sorcery, but which gods elementals know sorcery and at what level?
Officially, no one has really answered that question.  Sorcery and Necromancy was supposed to be just the province of the Exalted, the Deathlords and some Behemoths and some Hekatonkhire but, with the PG, that has been blown open.  God-Blooded and Dragon Kings can learn Sorcery as well.  Demons, according to Blood and Salt, can learn and use Infernal sorcery, which comes in three levels.  A First Circle Demon could, at most, use First Circle Infernal Sorcery, a Second Circle Demon could use First and Second circle Infernal Sorcery and a Third Circle Demon can use all three circles of Infernal Sorcery.  As for the gods and elementals?  It's up to you, but I would forbid Solar Sorcery to any who is less powerful than the Incarna.
I agree Solar Circle should be restricted, but doesn't the Unconquered Sun have access to spell beyond Solar Circle?  I thought I read someplace he could summon the Yozis like Solars can summon 3rd Circle demons.
Quorlox said:
I agree Solar Circle should be restricted, but doesn't the Unconquered Sun have access to spell beyond Solar Circle?  I thought I read someplace he could summon the Yozis like Solars can summon 3rd Circle demons.
I don't think that's Sorcery. It's part of the pact that sealed the Yozi in.

I think that the Unconquered Sun probably has something tucked up his sleeve that he never passed on to his chosen, just in case they decide to do to the Gods what they did to the Primordials.   Either a list of Solar level spells that he's never shared, or a higher circle beyond the power level of any of the Exalted.  Someone that has comitted treason and betrayal will see the potental in others to do the same to them, so why not think the Sun wouldn't be a bit paranoid and keep a few nuggets of stuff aside?
Also, if you adhere to the "There is a God for Everything" theory that Exalted seems to have, theres a god of Sorcery someplace in heaven and Im betting he of any god can use that which is his domain.
I for one thought the celestial incarna governed sorcery...

then AGAIN I took for GRANTED that they governed celestial exalition too.

so its quite possible theirs a god of sorcery.
Hmm, I though Auto invented Sorcery along with most other things, or maybe it was the Primordials in general, but they had it before the gods even existed, so there probably isn't a god of sorcery.
Sorcery is a mystery given to the Exalted by the Yozis, just like Necromancy was "planted" to be found by the Malfeans.  It's a way to seed the plants of discord.  

At least, that's what all the clues point to.
Seiraryu said:
Sorcery is a mystery given to the Exalted by the Yozis, just like Necromancy was "planted" to be found by the Malfeans.  It's a way to seed the plants of discord.  
At least, that's what all the clues point to.
HUH? where did you get an idea like THAT.

its well known sorcery didnt even exist in the primordial war, until The unconquered sun gave it to brigid.
HUH? where did you get an idea like THAT.
its well known sorcery didnt even exist in the primordial war, until The unconquered sun gave it to brigid.
Er. No.

Read the story of Brigid in the first chapter of the Book of Three Circles. The forest spirit (at first it seems so,) that gives Brigid the Mantle and tells her stuff about her true talent and the quest and stuff, appears with a shooting star arcing across the sky when Brigid was crying for her shame and loneliness. (Also, something to note: she says "Nay, my masters smile upon you")

Now to the Storyteller's Companion, page 74. Mara, the Second Circle Demon, can be summoned by shedding seven tears to a still forest pool, and her appearance will be marked by an arc of shooting star across the sky. (Mentioning that she looks like a forest spirit if you don't look carefully would be unnecessary by this point.)

The Unconquered Sun did congratulate Brigid when she finished her quest and completed the magic of sorcery, but it's not him that gave Brigid sorcery.

(Also I think I read something about sorcery being Primordials "dirty trick.")
I agree.  If you look at Blood & Salt, it says that Demons can practice their own form of Sorcery, with the Third Circle Demons having mastery over the equivalent of Solar Sorcery (which means that there may be, oh, nearly a thousand masters of Solar sorcery other than the Solars).  Second Circle demons use the equivalent of Celestial Sorcery (which would mean that there are nearly seven thousand users of Celestial sorcery other than the Celestials).  It seems like the Yozis are better at this game than the Exalts.  Kind of makes you wonder how the Gods could have won, right?
the Exalts defeated the primordials because they had Autocthon on their side.  He created the pattern spiders which run around doing all the hard work of managing creation. sorcery is a kind of celestial comand line.  You can't use it if you don't have admin priveliges
I agree.  If you look at Blood & Salt' date=' it says that Demons can practice their own form of Sorcery, with the Third Circle Demons having mastery over the equivalent of Solar Sorcery (which means that there may be, oh, nearly a thousand masters of Solar sorcery other than the Solars).  Second Circle demons use the equivalent of Celestial Sorcery (which would mean that there are nearly seven thousand users of Celestial sorcery other than the Celestials).  It seems like the Yozis are better at this game than the Exalts.  Kind of makes you wonder how the Gods could have won, right?[/quote']
"A million ants can bite an elephant to death."

--Ancient Chinese proverb

 And when those ants keep coming back...
Sounds good. Next time I'm up in Cambridge' date=' I'll bring the ant plantation. You bring the tusker.  8)[/quote']
Deal... except I don't live in Cambridge. I'm about 3 blocks over the line.

so gods could weild at least terrestial circle sorcery with some of the incarna weilding celestial? im not sure i figured out yet what was descided...

and could ghosts learn shadowlands circle necromancy? with like nepherwracks able to hit laymbrith?
Nothing was ever decided, really.

 It may be easier to write Spirit charms and arcanoi of sufficient power to stand equal to the Circles of sorcery and necromancy. After all, does anyone doubt that any of the Incarna wields powers above and beyond that available to an Essence 5 Solar with Solar Circle Sorcery?

 As for the ghosts, canon does imply that the Deathlords went through the powers-that-were of the Underworld like a scythe through wheat. A cap of Labyrinth Circle-level arcanoi for even the most powerful non-Deathlord ghosts may be appropriate.
ya, i had sorta figured that normal ghosts could learn Shadowland Circle Necromancy (at like 20 XP or so) while Nephewracks and Hekhershiore could reach Laymbrith cricle due to their connection to the void.
You mean Hekatonkhires, right? I've heard they are capable of using Void Circle if necessary (they are parts of Malfeans after all.)

...though, after looking at Vodak's stats... I wonder if they are really necessary.
Sherwood said:
\ so why not think the Sun wouldn't be a bit paranoid and keep a few nuggets of stuff aside?
From what i read about the gods in Yu-Shan, all the ones playing the Games of Divinity, i dont think they would be paying much attention to anything else. thats like crack to them, so why would he be paying attention to the out come of all the bs thats goin on in Creation? but i wouldnt be surprised if he did have something up his sleeve.

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