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  1. Gabriel

    Tales of Afeos: Beginnings [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. Gabriel

    Bleach: The Empty King's Ascension [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  3. Gabriel

    « Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  4. Gabriel

    One man's treasure is another man's blackmail, I'm afraid.

    One man's treasure is another man's blackmail, I'm afraid.
  5. Gabriel

    « Sword Art: Online »

    I thought I'd go ahead and let everyone know that I won't be participating in the plot, involved as my own character of the story much like I originally intended to do with Komino Korin. Instead, I've decided that'd it be best if I allow myself the time and grace of not having too much going on...
  6. Gabriel

    « Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

    Gabriel updated « Sword Art: Online » with a new update entry: Where to look for "Event Notifications"- Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Gabriel

    « Sword Art: Online »

    I apologize for my recent absence everyone, but I certainly am glad to see that everyone seems to be having a grand time with the plot thus far! I only hope that it remains the case for some time to come, because I am certainly enjoying everyone's involvement in this plot!~
  8. Gabriel

    And I'm back~

    And I'm back~
  9. Gabriel

    Tales of Afeos: Beginnings [Inactive]

    Gabriel submitted a new role play: Tales of Afeos: Beginnings - Afeos has fallen victim to fate's decision to dive them into endless conflict. Will you defy fate..? Read more about this role play...
  10. Gabriel

    Tales of Afeos: Beginnings

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  11. Gabriel

    Tales of Afeos: Beginnings

    Character Creation Name: [First - Last] Nicknames/Titles: Race: [Human, Undal, Dunavir, Eldwaen, Hywin] Gender: Age: [Keep in mind of your ace; human = 1-90 ; Undal = 1-1000+ ; Eldwaen = 1-1000+; Dunavir = 1-150 ; Hywin = 1-150] Appearance: [Description/Image] Personality: Background...
  12. Gabriel

    « Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

    [it has come to my attention that things are looking a bit crazy at the moment, and current events have taken place that are causing confusion. To clarify as was originally stated; the rules do specify (more or less in a self-explanatory fashion) that all leveling, COL and EXP earned should be...
  13. Gabriel

    « Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

    The boy stood silently for some time, his gaze shifting to the girl who announced herself to him and then back to other male who stood before him, remaining silent even long after his question was answered.. Several moments went by before the boy's gaze lowered to the ground, his form shifting...
  14. Gabriel

    God bless the Un-united States of Red White and Blue~

    God bless the Un-united States of Red White and Blue~
  15. Gabriel

    « Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

    Kelik LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] _____________________________________________________________________ After standing to his feet moments after collapsing to the ground, the boy had taken to running his hands in a patting motion against his cloak and...
  16. Gabriel

    Bleach: The Empty King's Ascension

    "I shall not kill you. Killing you would suggest that you are worth such effort." _______________________________________________ Name: Entei Tsukahara [ 炎帝塚原 ] Age: 1000+ Gender: Male DOB: December 22nd Alignment: Shinigami - Squad 1 and 0 [Royal Task Force] Rank: Captain of Squad...
  17. Gabriel

    « Sword Art: Online » [Inactive]

    Kelik LVL - [ 1 ] HP - [ 100 / 100 ] COL - [ 0 ] EXP - [ 0 / 50 ] _____________________________________________________________________ Watch out! A voice range outward from what seemed sky-high as a single patch of white and grey had come...
  18. Gabriel

    Bleach: The Empty King's Ascension

    Please use this thread for all of your OOC needs! Read more about this role play...
  19. Gabriel

    Bleach: The Empty King's Ascension

    Soul Reaper Application- Noble Family Application- "Mask" of the Soul King [Limited to 1]
  20. Gabriel

    Bleach: The Empty King's Ascension [Inactive]

    Gabriel submitted a new role play: Bleach: The Empty King's Ascension - Welcome, to the generation of the Ascending King! Read more about this role play...